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The Honorable shall Fall

Markus Wilding

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Hae Da Fung

17:20 PM, July 29th, 2009

Parliament Building

After a heated discussion with the Emperor about whether to continue commiting troops to the Pax Pacis war, Parliament member Shen Bos exited the main parliament building and caught up with another member. "Hey, what's up with the Emperor lately? He doesn't really seem like himself..." The other member adjusted his glasses and said, "I'm not too sure. Some say that he has a way of being aggresive before something bad happens. I'm not convinced of it though." Shen nodded and said, "Has he left yet?" The other looked around and said, "Um, yes. That's the Imperial Transport over there." The Imperial Transport began driving away. Minutes afterward, a massive explosion erupted throughout the building, killing everyone inside and nearby. Within minutes of hearing of the event, Yuan deployed the new recruits to the zone to secure the area.

Who could have done this, and why, nobody knows. For now.

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The Dragon Empire has declared a state of Emergency in Tibet.. protection forces are marching into the state to secure it from additional terrorist strikes and to begin trying to restore order. Military officials are in contact with remaining state officials trying to restore calm and order to ensure the smooth continuation of services and administration. Most of the contributed forces come from their Dragonisian neighbors to the south.

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A taped statement was soon broadcast across the world. "We have struck another nation. Do not doubt our terrible power. The Green Flag has spoken once again."

The night before, Green Flag agents dressed as the janitorial cleaning crew had entered the building and planted a large number of bombs in the Parliament chamber and at the supports of the building. After the destruction, it was reported that Green Flags were seen on flagpoles on the blocks surrounding the building.

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"How did they get in?"

"I-I don't know, Emperor..."

"Alright, just - just send this to the international community."

"Right away Emperor."


The Green Flag again thinks it can intimidate someone. They are terribly wrong. The people of Hae Da Fung are incredibly strong. Nothing shall break our resolve! Our Parliament building will be rebuilt! The military wll begin constant patrols, so there is no way that the Green Flag can get back in. Remember the old Japanese proverb: Life is light when compared to honor.

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Private, in the President's House:

"That Green Flag organization has been going on a rampage lately, maybe I should order the FPA (Federal Police Agency) to look for the TUO and Hello Kitty Gang and hire them to give the Green Flag a spanking..."

Edited by HHAYD
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## Letter to Emperor Yuan Zhi Wei ##

Dear friend,

With the events recently which have occurred in your country, I know you want to look strong and to take a public stance; but I must highly recommend against appearing at the reconstruction site especially with the time and place being known. With the fugitives for this attack still lose in your state there is grave risk they will see this as the opportunity to kill you. I've lost a lot of friends this week, I would truly like to keep that count down and not give the Green Flag another victory in Asia.


Maelstrom Vortex

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## Letter to Maelstrom Vortex ##

Dear friend,

I can assure you that the Green Flag is not crazy enough to actually kill a world leader. If they are, well, hopefully their snipers are not experts. The Green Flag has shown that they are highly dishonorable, and like all other terrorist groups before them ,they too shall fall with time. I have full confidence in my security forces and the army to protect me while the Green Flag is rampant. I do not think their operatives would be crazy enoughto stay in Hae Da Fung for long.


Yuan Zhi Wei

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## Letter to Maelstrom Vortex ##

Dear friend,

I can assure you that the Green Flag is not crazy enough to actually kill a world leader. If they are, well, hopefully their snipers are not experts. The Green Flag has shown that they are highly dishonorable, and like all other terrorist groups before them ,they too shall fall with time. I have full confidence in my security forces and the army to protect me while the Green Flag is rampant. I do not think their operatives would be crazy enoughto stay in Hae Da Fung for long.


Yuan Zhi Wei

OOC: Lulz. Been there, done that, bought that t-shirt, buddy. :D

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The Imperial Transport arrived at the construction site. Workers were clearing rubble, the army was patrolling, birds were signing. It was a great day.

Yuan hoped it wouldn't be his last.

The crowd outside the car cheered for him to get out. He temporarily forgot his worries and put a smile on his face, stepping out and letting the army ahead of him to clear a path to the place where he would hemmer the first nail in.

OOC: Anytime now, Pravus... :D

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High in one of Hae Da Fung's many skyscrapers, a Green Flag sniper took aim at Yuan through his scope. His spotter said, "Do it." In an instant, the trigger was pulled and the bullet was on it's way. Due to the winds, the bullet dropped down and to the left, hitting Yuan in his right shoulder, causing him to fall. People scattered around, trying to get cover from the sniper. Imperial Army medics got Yuan up and the Green Flag operatives could clearly see that he wasn't dead.

After the failed assassination attempt, Emperor Wei makes this statememnt, his arm in a slig due to the bullet hitting a nerve.

With great sadness I must hand Tibet back over to the Dragon Empire. The Green Flag has shown that they are insane, but with time they too will fall. I do not know when I will re-emerge as a nation leader again, but it will not be anytime soon. With that, the Imperial Army, Navy and Air Force have been disbanded and are ordered to return to their homes. Hae Da Fung, as of today, no longer exists as an entity.

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"Dragonisia, to protect Tibet and restore order, will be directly annexing Tibet. Its security personnel will be tasked at sniffing out and destroying all Green Flag agents within Tibet. We expect the round-up to be completed in about a month. Until that time Tibet is under heavy lock down at the borders to prevent the free movement of these agents and all travel by air into and out of Tibet is suspended except for commercial flights providing critical supplies. We may see fit to re-grant Tibet its independence at a later date."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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