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Native African Protection Organization


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(ooc: Given Mykep has left the game and it is my understanding lands can't be given away OOCly I'm making the following announcement. Likewise, if I am wrong about Mykep leaving and him being able to gift land the protectorate will be lifted immediately)

NAPO stands for the protection of Native Africa and the Native African cultures. With this in mind NAPO will be extending a protectorate over the lands of West Africa. This Protectorate is temporary until the NAPO body can meet to discuss the situation fully. For now NAPO asks that only observers be sent to West Africa. The area is not in turmoil, the people are well cared for, and the situation is not one for calls of alarm.

Again, no deployments of troops are needed as the people of West Africa, while without a central government, are not in any immediate dangers. We merely seek to ensure the sovereignty of the West Africans and to protect them from the predations of the likes of the 7th Reich and their "wandering" tribe of Germans.

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You are cleared to stay, but at this time we request you take great care to remain inside the boundaries established by yourself and the Archon. Several observers will be dispatched to the area and should events transpire that demand you straying outside the boundaries to assist in medical emergencies or other serious disasters we ask that you inform us and take an observer along.

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"They shall of course be allowed inside this area. While its restricted they shall be given permission to stay there, and our soldiers wont step foot outside the said boundaries we accepted on with the Archon. We just wish for full control over the area."

We can't promise such as of yet due to the Anti-colonialism stance of NAPO. However, I will personally promise you a fair and impartial opportunity to present your case.

What will help is if we here in NAPO understand and know that you are giving the citizens of the area autonomy.

In short, the situation is a bit confused at this moment, but we will do our best to resolve it as quickly as possible. Just be patient and we'll get everything sorted out in time for supper.


16 men of the The Republic of Free Somal Constabulary are given their orders to fly directly to Doula to observe and assist should it prove needed. They are given this warning, "If you get caught spying and aren't shot, we'll shoot you ourselves upon your return."

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"We have spent quite a lot of money in this project. The people of the region is free to stay and continue their politics at the Palace Du Government in Douala following a proper system written by the PRC. We will allow them to continue with their traditions, free movement around the region up until where the base/barracks are kept. The region will be under PRC control most of the time but we won't collect the taxes from the people that will be what the government decides. It will be more or less an independent nation with some ties to PRC. We will take utmost safety to make sure no tradition or religion is hurt because of this project or there is no loss of life."

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OOC: Have you cleared the OOC gifting with the GMs? Either way I hope you consider leaving a good portion of the land as a protectorate to give to new African rpers. That's one mighty big section of land that could be divvied up between new community members.

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<SpacingOutMan> Herro

<SpacingOutMan> Hey Sarg, what do I need to do to clear Mykep's OOC gifting?

* Sargun is now known as God

* God is now known as Sargun

<Sargun> RP it

<SpacingOutMan> Well, I did that. But Mykep isn't there to RP back

<Sargun> you don't need him to

<SpacingOutMan> Oh

<SpacingOutMan> Thanks :P

So it's all good... and Sargun is God. Worship him dammit!

Also, I do plan on letting new RPers grab some land... no way in Hell am I going to be greedy. Mykep gave me my current land, so I might as well do what we did since he offered me the same opportunity. I'm also giving Sir Keshav IV his request for land. I'm not a greatly heartless !@#$%^& my fellow Marooner. :P

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OOC: good man I told Keshav that was up to the next guy who took over. I also offered him land in Somal if he got the heave. Good to see you being generous, and let the good times commence.

IC: NAPO welcomes this latest move in the board game of life.

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