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Junta orders crackdown in Buryatia

Imperator Azenquor

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BCNA: Committee orders crackdown


-Riot police deploying across the capital

“We have breaking news from the capital Yakutsk.

A large group of protesters attempted to march to the Presidential Palace. Estimates suggest that the crowd may have numbered 30-40,000 people, but we are unable to obtain a more accurate figure. Several students from schools in the capital poured out onto the streets to protest the actions of the Committee. As the crowd approached the central district of the capital, they began shouting:

“Democracy Now! Down with the military!” and “Free Zhukovsky!”


-Protesters in Yakutsk, some holding the White and Red Pan Asia Party flag

Once the protesters approached the Parliament building, they were confronted by thousands of soldiers and riot police. The soldiers used APCs and large vehicles as barricades to block all roads leading to the government region of the capital. The tense standoff between the protesters and the government forces exploded when a student lobbed a Molotov cocktail bomb towards the column of riot police.

In response, the riot police fired several volleys of tear gas into the crowd to force them to disperse. The protesters then began throwing rocks at the soldiers who responded by charging into the crowd and arresting several protesters. The crowd refused to back down and the riot police began using rubber bullets and other non lethal means to control the situation."



"Some protesters began to riot causing damage to nearby vehicles and several shops in the area. Security forces moved in to contain the rioting and five protesters were injured and two were dead before order was restored.

When the dust settled more than five hours later, more than four hundred protesters were detained, while more than 30 people were injured in the protest. The Pan Asia Party (PAP) has announced that they will continue the protests for as long as necessary until democracy is restored in Buryatia. The Military Committee has reiterated that “all public gatherings are illegal under martial law, and the protests will not be permitted to proceed”. The Committee also vowed to “use every option at their disposal to ensure that law and order is maintained in the capital and throughout the nation”

Since the Constitution of Buryatia remains suspended the Military Committee can hold the detained protesters indefinitely. Although this means that the government has the power to arrest anyone without charge or warrant, to use this power too frequently would be guaranteed to have a major backlash from the population. In a short televised statement, the Chairman of the Committee, General Zelin announced:"

“Today, a group of people attempted to hold an illegal protest in the capital. This move is illegal under martial law. Acting accordingly, the police and the military acted to disperse the crowds using non lethal means. We will continue to maintain law and order throughout the country regardless of the opposition of certain sectors of society who wish to destabilize the country.

The Pan Asia Party of the Former President Zhukovsky, has shown a flagrant disregard for a legitimate legal process underway to charge those responsible for the Queen’s assassination. I understand that the people of the nation are concerned about the timetable for a transfer to a civilian administration. This is natural. Let me reassure the nation that as soon as the charges regarding the assassination have been resolved we will begin the transition.

Should the Pan Asia Party continue to provoke disorder and protests as they have done today, the Committee will have to consider if the Pan Asia Party should be banned temporarily until a civilian government has been installed. We will continue to remain vigilant as we do everything in our power to ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you and good evening.”

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BCNA: Prominent PAP Members arrested

“We have received a report from the secretariat of the Pan Asia Party, confirmed by a spokesperson for the military that seventeen non MPs who are senior party officials were arrested at their homes last night by the authorities. Officially, the seventeen officials are to be charged in relation to the protests yesterday. The officials are accused of helping to organize yesterday’s attempt to march on the Presidential Palace.

Despite the end of yesterday’s protest, the Pan Asia Party again called their supporters to the streets to protest against the military government and to demand a return to democracy. Yet again the protesters were met with a strong response from the police and security forces who used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters. The crowds on the streets of the capital today numbered less than half of those who protested yesterday.

Once the protest was dispersed 684 protesters were taken into custody and led away by the military. Fortunately, there were no deaths and few injuries in the protests today. Yet again, the Pan Asia Party has claimed that they will continue to protest for as long as they need to until democracy is restored and former President Zhukovsky is released. In a strongly worded response from the Chairman of the Military Committee, General Zelin, he again denounced the protests and maintained that “neither myself nor the government will negotiate any concessions with the Pan Asia Party or any of their supporters. If they continue to flagrantly break the law and cause more and more social unrest, then we will be required to take harsher measures against them.”

