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White Cross Conference


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"Sorry I'm late." said Mithlandi. "My jet from Brisbane took off late due to somebody (*he gives the evil eye to Sarah) being given priority clearance."

"Now then, what are we talking about?"

Gogol sighed, handing over a piece of paper to Mithlandi. "Here, I've been keeping track of the important points."

"Now, Mad Dog, as for regional capabilities...probably the best bet would be to, if we have a member of the White cross in the region in question, have them organize any aid efforts, as they are most likely to know what is needed. or at least, have them supervise the work."

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Generalissimo purposefully puts down his plate to address the conference seriously, “If there really is a problem with the current international aid system it’s personnel, the White Cross and other such aid organizations are often staffed by the woefully inexperienced.

Naïve pampered kids from good families right out of college have no idea what poverty and desperation are really like, we need to stop sending ignorant children to do the work of professionals. Mr Mad Dog Denard, you yourself joined an aid agency right out of college – look how well that turned out.”

"Now then, what are we talking about?"
“Saving the world, one person at a time.”
"Of course, yours is a more...extreme case, requiring the most direct and aggressive intervention of all. How much progress have we made in clearing the island of traps, anyway? My superiors haven't kept me up-to-date on that particular operation."
“Anyone who believes the White Cross hasn’t done a good deal of major work recently is completely misinformed. The eastern half of Saint Paul is mostly clear of hazards, we’ll have the island clear of obstacles before the end of next month at this rate. The Canadians have even decontaminated some of the southeastern coast with some sort of astounding new sanitation technology, real cutting edge stuff, but it’s still not a good place to go swimming. Once we’re clear to begin decontamination operations surface habitation of the island will be possible by the end of the year, then the real reconstruction starts.”
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"In my specific case it worked out quite well. I went from being a misty eyed college punk to a leader of a nation that will with time be one of the most prosperous nations in this part of the African world. My experience lead me away from aid organizations rather than towards them. As you said it yourself, and I agree, the problem is a matter of personnel. My suggestion here is to create a series of regional White Cross task forces that specialize in their assigned regions. Being able to speak the language, understand the culture, and having a greater appreciation for the geography will allow these men and women to be far more effective. The rest of it comes not from the personnel, but the leadership of the personnel. That gentlemen is where people like us come into the equation," says Bob.

He returns to the easel and places up another placard and continues to speak again, "Regional task forces should be equipped to handle up to two minor emergencies at any time and to assist with a major one. The difference is the size of the emergencies is crucial as it would be difficult to prepare and store the equipment and supplies for a massive disaster. However, by being involved with the first hand resolution of minor emergencies the men and women staffing the regional command centers will build the skills they need in crisis management to direct a massive international effort. Simply put I would suggest thinking of it as the people of the White Cross being the director of the orchestra. The brass section comes from one country and the flutes come from another, but in the end they are all playing more or less the same tune."

Edited by Firestorm
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"I think that is an excellent idea. Adding on to that, we should have larger supply depots scattered across the world so that we don't have to rely on either the local supplies or the White Cross shipping supplies from another nation. But, yes, I agree with the idea of local task forces that can handle the smaller things, like a minor earthquake, or a low-strength tornado."

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"Perhaps the fact that it is being underwritten by one major government in such a manner that the continuity of command remains intact is a large part of the reason why the mission has had the successes it has. The issues in Procintia demands a skilled and disciplined labor pool from the sounds of it. I'll leave it to the Generalissmo to decide if he thinks he needs more of anything rather than burdening what is a complicated situation with well meaning individuals who are more of a danger than a help," says Bob, and he continues by stating, "My earnest suggestion is for us all to consider dedicating specialized units of our respective military forces for these sorts of efforts. This way we are deploying highly trained and properly lead inviduals who are being guided by regional task forces of the White Cross who are familiar with the geography, language, and customs. This avoids throwing a slew of different Aid organizations who probably aren't that effective or prepared for the realities of these sorts of operations."

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"Perhaps the fact that it is being underwritten by one major government in such a manner that the continuity of command remains intact is a large part of the reason why the mission has had the successes it has. The issues in Procintia demands a skilled and disciplined labor pool from the sounds of it. I'll leave it to the Generalissmo to decide if he thinks he needs more of anything rather than burdening what is a complicated situation with well meaning individuals who are more of a danger than a help," says Bob, and he continues by stating, "My earnest suggestion is for us all to consider dedicating specialized units of our respective military forces for these sorts of efforts. This way we are deploying highly trained and properly lead inviduals who are being guided by regional task forces of the White Cross who are familiar with the geography, language, and customs. This avoids throwing a slew of different Aid organizations who probably aren't that effective or prepared for the realities of these sorts of operations."

