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misadventures of a genious.

Eggman Empire

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Kintober had gone for nearly 48 hours without sleep. He'd got another idea for an invention stuck in his head, and nothing, not even bodily functions like sleep, could stop him. ('course he still used the latrine.) He was in his personal lab underneath the Imperial palace. The place was on the cutting edge of scientific equipment, with all the latest gadgets and some Kintober had made himself. Currently, he was feverishly working on a machine which, he hoped, could change the way people farmed.

"Almost....done!" He shouted in triumph as he welded the last few wires together. The device was shaped like a lower case T on its back. It had four small bulbs on each end and a large one in the center, making it look like a Christmas ornament. Putting a metal casing over the exposed wires, he then dragged the device off the work bench he was using and onto a cart. With effort, he pushed it into one of his test chambers. The room was filled with steam. He grinned as he plugged the machine in, and hit the "on" button. The machine groaned, and the four outer bulbs lit up. Electricity sparked from them to the center bulb, which began to glow. It seconds, a beam of energy zapped up from the bulb into the steam filled room.

The change was instantaneous. The steam clouds grew dark. Thunder filled the room as little flashes of lighting appeared in the clouds. A minute or so later, it began to rain. Kintober whooped for joy.

"I did it!I did it!I did it!" He chanted. He did a silly victory dance while he chanted. Kintober was so caught up congratulating himself, he didn't notice the storm beginning to grow worse. Thunder boomed and lighting flashed out from the clouds. "I'm #1!I'm #1!" Kintober chanted, making the mistake of pointing his finger in the air. Lightning came down and struck him with the force of three tazers. He flopped to the floor and spasmed for a minute or two, then grew still. "I did it, I did it." He muttered under his breath, still conscious somehow. Then he noticed the lightning and proceeded to crawl out of the room.


Project #572:Weather control device. Success.

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OOC: I doubt it is possible to create, thunderstorms have a huge amount of power behind them and are extremely complex in terms of the physics driving them. All the same, I think the post is cool :P! From your avatar... do you listen to Dr. Steel?

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OOC: While incredibly awesome, unfortunately impossible IRL with modern technology from what I know.

OOC: I have had the power to induce lighting strikes for months now. Although it needs a natural thunderstorm. (And if there is not one, I can just have my instrument act a lighting gun)

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ooc: Inducing lightning would be easy.. just fire a rocket.. staple the target.. have it fire another rocket which drags a cord.. and go into a thunder head.. surely folks watch discovery channel :P. It's essentially an over-powered natural tazer.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC:Sometimes Kintober just builds things to prove he can. Of course there's a big difference between a scaled model and the actual size the device would need to be to actually be effective(somewhere around the size of a city block).


Kintober calibrated a magnetic coil for the umpteenth time. The prototype railgun he'd been working on always seemed to be messed up somehow. He finished calibrating, and hoped that everything would stay in alignment until the test fires had been complete. He put the casing back over the particular part of the device, and signaled a go. All around, warning alarms blared, telling all personnel to clear the area. Kintober hurried to a nearby bunker, shut the door, and peered out through the viewport.

"Firing in ten....nine....eight...seven...six....five....four....three....two...one, firing!" A voice said over the PA system. Kintober stared at the gun excitedly. Then nothing happened. He groaned. Without bothering to ask the control center what was wrong, he left the bunker. He reached the gun and yanked off one of the maintenance panels. Just as he suspected, the coils had fallen out of alignment again. He snarled a curse, opened a nearby tool kit, and began to fix the problem; completely ignoring the shouts and warnings from the PA system. With one last twist, he forced the coil back to where it was supposed to go.


The sound of the gun was deafening, as the projectile left the barrel at mach 1.5 and tore through the air. Kintober clapped his hands to his ears. He couldn't hear a thing, including the warning that the gun might explode. He was staggering back to the bunker when it blew. Shrapnel whizzed past him, a piece catching him in the shoulder and twisting him around. He saw the remnants of the device he'd spent months working on, and ignoring all else, began to cry. "It's just not fair!" He exclaimed. He then proceeded to throw a tantrum. He was still throwing it when containment teams dragged him back to the on-site infirmary for treatment.

Edited by DrKintobor
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