The governing Military Committee is locked away in a meeting to decide on proposals to take a stronger line against the Pan Asia Party, as well as to determine the format of Former President Zhukovsky’s trial. A spokesperson for the Committee has also suggested that the members of the Committee are to decide today if they should proceed with the coronation of a new monarch before or after democracy is restored in Buryatia. We eagerly await the results of this meeting.”

***Newscast ends***


===Embassy of the Hanseatic Commonwealth in Buryatia===

Under the cover of night, a lone car drove down the deserted streets of the capital towards the embassy. Inside the car were PAP Member Dr. Mikhail Petrovic and his wife and daughter. Dr. Petrov drove carefully through the smaller streets to avoid most of the checkpoints, while his wife clutched an envelope with their passports and watched their daughter asleep in the back seat.

They were now close enough to the Hanseatic Embassy to see the flag waving in the night breeze. Dr. Petrovic turned onto the Embassy Boulevard and could see the gates of the embassy at the end of the small road. Suddenly a car pulled out of an alleyway and pulled in front of them, blocking their car. Dr. Petrovic stopped suddenly and pulled over to the side of the road, while his wife woke their daughter.

A soldier, with his rifle in hand got out of the other car and walked towards the Petrovic family.

"Do you have government permission to be outside during curfew?"-Soldier

"Yes, I do have an authorization form here somewhere..."-Dr. Petrovic

The soldier stared at the Petrovic family for a minute, before replying:

"All of you, get out of the car with your hands in the air!"

Slowly, they got out of the vehicle with Dr. Petrovic's wife and daughter standing a few paces behind him. Dr. Petrovic handed the soldier a document then gave a quick nod to his wife. Understanding immediately, she picked up her daughter and waited for her husband's signal. As soon as the soldier realized that the document was a fake, Dr. Petrovic tackled him and shouted to his wife: "Run now!"

As Dr. Petrovic and the soldier struggled, his wife and daughter ran at full speed towards the Hanseatic Embassy. As she neared the gate of the Embassy, Mrs. Petrovica glanced back to where she stood only a seconds ago. She was shocked as she saw her husband crouched against their car while the soldier raised his rifle.

Several gunshots were heard the moment Mrs. Petrovica was near enough to the Embassy to be heard by the guards. She shouted in every language she could remember:

"Help me! I'm an asylum seeker. Please help me!" (OOC: She shouts in Russian, English and Swiss)

As she glanced behind her once more, she saw the soldier step over her husband's body and run towards her. Now at the front gate of the Embassy, Mrs. Petrovica began to shout even louder, praying to any God that would listen that the Hanseatic Embassy personnel would hear her.

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Ambassador Anita Langstrom had just sat down to dinner in her private quarters of the embassy, the street light outside gave off an eerie orange light as she pulled back the drapes of her office to look outside into the night. It was going to be another quiet night, she sighed happily and turned back to the smoking veal and potatoes that had been deposited on her desk. The office itself felt a bit strange in the night air, the painting of the Lady Protector that hung high above her fireplace seemed to glance over her with judging eyes, as the heads of guards passed over the glass near her door. She yawned and picked up the sterling fork and pressed it inside the veal and looked up at the picture. "Well I hope you're enjoying yourself at some party in Brisbane Your Ladyship, much better than in cold Buryatia." She chuckled as a gun shot echoed through the streets below. Anita dropped the fork and ran out towards the lobby downstairs.


"Get them inside! Get them inside!" The guards shouted in Russian as they opened the iron gates to the embassy and ushered the two women inside before the soldiers could make any other move. He looked back up at the Buryatian soldiers and shouted over at them. "Cease your pursuit, these women are now refugees under the charge of the Lady Protector and the Commonwealth, they will be released at a future time if evidence is presented. Cease your pursuit!"

Other guards took them to the lobby of the embassy as Anita ran downstairs flanked by other guards. Running over to the women she smiled and held them as calmly as was possible. "Ladies, you're safe here. Is everything okay? What's going on?"

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===Outside the Hanseatic Embassy, Buryatia===

As soon as the Mrs. Petrovica and her daughter entered the embassy compound, the soldier stopped chasing them and ran towards his patrol car to file an incident report with his superior officers. Once again the eerie silence resumed.

===Inside the Hanseatic Embassy, Buryatia===

After managing to calm herself significantly, Mrs. Petrovica began to speak:

“Ambassador, I am Mrs. Maria Petrovica and this is my daughter Yekaterina. My husband is…or was, a senior member of the Buryatian Pan Asia Party. My husband was in the middle of a private investigation into the circumstances surrounding the military coup and the assassination of the Queen. He believed that he had gathered significant evidence of some kind of ‘suspicious’ activity within the military.

