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Fighting for the Future.

King Kevz

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Valerie's team forced their way up the stairs encountering and killing a trio of government soldiers though they lost the pointman and two other rebels leaving Valerie alone with the single survivor who was showing signs of fear. Knowing they couldn't afford this right now Valerie comforted the woman telling her it was almost over which was mostly true as those rebels that hadn't been killed were moping up the last resistance however, a government captain and his best men were holed up in one of the side areas of the building and the rebels needed help to kill them all so they asked for Promised Land's soldiers to show them how its done. Meanwhile Valerie and the female rebel stood before the door to the main chamber ready to burst in and stop Natarle.

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Valerie's team forced their way up the stairs encountering and killing a trio of government soldiers though they lost the pointman and two other rebels leaving Valerie alone with the single survivor who was showing signs of fear. Knowing they couldn't afford this right now Valerie comforted the woman telling her it was almost over which was mostly true as those rebels that hadn't been killed were moping up the last resistance however, a government captain and his best men were holed up in one of the side areas of the building and the rebels needed help to kill them all so they asked for Promised Land's soldiers to show them how its done. Meanwhile Valerie and the female rebel stood before the door to the main chamber ready to burst in and stop Natarle.

Walsh sighed. He'd wanted to be in on the storming, but he was needed elsewhere.

Indeed, the last resistance was quickly cleared by the rebels, and the remaining troops, 7 in all (counting Walsh) gathered at the door behind which the troublesome Captain was holed up. the bodies of two rebels lay outside, testament to their failed attempt to hold the door open.

He didn't have to think, directing the explosives man to place charges on the door. If they couldn't hold the door open, they would simply be blown away.

"Knock knock," said the grinning trooper who'd placed the C4, as he pressed the button on his detonator. The heavy doors were blown inward, pushing away the obstructions set in front of it, and on sharp piece of debris even skewered an unlucky government soldier. immidately, several grenades followed the debris, landin at random within the room. As soon as they exploded, the troops charged in with guns blazing...

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Valerie heard the explosion go off downstairs and the building shook slightly and deciding to use this to their advantage she and the rebel burst into the main chamber and opened fire on the armed guards before them. In the ensuing shoot out the rebel with Valerie was killed however, so were guards and after the fighting died down Valerie approached the desk before her expecting to find Natarle in the seat but no instead she found a person she hadn't expected to see ever again. "Brother?" she said confused lowering her weapon "What are you doing here?" she asked as the man who was her brother stood with a grin. "Nice to see you again sister" he said with malice pulling up a handgun and shooting her in the chest with a smile.

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Valerie heard the explosion go off downstairs and the building shook slightly and deciding to use this to their advantage she and the rebel burst into the main chamber and opened fire on the armed guards before them. In the ensuing shoot out the rebel with Valerie was killed however, so were guards and after the fighting died down Valerie approached the desk before her expecting to find Natarle in the seat but no instead she found a person she hadn't expected to see ever again. "Brother?" she said confused lowering her weapon "What are you doing here?" she asked as the man who was her brother stood with a grin. "Nice to see you again sister" he said with malice pulling up a handgun and shooting her in the chest with a smile.

OOC: Oh no... :blink:

IC: Behind the door, however, was not just one room, and unfortunately, they'd gotten just about everyone but him. The few living enemies dropped their weapons and surrendered, and were put in with the politician they had captured.

At that moment, the Captain popped out from behind a corner, hitting one of the troopers right between the eyes, and he was followed by three of his followers. However, he had lost the advantage of surprise, and his followers were cut down without killing any more troopers, though one was seriously wounded.

Without any hesitation, Walsh walked up to the man, who was cradling the bleeding arm that had carried his weapon, and held a gun to his face. "Tell your troops outside to surrender. No more lives need to be lost."

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OOC: Oh no... :blink:

IC: Behind the door, however, was not just one room, and unfortunately, they'd gotten just about everyone but him. The few living enemies dropped their weapons and surrendered, and were put in with the politician they had captured.

At that moment, the Captain popped out from behind a corner, hitting one of the troopers right between the eyes, and he was followed by three of his followers. However, he had lost the advantage of surprise, and his followers were cut down without killing any more troopers, though one was seriously wounded.

Without any hesitation, Walsh walked up to the man, who was cradling the bleeding arm that had carried his weapon, and held a gun to his face. "Tell your troops outside to surrender. No more lives need to be lost."

The captain laughed at Walsh before replying "never you fool I and my men will only cease if ordered to by the government and not you or your rebels will win. So you might as well kill me now" he finished spitting into Walsh's face.

Meanwhile upstairs Valerie collasped to the floor a hand reaching up to cover the bullet wound in her chest and as she crouched against the floor she could feel warmth spreading down her back and she knew the bullet had passed straight threw but at least it hadn't punctured a lung or she would be coughing blood right now. She looked up with tear filled eyes to her brother and spoke. "Why? Why do this brother?". He angrily stepped forward placing the gun beneath her chin and responded angrily "Why you ask its simple I wanted revenge after you took my rightful place as the leader of the Helzan and then left us ruined. I was left with nothing. Nothing!! It is all your fault and now you will die!".

However, before he could pull the trigger Valerie threw her self at her brother knocking him to the floor and sending the pistol flying across the room. The two of them began to brawl with one another smashing their fists into each other, kicking and biting but slowly Jacob, Valerie's brother, got the advantage and threw Valerie against the nearby wall and before she could re act he pounced on her driving a thumb into her right eye socket. Screaming with pain Valerie flailed around against her brother and managed to strike him twice against the head knocking him back, which allowed her to spot the handgun lying close by and she quickly grasped it and swung it around to face her brother. Knowing he had lost and to stay was to die he leapt out of the door and ran for his life.

Crying from the pain and weak from the bullet wound and loss of her eye Valerie crawled her way to the nearby desk where she was able to make an announcement nation wide calling for the immediate stand down of the military stating that the previous government has undertaken actions detrimental to the nation of Pax Pacis, she then was able to broadcast one last message to the Dragon Empire stating Pax Pacis surrender before slipping unconscious.

OOC: If you want to have some Promised Land soldiers find Valerie now's a good time Subtle.

Edited by King Kevz
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OOC: So in the end, not even the people can stop the government.

May god have mercy on your country....

OOC: -.- the old government has been stopped. Valerie is now in charge if not active right now the military will stand down though possibly not considering the attack.

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"Very well," Walsh said, pulling the trigger. At point blank, he had no chance of missing, and the captain wouldn't have any time to react. He hadn't been bluffing.

"Now, we need to find Lady Kingswell." Immediately his men spread out.

As it so happened, it was up just one flight of steps, so it wasn't barely a minute later when one of his men called that he'd found her. She was in bad shape, but she was alive.

Of more immediate concern was the transmitter. The soldier that had found her had also heard the reply by the Dragon Empire, and informed Walsh of the situation.

Ordering a medic to care for the wounded woman, he replied to the Dragon Empire, in an attempt to assure them that this was for real.

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ooc: Note the notice in the chairman's letter that hostilities are not abated til terms are accepted. I'm still catching up.. so I have yet to see if that has happened or other agreements have been reached.

ic: An inquiry was made of the new standing government. "Do you or do you not accept the terms of surrendered offered to your government for your people's actions against the Dragon Empire?"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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