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Transvaal's military junta resigns


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Field Marshal Malan had called the Volksraad to gather for what had been deemed an emergency session first thing in the morning. Despite the early hour, the sun had been up for around an hour and it appeared to have the makings for a gorgeous day outside. The various delegates arrived and made their way into the main chamber of the National Assembly.

The only ‘outsider’ present, Ambassador Séamus Ó Grianna of Tahoe, looked around the chamber to see how many of the delegates he could recognise. The most notable ones were Foreign Minister Hendrik Strijdom, Annetjie van Matteus, and Finance Minsiter Marthinus Hofmeyr – a large bald man who he had never met personally but knew was responsible by and large for keeping Transvaal’s economy running despite recent trade problems. The rest, apart from some harmless, minor civilians such as the archbishop of Pretoria and the manager of the Transvaal Springboks, were all military officers who had been selected by Malan to pack the Volksraad with his own supporters.

At around seven o’clock, the room had become a quiet collective murmuring of voices as everyone waited for Petrus Malan to make his appearance. After somewhat of an annoying wait, it was instead Lieutenant-Colonel Dietrichs Gerhard who walked through the main entrance door from the executive offices, carrying a large red envelope under his left arm.

Ó Grianna recalled to himself that for a few brief days, Gerhard had shared power with Malan in the junta before giving his own resignation to permit Malan full dictatorial control.

The lieutenant-colonel displayed a serious, solemn expression as he walked to the center podium. He took out some papers from the red envelope and began to speak:

“Good morning members of this esteemed Volksraad. I have the duty to report to you that just before midnight last night, Field Marshal Petrus Malan gave his resignation as Commander-in-Chief of the Republican Military Government effective July 31,2009 and has departed for ‘health reasons’ to Italy.”

Gerhard then began to read from the papers from the red envelope. “In my authority as Commander-in-Chief of the Republican Military Government of Transvaal, I Field Marshal Petrus Malan hereby proclaim the following decrees effective immediately:

- “I hereby promote Lieutenant-Colonel Dietrichs Gerhard to the rank of General in recognition for his loyalty and service to Transvaal during and after the war.”

- “For similar services rendered to the nation, I hereby promote Colonel Annetjie van Matteus to the rank of General of the Transvaler Oorsese Korps.”

- “I hereby proclaim the termination of the Republican Military Government and its replacement by a transitional civilian authority. For the position of Prime Minister, I hereby appoint as my successor Annetjie van Matteus. Foreign Minsiter Hendrik Strijdom and Finance Minister Marthinus Hofmeyr are appointed joint Deputy Prime Ministers under Prime Minister van Matteus. This new civilian authority shall remain in authority until November 30, 2009 when national elections are held.”

- “In accordance with the termination of the Republican Military Government, I hereby as my final act order all rank and file members of our armed forces to return to their barracks and remove themselves from the daily function of government administration unless requested to main at their posts by order of the new civilian administration.”

[Note: Tahoe’s ambassador due to diplomatic protocol would be in attendance at this session of the Volksraad]

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"Arctica is glad to see that the military rule in Transvaal has ended. We recognize the new government and wish the nation good luck." While the Arcticans were not happy with the infamous Van Matteus in office, it was certainly a step forward and diplomatic relations between the two countries would warm some.

As Vedran pondered the effects of this in his office, he wondered what would become of Ambassador Cruywagen...

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A beaming Prime Minister van Matteus after being sworn into office this morning


CYBERNATIONS NEWS NETWORK [PRETORIA]: Annetjie van Matteus was sworn in today as Transvaal's new prime minister and head of the first civilian government since the end of the Karma War. Field Marshal Petrus Malan resigned and left for exile in Italy last night around midnight after naming Ms. van Matteus as his successor.

Prime Minister van Matteus spoke to the nation on Radio-Transvaal a few hours after news broke that Malan had left the country. In her speech she promised that reforms would be made in the coming days and weeks as the vestiges of military rule were removed. She did however issue a controversal pardon for Malan, removing any and all responsiblity for "difficult decisions and actions" carried out by the Republican Military Government.

"The RMG junta period was a trying but necessary period in light of our postwar situation, Mr. Malan made some tough decisions which he felt to be in the best interests of the nation. However right or wrong those decisions may prove to be with hindsight, Mr. Malan must be recognised for taking command of a dire situation when the survival of our nation and people were on the line."

Ms. van Matteus said that the marshal would be welcome to return to Transvaal in a strictly military capacity whenever he sees fit to do so.

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Whatever the deficiencies of previous military regime, this is something far worse - how could any responsible authority be satisfied?

The implications of decision are not yet fully realized.

Despite Malan’s many controversies van Matteus is far less suited to lead the peoples of Transvaal.

Annetjie van Matteus is a criminal and tyrant – Procinctia recognizes her as nothing more, nothing less.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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Annetjie van Matteus is a criminal and tyrant – Procinctia recognizes her as nothing more, nothing less.

That is an interesting commnet considering it was Van Matteus of all people - in her capacity as prime minister and foreign minister - who patched up diplomatic relations with Procinctia around a month before she was overthrown by Cruywagen.

