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Fort Dawson

Cody Seb

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Dawson, The Yukon, Canada Protectorate

5 men sat around a table drinking beer from pewter mugs. The table was rickety and the light dim, as electricity was poorly routed this far north. The bulbs were part of a large chandalier made of moose and caribou antlers.

One man was Matthew Dodge, a lumberjack from the Klondike Valley. He was portly, had a very full beard and medium length brown hair. Next to him was a close friend, Dallas Redman. Dallas wore long dark brown hair with a less full beard than Matthew. Dallas didn't have a job, he just lived outside the city limits and killed all what he called, "Them dern trespassers."

On the other side of the table were two twins John and Jim Jacobs, also limberjacks from Matthew's camp. The were even more portly than he and had even longer hair and longer beards. Finally, between Jim and Matthew sat Thomas Harper. He was easily the skinniest, but also had the longest beard with long hair. Dallas spoke first.

''Look guys, this whole Canada thing isn't gonna work. All these loons goin' 'Peaceful Anarchy' and what not. My momma always said, 'God'll smite all the lawbreakers.' Well darn it if I'll be one of them lawbreakers."

Matthew responded, "Dallas...there are no laws anymore."

"Well there needs 'ta be, and darn it, we're gonna give this town some discipline."

"What do you mean by discipline?'' Matthew inquired.

"Well, I was thinkin' about shootin' ten people out in the town square."

Matthew facepalmed while the twins high fived. Then Matthew continued, "Despite your overenthusiasm, you're right Dallas. Someone's gotta lead this town, and heck if I let those old folks have their hands in it. I don't trust those old folks..."

"Then it's settled," Dallas interjected, "Us five right here are gonna run this new town, no, this new nation! What's everyone gonna be? Wait wait! I got it! Matthew, since you're manager of yer loggin' team, I figure you'll be president. And Tom, since yer all calculatin' and such, you'll be VP."

At this point Dallas drew his revolver and pulled down the hammer, "Me myself, I figure all be Minister of Foreign Affairs. Whip the sorry excuses around here inta' shape."

Thomas interrupted, "I'm not so sure about that..."

"Nonsense!" shouted Jim Jacobs, "Dallas'll do a great job!"

"I accept!"

The twins clapped. Matthew spoke, stroking his temple, "I don't think I want to be president, maybe the twins can be president and vice? I'll just be the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Then Harper can head up our Department of Defense."

"Alright," Dallas responded, "That settles it. John, yer the oldest, you'll be President. Jim, you be Vice President. I'm Minister of Internal Affairs, Harper's Minister of Defense and Dodge is Minister of Foreign Affairs. Now let's get on and announce this."

The five men toasted and finished off their mugs, rushing out to make a press release.


From the Desk Of Matthew Dodge, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Fort Dawson

A picture appeared on television screens around the world. A man stood there, wearing his best button up shirt and looking rather nervous. In front of him was a microphone, in the middle of what seemed to be an aging YMCA gym.


"Um...Hello foreign dignataries and the like. My name is Matthew Dodge and I'd like to tell you some exciting news. As it turns out, Canada isn't dead! We hereby claim to be the successors of the greatest sub-arctic empire of the contemporary world! Ok, I'm just kidding, but it is a fact that the Town of the City of Dawson is now a nation of its own, named Fort Dawson. This new nation is build on the sheer brawn of the power of MEN and a place where MEN can live out their days, proving themselves to be a MAN. Oh and there are women. They do the same thing.

Anyhow, I'd like to announce to you our government.

Matthew leans to the side covering his mouth and trying to whisper, but ending up quite audible, "How am I supposed to show them who you guys are?!"

"Don't worry, we got a slide show of a buncha pictures!" a voice shouted from off camera. The camera moved to show the wall behind Matthew. The lights dimmed and a projector turned on.


"There on the left is our President, John Jacobs. There on the left is our Vice President, Jim Jacobs."

The next slide appeared.


"This is Dallas Redman, Minister of Internal Affairs."

The slide changed again.


"And this is Thomas Harper, Minister of Defense."