When my husband was nearing a breakthrough in the case, he received a call from one of his close colleagues saying that the military junta had started arresting senior members of the Pan Asia Party, especially those who did not buy the government’s version of events. To avoid arrest, we decided to attempt to leave the country and flee to another nation as refugees. We couldn’t get to the airports because of the checkpoints, but we managed to make it to the Embassy Boulevard before we were stopped.

The soldier attempted to arrest us for defying the state of emergency. My husband resisted and was shot, but we managed to make it to the embassy with our passports and some of the evidence that my husband gathered. Given the fact that we can’t return to Buryatia for fear of arrest, we have no choice but to apply for asylum in the Hanseatic Commonwealth.”-Maria Petrovica

Mrs. Petrovica’s daughter said nothing and stared blankly at the wall nearby while holding onto her mother’s leg. She was either in shock, or simply not interested in the conversation. Maria handed the Hanseatic Ambassador a dossier with several pages of information in it. Most importantly, there was a copy of the communication logs from two military bases showing that they went onto an alert status more than fifteen minutes before the Queen’s assassination. Other pages were copies of some military personnel files showing that before the coup the Defense Minister and Chief of the Army transferred several high ranking officers to deputy Base Commander positions at several key bases across the country two days before the assassination. The final page contained a roster showing security arrangements for the Queen’s speech on the day of her assassination. On the top of the page, a name was circled in red: “Lt. Col. Sergei Zhukov-Head of Security Operations”. A closer look at the personnel files would reveal that Lt. Col. Zhukov was transferred to his post five days before the Queen’s assassination, and was transferred immediately after the coup to a high ranking post on the junta committee.

===The next day, Presidential Palace, Buryatia===

In the office of the President, a man in a cloak and hood sat at the President’s desk surrounded by three Generals. They all sat in silence as the man read a large newspaper. The silence was broken as a soldier was ushered into the room by two aides who quickly left and locked the door behind them.

The man in the cloak glanced upwards then spoke:

“Are you the soldier who ran into Dr. Petrovic?”-????

Nervous, the soldier saluted and replied: “Yes sir”

“Did you recover the dossier of documents he was carrying?”-????

“No sir. I was unaware that the Dr. was carrying any relevant…”-Soldier

The man interrupted:

“I see. So you not only failed to search the man, you managed to kill him and you failed to secure the area, or to follow the chain of command. This is unacceptable.”-????

“I apologize for my failure sir. I will retrieve the documents and ensure that Mrs. Petrovica is brought into custody”-Soldier

“She is inside the Hanseatic Embassy and will no doubt apply for asylum. This matter needs to be handled with tact and diligence. We will use the Diplomatic Corps.”-????

Two of the three Generals left the room to contact the Diplomatic Corps in the Zhukov Tower while the third spoke.

“Sir, I will see to it that this soldier is reprimanded appropriately for his actions.”-General

The man at the desk appeared to be thinking for a moment before he replied:

“Do not worry General, I will deal with him.”-????

The soldier cringed as the third General left the room. The man placed a small gold box on the desk and spoke:

“You have one chance to redeem yourself. Deliver this box to the Novaya Zemlya Regional government at once.”-????

The soldier eagerly took up the box and saluted before walking towards the door. He stopped when the man spoke again:

“And for your failure, the punishment is this…”-????

The man raised a pistol (silenced) and shot the soldier in his foot. As the soldier collapsed in agony, the man replied:

“Remember, you have another foot, but keep in mind that you only have one head.”-????

The two aides who were waiting on the other side of the door entered carrying a stretcher and took the soldier to the medical wing.

===Hanseatic Embassy, Buryatia===

A short message arrives from the Buryatian Diplomatic Corps and it is sent both to the Embassy staff and to the government in Brisbane.

To: Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

CC: Ambassador Langstrom, Hanseatic Ambassador to Buryatia

Re: The status of Mrs. Maria Petrovica

Dear Lady Tintagyl,

It has come to the attention of the government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia that your embassy in Buryatia has granted protective status to two Buryatian citizens who may or may not have applied for asylum at the Embassy. We are concerned about this situation as we have a warrant for Mrs. Petrovica's arrest on charges of stealing and attempting to transport classified government documents. Mrs. Petrovica is also charged with breaching the curfew laws as a result of her journey to the embassy.

