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Net Income


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Mine lies just over 15 mil (18 mil pre-war) during collections; dependant on the GRL.

I should be hoping for a possible 25 mil after I do my infra jump, by resource swapping.

29 mil taxes, 14 mil bills

46 mil taxes, 21 mil bills

TE gives you a good feel as to how to maximise your income during the early stages of your nation's life.

Edited by dealmaster13
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TE gives you a good feel as to how to maximise your income during the early stages of your nation's life.

No it doesn't :P

With a 50% income boost it messes around the improvement order :P

Edited by ender land
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No it doesn't :P

With a 50% income boost it messes around the improvement order :P

It does, you're right :P that's why CNx is so helpful XD

It at least covers the basics for young ones, which is good, as you know that the nation you have isn't going to last with you forever, with the inclusion of 60 day rounds.

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I guess that's true, I forget that most people don't know basically every thing there is to know about the CN game system ><

Hey! Don't say that :P! I've learnt a lot from playing TE too :(

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I've got about $33M income - $17M bills = $16M net.

I'm far too lazy to resource swap like dealmaster, as that seems like a huge headache to set up. In fact, I have already settled on a suboptimal resource set for the sake of stability. I forget the numbers, but I think a better set (without swapping) could net maybe $2-3M more.

My nation is just over 2 years old, and I'm well within the top 100 nations (but nowhere near the strength of the very top). Compared to most, I have not suffered substantial war damage.

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I'm far too lazy to resource swap like dealmaster, as that seems like a huge headache to set up.

I feel for you. My first ever resource swap will take place later this month - it's certainly not something you should do on a tri-weekly basis; however, just to give you some figures - even though my set is great as it is - switching to an economically optimal set will increase my income by around 7 mil per day for that 19 day backcollect.

Steeldor is doing tremendously well, and despite his incredible tech debt :P should be aiming for 2 mil net per day.

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I feel for you. My first ever resource swap will take place later this month - it's certainly not something you should do on a tri-weekly basis; however, just to give you some figures - even though my set is great as it is - switching to an economically optimal set will increase my income by around 7 mil per day for that 19 day backcollect.

Steeldor is doing tremendously well, and despite his incredible tech debt :P should be aiming for 2 mil net per day.

Ha ha, yes I do owe a lot of tech, and At the moment I am making like 1.5M net. Do you think I should buy tech now?

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Tech sellers should always have 50 tech when the collect taxes and never ever have more than 50 at one time.

I know, I got the extra tech from something else. But when should I be buying tech instead of selling it?

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I know, I got the extra tech from something else. But when should I be buying tech instead of selling it?

Between 3,000 and 4,000 infra is probably the best place. I'd say once you get to 3999 infra is a good stopping place.

edit: I didn't even notice you were over 50 tech till just now too :P

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Between 3,000 and 4,000 infra is probably the best place. I'd say once you get to 3999 infra is a good stopping place.

edit: I didn't even notice you were over 50 tech till just now too :P

In addition to this, you should buy tech to let's say 200-300 levels yourself, before you start tech dealing (buying).

I wouldn't accept any more tech buyers from now on, and start focusing on growth through collections.

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Obviously tech increases NS, and it helps unlock some other things, but If you were only concerned with increasing income, why would you stop tech selling? Also, I don't know if this matters, but I'm selling tech 50/3M instead of 100/3M.

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Obviously tech increases NS, and it helps unlock some other things, but If you were only concerned with increasing income, why would you stop tech selling? Also, I don't know if this matters, but I'm selling tech 50/3M instead of 100/3M.

Well, tech has a few other benefits as well. For example, by remaining a tech seller, you forego the 3 happiness points difference between having 50 tech and 200 tech. When you're small, selling tech easily outearns that 3 happiness points. But as your population continues to grow and you gain improvements, that gap narrows. You're not there yet, and getting $3 million for 50 tech will extend the time it takes to overcome the profits made selling tech.

There are other benefits as well. Tech provides an upkeep reduction based on how much tech you have times two divided by your nation strength up to 10%. Again when a nation is small and upkeep tiny, the reduction available isn't much help. But as your nation increases it's infrastructure the reduction this provides grows bigger and bigger. Right now you're no where near maxing out the 10% reduction available and this will grow worse at the same time your upkeep is increasing if you continue to buy infrastructure and sell tech. For the nations in the top ranks in infrastructure this reduction is well over a million dollars a day and in some case over two million a day.

Couple those together and the need to start obtaining wonders (some of the best ones require quite a bit of tech) and the time it takes to accumulate tech is why most tech sellers stop selling sometime around the size you are now and switch to buying so by the time they gain in size to get those wonders, etc. they'll have the tech to do so.

There's nothing wrong if you want to continue to sell tech. Just understand as you grow in size it'll begin to pose problems vis a vis others your own NS who have more tech. Many of this are out of the scope of your concern being strictly income, but they'll effect income should you find yourself in a war.

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So I should finish my current tech selling deals, buy 300 tech, and then keep buying tech from other players at the standard price? And should I save up to buy a wonder as soon as possible, or wait until I'm at 3999.99 Infra?

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Pre-war mine was $27.5 collected and $12.5 in bills (both approximate, within $250k or so). This was at 14k infra and all wonders except the Mining Industry Consortium (and MP and FAC which wouldn't affect it).

Edited by Drai
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So I should finish my current tech selling deals, buy 300 tech, and then keep buying tech from other players at the standard price? And should I save up to buy a wonder as soon as possible, or wait until I'm at 3999.99 Infra?

Wait until you have 3999.99 for stopping tech selling and buying a wonder (SSS).

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Wait until you have 3999.99 for stopping tech selling and buying a wonder (SSS).

Not to spark a huge debate but it's been shown a number of times if one needs to do any saving to buy a wonder, that the SM is a better first wonder than the SSS which should be number 2.

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Not to spark a huge debate but it's been shown a number of times if one needs to do any saving to buy a wonder, that the SM is a better first wonder than the SSS which should be number 2.

Prehaps you did :) Why do you say the SM is better than the SSS?

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Prehaps you did :) Why do you say the SM is better than the SSS?

I didn't say it was better. I said it was a better first wonder, big difference. At the point most nations are buying their first wonder, it's going to take a significant period of time to save millions of dollars to purchase a wonder. You can only purchase wonders every 30 days. The earlier you can start your wonder clock to purchasing a new wonder every 30 days, the better.

The SSS is clearly overall the better wonder and gets better as time goes on as you obtain other economic wonders. A higher tax rate is the gift that keeps on giving. But to get those riches requires saving $40 million. The SM gives the best benefit to cost ratio of any wonder in the game. It costs only $30 million for the same benefits that the other +5 happiness class wonders cost $35 million to purchase. At the time you normally buy the first wonder, the straight up comparsion only has the SSS better by about $150,000 on average. But you can buy the SM days earlier giving you nearly the same immediate benefit for $10 million less. And not spending that $10 million on the SSS means you can spend that $10 million on infrastructure and been in a much better position to save for the SSS as your second wonder.

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