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Dragon Empire: The Imperial Congress and its daily actions.

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The guards outside rushed in.. and fired on the guards and Kevz under full auto and with shotguns.

Valerie and her guards responded with their own weapons fire even as they were shot down one by one leaving blood splattered corpses, Valerie was the last to full as her guards had moved to defend her and she died with a blood full laugh from her lips.

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ooc: Hey, if you're going to go out.. go out gushing so I say.. well played Kevz. Never expected THAT twist.

OOC: I wouldn't have wrote it if I wasn't so pissed off at you right now espcially seeing as I liked Valerie but you just made me so damn mad at you that you $%&@ed everything up!

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OOC: Unexpected indeed, well played.


After receiving the news a message would arrive at the Assembly.

Recently we have informed Pax Pacis another mistake would cause war, they just made said mistake. Pending your approval Croatian forces will join in on the fight.
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Maelstrom had arrived at the assembly after the fighting was over and received the message from Croatia.. "Intervention authorized. We will send the friendly IFF sqwaks you'll need immediately. All Dragonisian forces have been advised NOT to stop their advance at the Pax Pacis borders in their war in Khmer.. Lu's assistance is also welcome "

He went around checking on the other delegates.. trying to get as many as he could to a hospital who were wounded. Doctors and terror attack first responders were arriving.

"Note our intent, we want the Laotian region as a protectorate zone for now."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Promised Land would appreciate it if they be allowed some say in the protecting of the region. it was an Australasian Protectorate before it belonged to Pax Pacis, and we feel it should revert at least partially back to that status, considering the circumstances."

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Maelstrom looked at the representative from Promised Land while holding Davis in his arms. His dull green pupils flared a brilliant luminescent green and the electrolyte organs in his body struck such a powerful charge balance in his body his clothes almost caught on fire, and smouldered... "NO!! HOW MUCH.. HOW MUCH MUST WE SACRIFICE TO SECURE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER FROM THE FOLLY WE HAVE ALLOWED TO BE CREATED AND PRESERVED?! THREE TIMES NO! THAT TERRITORY WILL BE OUR PROTECTORATE SO WE CAN MAKE SURE NO OTHER DAMNED FOOLS OCCUPY IT AND CAUSE THIS MUCH TROUBLE.. EVER.. AGAIN." His fist was balled in the most angry state he had ever been in before any diplomatic delegation... then he reigned himself in.

He sunk to his knees. He slowly pulled the Pen from Anthony's eye with a sickening sucking noise, "My dear.. dear friend. You were as family to me when all had been taken from me. Who will stand in your stead? I would ask to much to have God return you to me.. for you have already given so much. Your legend shall be seared in the minds of generations to come.. for if I am to be remembered in the hypocrisy that is history.. how can I allow you to be forgotten that were the very steel of my spine and held me strong when I would have crumbled?" He held the dead man close.. and wept.. shuddering..

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"YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS SUFFERED LOSS!" The representative could not believe he had the courage to face this...being before him.

"WE have lost more than a single friend--we have men and women, we have lost pride, we have suffered indignity for this nation, only to see our efforts wasted! But look inside yourself, man. How will the world see it if you control this territory on your own? After the effort you have put out to try and show the world you are not aggressive imperialists?! What will his sacrifice have meant if the world stands against you?!"

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The Chairman looked up to the man, "Do you think the world is going to stand against us.. when they see the close circuit video of this event?" He sighed. "If that is so.. it should all be nuked and had done with shouldn't it? But you are wrong. That is not the way this world works. Fortunately.. I have proven this.. again and again. There is a righteous vengeance in the soul of this world that will right its wrongs... one that prevails though concentrations of evil do exist. It will see us through.. as it always has."

"We are not taking the territory as our own. We are taking it as our protectorate. The Territory.. will belong to the same people it has always belonged to... the good people of the Laos region. They will determine their fate. We are merely going to be there to enforce their decisions. We refuse to believe they knew their leaders.. this mad."

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"Indeed it is madness. But the world itself, to a degree, is mad. Even showing the footage might not be enough. Suppose, for example, the nation arising from the protectorate wishes to join the Dragon Empire? What then will your response be? At least with outside forces helping you, it can't be said by the naysayers that it is all for your own gain."

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"Then we will review the nation's petition. If they appear to have clinically sane leadership then we will most likely let them have the land. Outside forces have been invited to help us. We are not sharing administration over the protectorate though. We no longer trust foreign bodies to decide who resides on our borders. We tried that to many times and this has been the result."

He yelled, "COLOR GUARD!" The color guard came to stand behind him. With them, he carried Davis' lifeless body out of the center. He would carry it, covered, on live television all the way to the hospital morgue five miles away where it would be placed for preparations for his funeral

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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A new stand-in for the Chairman comes to the floor. "I am secretary to the Chairman, Julius Caines. The Chairman hopes everyone has recovered from this past weeks incidents.. but we must return to business immediately. I have a treaty prepared for a new government that has formed in Tasmania.. the Chairman's former homeland. The treaty is an optional defense pact with free trade agreement. We hope it meets everyone's desires in how we should treat this new state."

1. Signatories agree not to start war with each other.

2. Signatories of this treaty agree to free trade.

3. Signatories of this treaty grant freedom of military movement through their sovereign domains so long as the intent is solely transit.

4. Signatories of this treaty agree to allow the free flow of capital financing between their respective nations in terms of private investment and ownership.

5. Signatories of this treaty agree to share intelligence of any geo strategic threats to their partners as soon as they become aware.

6. The signatories agree that if one is attacked the other has the option of moving to defend the sovereignty of its treaty partner and would have all authorizations to land, air, and naval space needed to do so.

7. This treaty may be canceled anytime with a 24 hours Notice.

"We suggest this as a treaty."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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1. Neither nation shall tax or quota each others imports or exports.

2. Both nations shall allow commercial access to all commercial ports of call on their coasts.

3. Both nations shall allow commercial vehicles to seek emergency safe-harbor in the others ports during times of international conflict.

4. This treaty may be concluded with 24 hours notification.

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The Hae Da Fung rep brings forward a piece of paper, written in Japanese.

"I have just recieved this from Emperor Yuan Zhi Wei. According to this report, an unknown explosion has killed all of our parliament members. The Emperor has declared martial law, deployed military to secure the area and help police, and has decided to call all of our men back home. He requests that Hae Da Fung pull out from both Pax Pacis and the Khmer Empire. He also requests that the Dragon Empire not intervene. He states that we can handle this ourselves."

OOC: Reroll, these are the events leading up to it

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