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Alliance + Big Guns + Fun = KIA

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Now throw on some body armour and grab yourself an M16... the huey leaves in 15 B)


I'll stick with my G3 and G21...post-1-1213208496.jpg


Whether by LAND,


By Sea. by air or even space...bg_ship6.jpg

KIA Gits R Done!bg_gfx.jpg


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The Western Front Treaty


To protect and maintain the prosperous relations and views of our alliances, The Russian Empire (TRE) and Killed In Action (KIA) agrees to the following terms of mutual defense.

Article I: Peace

In the signing of this pact, it must be clear that both organizations will remain sovereign as will the members in each nation. Both alliances shall not attack each other, if so, then reparations shall be discussed by both alliance leader(s).

Article II: Comradeship

In the signing of this pact, both sides agree to defend and aid one another in times of war when requested by the other signatory alliance. Both alliance leadership(s) shall discuss what a reasonable amount of aid and/or defense is in order to help the other alliance if an aggression takes place.

Article III: Defense

To request assistance in a time of war, the alliance which is in need must first send a request to the other signatory alliance. That alliance then has a maximum amount of 48 hours, or two days, to fully prepare for the shift from peace to war. Granting assistance requests is only required if that request is defensive, not offensive. Important international information must be shared between the two alliance's leaders; failure to forward vital information can result in the cancellation of this treaty.

Article IV: Communication

Both Alliances agree by the signing of this pact to remain in good communication with each other and to IRC and/or another IM network in which to speak with each other. Both sides are expected to be respectful towards to each other regardless of belief's or ideology, Both Signatories MoFA (or rough equivalent) shall keep personal contact due to their important positions within their alliances and the future for other Pacts, Treaties, etc shall be discussed along with other matters regarding the signatories.

Article V: Aid

Aid shall be given for defensive wars only. Whereas aid is central to the growth of new and developing nations, both alliances recognize the need for each alliance to have control over there domestic affairs and as such Inter-alliance Aid shall be given only if both rulers agree.

Article VI: Cancellation

If this pact is to be broken, both signatory alliances must agree to the following. First, the offended alliance must notify the offending alliance of their intentions to break the pact at least 48 hours in advance in order for said alliance time to prepare for the change. Second, both alliances agree to a 72 hour period of mandatory non-aggression after the pact has been officially rendered null and void, in which neither side may declare war upon each other.

Article VII: Amendments

This pact may be altered to better represent both signatory alliances' interests. This will be done by holding a meeting between the governing bodies and/or ruling parties of each signatory alliance. Each alliance's governing bodies and/or ruling parties must approve of any change of the pact with a 2/3 majority vote in favor in order for any change to occur. Each alliance can send up to 5 governing and or ruling members to represent their respected alliances in the meeting. Notice of said meeting must be given 24 hours before it is to take place.


This mutual defense pact between the KIA and TRE is signed in good faith


Killed In Action:

Guardian666 - Commander In Chief

Swillmaster - General Of The Interia

King Wally - General of the Exteria

The Russian Empire:

Emperor Nicholas II - Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, Grand Duke of Finland and King of Poland

DesertFox - Prime Minister of The Russian Empire

Raymond Jaeger - Minister of Defence of The Russian Empire

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