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Proclamation from the Greater Nordic Reich


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You do not know anything about recent history it seems as I am part of Nordland, you also seem to forget Kaiser Martens is in no Government position nor active in the background. Now if you hate Nordland so much use your Declaration of War and for once in your useless life take action.

I know your nation joined Nordland, but that simply supports my statement that your government is merely a puppet, an administration for a fraction of their fascist empire.

As for my declaration of war, I am not stupid enough to share my military plans with my enemy. Nice try though.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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I have learned to distrust anything from the Nords, I have learned to be cynical when it comes to these situations, to assume the worst, because usually the worst is the reality. If I am proven wrong over time, then you will not find a man enraged as his wrong deduction, but a man happy that the worst was not true. I simply find it highly suspicious that the Nords would give up this land when they have nothing to gain from it if the owner should turn against them. I follow the reality of the world and watch the trends, I stopped trying to be an idealist ages ago, because it leads to nothing but disappointment.

"That is something I can accept Excellency, thank you. I hope the Slavs do prove that deduction wrong, trust me though, not out of spite. Idealism is an evil in the world, but it is an evil that I for one see as a necessary good. I hope that your cynicism and my idealism can both some day see the truth. While I would like to see your support to the Slavic Empire, as much as I would like to see it gain support from across the world, perhaps with time you will support it. Though I am positive that they still would and will receive you with open arms if indeed this dream is made a reality."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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You were an ally of the FPB, which caused our people much hardship when Dai Kyokujitsu Teikoku fall. You also participated in the unjust war against Greater Nordland, using the Northern Empire as a proxy.

We do not forget affronts, nor consider double-dealing hypocrites who use allies against each other for personal gains as worthy of respect or existence.

Nevertheless, we reaffirm that we do not support Nordland, for their contribution to tensions in this world.

We respected the FBP for their diplomatic skills and military might. Because of circumstances beyond our control we alligned ourselves with their member nations on a few occasions, but overall we do not approve of their actions. We were not involved with the FBP during the fall of DKT, nor for some time afterward.

The fact that you call the war against Nordland unjust is simply laughable. How many nations had fallen to Nordland's senseless aggression prior to their attacks on Slavorussian border regions? The Northern Empire's invasion of Nordland was the result of Nordlands invasion of Confederate Tion. Nordland, naturally assuming we would assist the NE sent their allies to attack us. It was this cowardly and despicable move, that prompted Slavorussia and all RUSSIAN nations to enter the war. Crack open a history book someday.

You seem to have forgotten it was the Northern Empire that started the war out of the blue. Given Slavorussia's influence in RUSSIAN back then, it is obvious that Slavorussia is the cause of evil.

Their current situation is their punishment for their deeds.

Again you're 100% absolutely wrong. Nordland started the war, and the NE joined a coalition of nations who wanted to free the occupied Confederate Tion. Slavorussia, and RUSSIAN had nothing to do with it until we were attacked. Furthermore, although Slavorussia was a founding member of RUSSIAN as well as the oldest member, our influence was no greater than any other member state. Your anger seems to be grossly misplaced, as we never harmed you, your people or your allies without just cause. Your attempts to muddy our name with lies has failed, because we back up our claims with facts, and you back up yours with... well nothing.

Good day to you.

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We respected the FBP for their diplomatic skills and military might. Because of circumstances beyond our control we alligned ourselves with their member nations on a few occasions, but overall we do not approve of their actions. We were not involved with the FBP during the fall of DKT, nor for some time afterward.

The fact that you call the war against Nordland unjust is simply laughable. How many nations had fallen to Nordland's senseless aggression prior to their attacks on Slavorussian border regions? The Northern Empire's invasion of Nordland was the result of Nordlands invasion of Confederate Tion. Nordland, naturally assuming we would assist the NE sent their allies to attack us. It was this cowardly and despicable move, that prompted Slavorussia and all RUSSIAN nations to enter the war. Crack open a history book someday.

Again you're 100% absolutely wrong. Nordland started the war, and the NE joined a coalition of nations who wanted to free the occupied Confederate Tion. Slavorussia, and RUSSIAN had nothing to do with it until we were attacked. Furthermore, although Slavorussia was a founding member of RUSSIAN as well as the oldest member, our influence was no greater than any other member state. Your anger seems to be grossly misplaced, as we never harmed you, your people or your allies without just cause. Your attempts to muddy our name with lies has failed, because we back up our claims with facts, and you back up yours with... well nothing.

Good day to you.

Yuri: It is interesting that the records of the Grand Army of Europe which were given to the last surviving members of it, now a member of Greater Nordland indicate that it was the RUSSIAN who first proposed an alliance to the Ferrous Pacific Forces. Of course, the Ferrous Pacific forces were undoubtedly plotting war against Nordland already, however, there ability to build up forces on the other side of the globe without a Russian meat shield however incompetent is somewhat dubious.

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Yuri: It is interesting that the records of the Grand Army of Europe which were given to the last surviving members of it, now a member of Greater Nordland indicate that it was the RUSSIAN who first proposed an alliance to the Ferrous Pacific Forces. Of course, the Ferrous Pacific forces were undoubtedly plotting war against Nordland already, however, there ability to build up forces on the other side of the globe without a Russian meat shield however incompetent is somewhat dubious.

This is relevant how?

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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