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Operation: Storm


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At the Northern Border to the Prussian Protectorate an abnormal activity would be detected, over 50,000 Soldiers from across the Empire but mostly from Austria and Hungary were stationed at the northernmost post and a General Mobilization was Ordered. While the Ground Army and Air Force moved to Defcon 3 all other departments maintained Defcon 4. As a result the Pentagon security was increased to War Readiness levels and everything would show plans for an agressive war by Greater Croatia. The Soldiers on the scene knew their orders they were just waiting on a final confirmation from Zagreb.


(Basel, Greater Croatia)

The Soldiers were ready as the Commander in the Basel Ground Army base. Using a secure line with Zagreb the Commander called the Minister of Defense.

"Requesting final authorization, Minister"the man said after a short introduction.

"Operation Storm is a go"

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Generalfeldmarschall Gunther was prepared. Already, Europe was degrading into it's old militaristic and waring ways. Immediately, he dispatched 50,000 troops, 100 tanks and artillery pieces, and ordered the Luftwaffe to scramble to the area where Croat movements were detected. In response to the impending invasion, a press blackout was ordered on all areas involved.

Gunther called the Croatian embassy in Berlin to see exactly what the Croats had to say for themselves.

"If they want a war, they'll get it."

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The Embassy would remain a radio black-out as records were being wiped from the computers and a Diplomatic Helicopter landed on it's roof.

In Zagreb tensions were high, higher than normal while authorization was granted Imperial Command was torn around 60% was in favor but a majority still against. On all levels men were not sure on what to think. Meanwhile 100 Armored vehicles were send, no tanks as they would most likely encounter trouble in the areas of Southern Germany.


Colonel RadiƧ however wasn't so unsure on what to do. Without providing any alert to the Prussians 50,000 Soldiers moved over the Protectorate Border above them were 2 Squadrons of CF-1s. Satellites had shown the Prussians were able to put up defenses however nothing they didn't expect. In the vehicles were not only weapons and Soldiers but also beer for when they would arrive at the goal. Of course Bavarian ones. By now the whole world would see the images of armed men crossing allied borders.

Once they arrived there was little to no resistance this area had not been fortified and mostly manned by Croatian Soldiers already anyway. In addition to it being a Protectorate would make it an easy walk at least that they thought. At a slow but steady speed the Soldiers headed for Freiburg. The people in the cities would receive Croatian relics and a Bomber would drop the Zagreb times over the land.

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The first lines of armor breached the border regions and began adding to the preexisting defenses of important towns and cities. The border region was in order and prepared to identify and report on all hostile targets. The first scout unit had reported seeing Croatian APCs nearing the border region. The troops dug in and prepared...today would help define their lives and their nation...

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The Soldiers arrived at the most northern border of Barden-WĆ¼rtemberg but in contrary to what anyone would think they dropped their rifles and left their vehicles only taking the beer with them. Walking completely unarmed towards the lines they smiles and shouted Croatian lines in essence meaning Goodmorning friends. As they came even more closer they would extend a hand full well knowing they would not be fired upon.

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The Prussian troops jumped up from their defenses and walked toward the Croats.

"Welcome friends! Welcome to Prussia and your newly formed lands!"


"The pleasure is ours, finally we actually share a border"the Commander said who started to hand out beer.

OOC: *shocked and awed*

What the &%*$?!?

OOC: We covered a MDAP and land deal by playing out war :P

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And far above, bavarian satellites transmitted these happenings to the Military HQ of Bavaria, where the Generals thought wth was happening right now.

Then they shrugged and went to drink a beer with their subordinates. They'd surely find out sooner or later if excrements hit the fan.

Edited by Lynneth
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