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Dead horse: Beaten


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This is a might makes what is world, in that the powerful do what they want and the unaligned aren't usually considered.

To stop this from happening again, get into an alliance. Period. That is the only way you can stop tech raiding.

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Protip: When you're unaligned, don't have your AA set to none. Set it to anything else and tech raiders probably won't find you.

this only works if your low enough; anyone in range of a 15k+ nation will be found pretty fast and hit according.

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1. You were not under Karma POW AA

4. You switched from Karma POW before you found an alliance, your choice

2. You were in a 1 man alliance

3. You were NOT in an alliance

You being attacked here is no different than anyone else under an unaligned AA being attacked. Who do you think is at fault/has responsibility for this?

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If I interpret his wars screen correctly, he WAS in an alliance when he was raided. I haven't checked to see if it was a one man alliance or some such, but if it isn't then I'm very much more so disappointed in NEW.

EDIT: Apparently it was a one-man. But I'm still disappointed in NEW tech raiding a fellow white team member.

Edited by OVERLORD Ikaru
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I personally see it as a part of the game. Unaligned nations pay a price for pure sovereignty in the form of protection. Sucks you got raided but, as said before me, joining an alliance would've nullified this problem.

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Nobody cares if your nation is slaughtered. You could get the sand out of your mangina and start fighting, but we all know that won't happen. Everybody knows you're weak and you will continued to be feasted upon until you find someone who will take you as their prison !@#$%* where you will spend wonderful candlelit nights licking jelly out of a hairy $@! crack. Be good about it. You don't want to run out of jelly before the job is done.

How romantic!

But yes, what he said.

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