While we regret the situation in which her husband was killed, we state that our investigation shows that Dr. Petrovic was killed during a struggle with a military officer who was attempting to arrest him for violating curfew. It was an extremely unfortunate occurrence, however the soldier acted in line with military procedures regarding attempting to detain suspects who resist arrest and who assault officers of the law. We regret that it was not possible for the soldier to utilize non-lethal force in that situation.

Regarding Mrs Petrovica, we formally request that she be returned to Buryatia to stand trial for the accusations against her. We are prepared to provide the necessary evidence files and the police warrant upon request. We also ask the Hanseatic Embassy to seize any documents in Mrs. Petrovica's possession to ensure that she does not attempt to destroy or circulate classified government documents. We hope that we can work together to resolve this situation and to see that justice is done.

As there are no pending charges against Mrs. Petrovica's daughter Yekaterina Petrovica, she may remain in the embassy, or may with the consent of her mother travel out of the country.


Deputy Foreign Minister, Buryatia

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The Foreign Ministry of Buryatia was abuzz with activity as they awaited the response from the Hanseatic Embassy. Teams of lawyers scoured thick tomes on Diplomatic Law and Constitutional Law in an attempt to find a possible solution that would be favorable to the government. Despite the coup, the Foreign Ministry remained effectively unchanged and autonomous.

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Anita wandered through the hallways of the Hanseatic embassy in Buryatia, it was well passed midnight, but the building still felt abuzz since the arrival of Maria and Yekaterina. It nearly felt like the embassy was under siege, the soldiers at the gates had a constant watch, with double the numbers at the gates. Junior diplomat ran around with files and folders that had been arriving from both the Buryatian government and issues from Brisbane. She wandered the upstairs hallways where it was much quieter, dreading to reach her room and the meeting over phone call that was going to occur in a few minutes. Anita knew that it was coming, Lady Sarah took regional instability seriously and especially when the Hansa might be holding the criminals that are causing the instability, she wasn't going to be easy to talk to. But walking down towards her office and seeing the guest room door where Maria and Yekaterina were asleep, she smiled. The mother held her daughter warmly in the small guest bed, but with an air of sadness. Anita had lost her own husband years ago, but to imagine him murdered right in front of her? No, this Buryatian woman was much stronger than she could ever be.

Closing the door, she walked back down the hallway and entered into her office just as the black phone on her desk began to ring. "Damn." Anita walked over and picked up the phone and placed it against her ear. "Your Ladyship?"

"Good evening Anita, so you understand the gravity of the situation correctly, because what you asked me in your letter could easily cause an international incident." She could hear Sarah's tense voice from the phone, it hit her like nails on a chalkboard, she had been to Diet meetings before and she knew that when Lady Tintagyl's mind had been thrown in negativity, she rarely changed it.

"You did get the files that I sent you. The files that Miss Petrovica handed to me."

"Yes, which is why this situation bothers me so much. It would be a sad day to hand that woman over to the dogs for simply no reason at all."


"But, I don't know how radical this new junta is. They've been quelling riots all over the country, some in a more brutal manner than I am used to. In addition, we need to maintain our friendship, due to the joint-protectorate. You understand that we can't afford to risk our friendship with Buryatia."

"Yes, milady. Though, I really don't think that we can give her away like that. They have barely given us any proof of her crimes. Most of it is all hearsay."

"Well, in your opinion. Do you think we can test Buryatia Anita?"

"I think justice would not be served unless we do."

There was a silence on the phone and Anita could here incoherent mumbling from Sarah's side before he turned back to the phone. "Then you have my approval. The Buryatian government will be receiving my response soon and I will becoming up to pay a visit as well."

"Of course Ladyship. I'll expect your arrival. Have a good night."

"Thank you Anita, you as well." The phone clicked and Anita leaned back in her seat, it was in Sarah's hands now.


Recently it has come to my attention that I hold in my possession a Buryatian citizen, Maria Petrovica and her daugher Ekaterina. You have sent me a letter of the most amicable nature asking for at least Maria's return to your government due to her stealing and holding of classified government files. On orders give to us by your government, we did seize the files that she carried. However upon inspecting the papers, we found rather incriminating evidence on the details of the military junta that now runs your country. Especially on evidence concerning the recent assassination of the queen.