The lights went back up and the camera returned to Matthew, "And again, I am Matthew Dodge, Minister of Foreign Affairs." He looked around, confused, "Well, I guess that's it. Thanks, and we'll see ya on the world stage. Ya get it?"

The feed abruptly stopped. And there it was. Fort Dawson, the newest country on Planet Bob.

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Dispatch From the Desk of Minister of Foreign Affairs Matthew Dodge

To New England

We really do appreciate your kind words. We would send you some Everclear, but our supplies are running dangerously low. Instead, we will be using the Fort Dawson Air Force of the Fort Dawson Armed Forces to deliver a stuffed Moose head to the office of your top official. I apologize if this will take some time, our air force is currently only 5 floatplanes, which will have to make 7 or 8 stops to refuel on their way to New England.

To Roma

Thank you for your warm welcome. Unfortunately, we do not currently possess a seaplane that can cross the Atlantic. Our Minister of Defense is currently working on that problem. However, we have not successfully attahced a jet engine to a seaplane so...we will be sneding you a stuffed moose head through international shipping. Please enjoy it. They usually go best above a mantle you smoke a pipe by.

Edited by Cody Seb
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Dispatch From the Desk of Minister of Foreign Affairs Matthew Dodge

To Rebel Army

Thank you for your recongition and welcome. Unfortunately we do not have any more moose heads to send, as Dallas has only killed two recently. As soon as he finishes tanning the hide on his bear-skin rug, we will send it to you as a gift using international shipping.

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Dispatch From the Desk of Minister of Foreign Affairs Matthew Dodge

"For being the first to send warm regards, we are sending you a case of our finest Everclear! Be wary of the proof."

Dranagg thanks Fort Dawson for this gift! We will be sending a thank you gift of a bottle of Dranaggan alcohol along shortly. It might not seem like much, but it goes a long way.

*Warning label on a bottle of Dranaggan alcohol*

WARNING! Contains Methanol. Consumption of entire contents by one person will be fatal. Limit intake to 6 oz in a 24 hour period. Should blindness occur consult a Doctor.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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"Singapore welcomes this new nation. We are quite glad that the people in former Canada are reorganising themselves so quickly.

We'll also be sending a variety of alcoholic beverages, ranging from 4%, such as beer, to 35%, a singaporean vodka. You do not have to send anything in return."

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Dispatch From the Desk of Minister of Foreign Affairs Matthew Dodge

"We thank Singapore for its sentiments and the spirits. We also thank you for your generosity, as international shipping prices across the Pacific are quite high."

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Dispatch From the Desk of Minister of Foreign Affairs Matthew Dodge

"Thank you for your recognition and greeting. You can expect a nice, coon skin hat. Unfortunately, we will not be able to use priority shipping. Expect your gift in 2-3 weeks of the shipping date."

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"Mr. Dodge, I would personally like to welcome you into the world. May Fort Dawson be blessed with the same prosperity and power that the Canadians enjoyed it their lifetimes. Also, because you seem like a man that likes his alcohol. Encased, is a bottle of Pinot Noir aged thirty years. I hope you'll save it for a special occasion and I look forward to meeting you one day soon."

-Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

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"Mr. Dodge, I would personally like to welcome you into the world. May Fort Dawson be blessed with the same prosperity and power that the Canadians enjoyed it their lifetimes. Also, because you seem like a man that likes his alcohol. Encased, is a bottle of Pinot Noir aged thirty years. I hope you'll save it for a special occasion and I look forward to meeting you one day soon."

-Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

"In fact, we do, and thank you for your kind words. Of course, fancy drinks like that deserve a fancy occasion. Perhaps one day in the near future we could set up a visit and break it out then. It would be at your convenience of course, and our honor."

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Dispatch From the Desk of Minister of Foreign Affairs Matthew Dodge

To Rebel Army

Thank you for your recongition and welcome. Unfortunately we do not have any more moose heads to send, as Dallas has only killed two recently. As soon as he finishes tanning the hide on his bear-skin rug, we will send it to you as a gift using international shipping.

We thank you deeply for the gift. We shall be sending some of our finest camel meat as a gift.

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