In a surprise move of mutual reconciliation, Transvaal established diplomatic relations and exchanged ambassadors with their former Second Maroon War enemy Procinctia, which is lead by Generalissimo. The two nations fought a brief war against each other starting on March 19, 2007 when LSF forces lead by Generalissimo invaded Transvaal. A ceasefire was declared the following day, but not before 156 Transvaler and 278 Procinctian troops lost their lives in two battles which resulted in Transvaal gaining 21 miles of Procinctian territory. Veterans' associations from both nations plan on holding a memorial service at the Procinctian military cemetary located just outside Johannesburg.
Edited by Botha
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That is an interesting commnet considering it was Van Matteus of all people - in her capacity as prime minister and foreign minister - who patched up diplomatic relations with Procinctia around a month before she was overthrown by Cruywagen.
That’s an interesting perspective because I distinctly remember Hans Breytenbach as the individual most responsible in attaining Bering-Afrikaner reconciliation, even if it took place during van Matteus’s administration. It’s a shame Van Matteus took credit for Breytenbach’s accomplishments after killing him in cold blood.

Biographers and historians haven’t reconciled the truth because at the time Procinctia Foreign Office’s was unwilling to discuss it in fear of damaging emerging Transvaal-Procinctia relations.

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It’s a shame Van Matteus took credit for Breytenbach’s accomplishments after killing him in cold blood.

JOHANNESBURG FREE PRESS - EDITORIAL: "... and in regards to recent comments in the Procinctian press, one does have to wonder just how uncomfortable it will be for everyone should Van Matteus still be PM when the Transvaal Cup rolls around - and she has to hand out the Hans Breytenbach Cup to the champion?"

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Transvaal's new PM - posing for an Italian fashion magazine last month


In a shock announcement geared towards national reconcilation, Prime Minister Annetjie van Matteus has appointed Paul Cruywagen as Commander-in-Chief of Transvaal's military forces in the wake of Field Marshal Malan's resignation.

"Transvaal needs Field Marshal Paul Cruywagen back at home, in Transvaal, where he belongs" she said to the press after the announcement.

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CYBERNATIONS NEWS NETWORK [PRETORIA]: Prime Minister Annetjie van Matteus, on her first official day in office, removed all post-war restrictions on political activity in Transvaal. She has called on exiled leaders of the National Party and Demokratiese Barakke Party to return home to Transvaal and take up positions in her new government.

"In the coming days, there will be a redistribution of Volksraad representitives to better reflect the nation's postwar realities after the termination of the RMG" she commented to the press at Government House.

The prime minister did also confirm that all pre-war restrictions on political parties, such as the banning of communist organisations, would remain in effect. She did not make any statements regarding the status of far-right organisations such as the Verwoerd Front and Social Nationalist Party.

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"The Hanseatic Commonwealth is relieved to see that Malan has finally withdrew from power. While I have yet to see Minister van Matteus continue to usurp the prior policies, I think this is the best news that I have heard from Transvaal in a long time. I wish the new Prime Minister my best and will begin talks in the Diet to hope to take off the current embargo of Hanseatic goods to the Cape of Africa. Minister van Matteus, you have my blessings and my luck for a prosperous reign."

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I wish the new Prime Minister my best and will begin talks in the Diet to hope to take off the current embargo of Hanseatic goods to the Cape of Africa.

Prime Minister van Matteus thanks the Government of the Hanseatic Commonwealth for its indication of support. She hopes that the Diet considers the re-establishment of full diplomatic relations with the Republic of Transvaal in the near future.

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The Constitutional Republic of Curristan officially recognizes the new Transvaal government. We wish to open trade with the new government and would like to know what agreements they would like.

Before any discussion regarding trade can be opened, the Republic of Transvaal would first like to establish diplomatic relations with Curristan.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced the following ambassador assignments in light of recent political events:

Arctica: Field Marshal Paul Cruywagen, recalled to Pretoria for new military posting, has been replaced by Ricardo van Deinsen. Ambassador van Deinsen is a familiar name to Liga Mundo fans as one of Transvaal Springboks' great players prior to his retirement at age 30 from football a couple of months ago.

Repubblica Italiana: In light of Ambassador van Matteus' appointment as Prime Minister, he replacement will be former commander-in-chief Petrus Malan.

Curristan: Victor Esterhuizen has been assigned our new ambassador.

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Peter Franks has been assigned as ambassador to Transvaal.

OOC: James Bond reference, eh? :P

IC: Promised Land has mixed feelings about this, but ultimately sees this as a step in the right direction for Transvaal. We congratulate them on taking this step.

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According to Transvaler Daaglikse Nuus, more announcements by Prime Minister van Matteus on their way tomorrow morning. Rumours have it that Judith Matambanadzo (former paramount chief and African Affairs minister) and former pre-war prime minister Jakob Hertzog have departed Arctica and returned to Transvaal this afternoon.

OOC: James Bond reference, eh?

OOC: Yeah I kinda wondered about that too...

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As his first Foreign Affairs act, new Diadochoi leader Gena Korsunsky would like to open up relations with Transvaal and hopefully send an ambassador if Transvaal would allow it.

Acknowledged. We will assign Ambassador Morne van der Meer to Diadochoi.

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