I should let you know that while I distrust the operation of military dictatorships I will attempt to look at this situation with both sides, and while Mrs. Petrovica is nearly a traitor to your new government, she does not appear to be in regards to the recent monarchical fall. I do not want to start problems between our nations, but the idea of giving her any such justice at the moment, inside of your junta's judicial system which will no doubt be biased. A Hanseatic judicial representative as well as myself will be arriving at the embassy to handle the negotiations over Mrs. Petrovica

We regret to take this action, but Hanseatic law dictates the most freedom possible for refugees, from laws dictated by the White Cross. We will not hand Petrovica over, without sufficient evidence of her crimes, before our eyes.


Sarah Tintagyl

Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

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OOC: Wait, when did Buryatia become a military dictatorship?

IC: The Yuktobanian government will take a neutral stance on the issue, as well as partially open the border between Buryatia and Yuktobania to allow refugees to move in.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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OOC: Couple of threads ago, a committee was formed that tried the former president for murdering the Queen. A general's in charge of the country now, and he announced new elections in four months. In the meantime, martial law has been declared and the President's supporters aren't too happy.

Edited by Amyante
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===Foreign Ministry, Zhukov Tower, Yakutsk===

General Zelin and Foreign Minister Onatopp sat in a large conference room discussing the situation with the Hanseatic Commonwealth. Minister Onatopp sat stonefaced as General Zelin scoured the letter from Lady Tintagyl. After a few minutes the General looked up and replied:

“Respond and make our position known. We also need to take precautions to ensure that Ms. Petrovica isn’t sneaked out of the country during the negotiation process. Cancel her passport, seize her assets and get all the information you can find on her husband and his contacts. We’ll need that for the negotiation.”-General Zelin


To: Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

CC: Ambassador Langstrom, Hanseatic Ambassador to Buryatia

Re: The status of Mrs. Maria Petrovica

Dear Lady Tintagyl,

Thank you for your prompt reply to our previous letter. We state that none of the documents in Mrs. Petrovica’s possession, to our knowledge in any way incriminate the government. We wish to examine these documents in detail as it appears that some of the information on the documents may have been modified to appear to be of an “incriminating” nature. Regardless of the content of the documents it is still clear that Mrs. Petrovica and her late husband acquired these documents through illegal means.

We also state that the government of Buryatia is not now, nor has it ever been a military dictatorship. We do understand how the current government may appear to be such a dictatorship to an outsider, but we guarantee you that the government has the support of most of the people of this country and has the support of the monarchy. So far the military committee has carefully laid out the timeline for the restoration of civilian government and has proceeded on schedule with such a transfer. Is this the action of a military dictatorship? Would a dictatorship ensure the oversight of all committee affairs by a civilian panel? Would a dictatorship restore the nation’s Parliament with full legislative powers as soon as it was possible to do so?

Although the military committee has control of the Executive branch of government, they have taken careful and deliberate steps to ensure that the civilian judiciary has remained as independent as possible. We have faith that our judicial system is more than capable of handling this situation. Mrs. Petrovica is guaranteed a fair trial that is her Constitutional right. We reiterate that Mrs. Petrovica is not a refugee there is a warrant out for her arrest in Buryatia. She is accused of very serious crimes to which she needs to answer for.

We welcome the prospect of presenting the case for Mrs. Petrovica’s transfer before yourself and a representative from the Hanseatic Commonwealth’s Judiciary. We will dispatch a representative from the Judiciary, as well as Committee Deputy Chairman Lt. Col. Sergei Zhukov to meet with you and your representative upon your arrival. Until the situation is resolved, the Foreign Ministry requests that the Hanseatic Embassy turn over Mrs. Petrovica’s Passport.

We hope that this matter can be resolved in the shortest possible time to a solution that is mutually acceptable. We also hope that this situation will not negatively impact the strong diplomatic ties between our two nations.


N. Onatopp Foreign Minister of Buryatia

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"This is disturbing, both that the protests would be illegal in the first place, and that the protestors felt that they had to resort to violence to have their voices heard."

The Republic of Euzkadi mirrors this sentiment, we find the lack of freedom to protest and the disproportionate use of force repugnant. However we recognize that Asian affairs are the preserve of Asian nations, furthermore we do hope that Buryatia shows some restraint in regards to future protests.

Edited by Cataduanes
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