"From what I have been told, the main reason for the success of the Procinctia mission thus far is that it is highly unique. Military and scientific applications are both necessary, for it is a near wasteland, radioactive at that, and riddled with booby traps and other hazards left behind by the forces that invaded it so long ago. No natural disaster made it the way it is to day, so extremely pro-active policies are needed in dealing with the situation there."

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"Extremely proactive policies that are very deliberately contemplated prior to implementation," returns Mad Dog Bob Denard as he takes a seat before asking, "The complexity of the project demands a very firm eye on detail. Again, I advise leaving it to the Generalissmo to decide what and how much of what he needs. I think we could be more or less in agreement on this particular point?"

As Bob waits he stretches his arms over his head in a motion best described as feline. It is easy to tell that he is beginning to get restless. That inner feral nature of his is slowly starting to rear its ugly head as it demands he take action, any sort of action. His eyes flick from right to left as he waits and he clamps down on his wild side with a strong inner hand as he reminds himself that acting like a wild man in front of international guests would be poorly advised. There will be another time and place for this sort of thing, but hopefully this time and place would be quite soon.

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"Extremely proactive policies that are very deliberately contemplated prior to implementation," returns Mad Dog Bob Denard as he takes a seat before asking, "The complexity of the project demands a very firm eye on detail. Again, I advise leaving it to the Generalissmo to decide what and how much of what he needs. I think we could be more or less in agreement on this particular point?"

As Bob waits he stretches his arms over his head in a motion best described as feline. It is easy to tell that he is beginning to get restless. That inner feral nature of his is slowly starting to rear its ugly head as it demands he take action, any sort of action. His eyes flick from right to left as he waits and he clamps down on his wild side with a strong inner hand as he reminds himself that acting like a wild man in front of international guests would be poorly advised. There will be another time and place for this sort of thing, but hopefully this time and place would be quite soon.

"Indeed, you won't find me disagreeing with that point." Gogol wasn't sure what to say after that, but he got the feeling, from studying Bob (aka Mad Dog), that something needed to be said or done soon. He couldn't be sure how close the man was to losing control.

Finally, he speaks. "You mentioned that aid missions should be overseen by locals who know the customs and most effective methods. Perhaps this could be facilitated by establishing regional headquarters in member nations around the globe? This, in addition to the earlier suggestion of supply depots that would supply any applicable machinery, food, and other materials necessary to immediate and more long-term aid projects, would no doubt go along way to helping make these things more efficient. It would obviously help in facilitating oversight to ensure the proper use of such materials and funds."

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"Sounds good to me, let's hammer out the final details later," replies Bob as he stands up and heads for the door as he says over his shoulder, "Last one to the AXEs is a rotten egg."

Gogol stood, following Bob. Not really much else to do. Their host obviously intended to take them somewhere, probably to show them something in person.

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"Sounds good to me, let's hammer out the final details later," replies Bob as he stands up and heads for the door as he says over his shoulder, "Last one to the AXEs is a rotten egg."

"Oh thank the Lord." Sarah said quietly to herself so that no one else could here. White Cross conferences were normally all the same, what did bother her was only a handful of Treaty signatories ever showed up to the meetings. Though what was nice was that, normally other leaders and generals were able to run the meetings without her direct orders. The problem was was that she hated bureaucracy and the White Cross had a bit more than she would like, but she agreed with the propositions which had been brought up. But it was the duty of the signatories to implement the changes in their own country and around the world. She herself could not lift the world to greatness by herself, but the people around her definitely could.

Standing up from her chair, Sarah flanked close to Mad Dog to see what really the country of Somal was about. She was always up for something new, and the African horn provided that indefinitely.

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Mad Dog Bob Denard welcomes the wave of heat that slaps him in the face from the blazing mid day sun like a long lost brother. He hasn't had the luxury of an air conditioner for years and frankly doesn't really feel the need for one either. The conference isn't yet over, but if anything a break from dialogue probably wouldn't hurt anyone. He looks over to Danwi and says, "Tell the cooks to get the conference room cleaned up and dinner ready. We should be back in a few hours."

"Yes sir Marsh Bob," replies Danwi.

Bob looks at the waiting line of AXE All Terrain Vehicles that recently had been delivered by the Kingdom of Cochin. The vehicles are heavy looking brutes with a driver and security officer in the passenger seat. Normally the vehicles carry four to five heavily armed men with a PKM machine gun on a pintle mount, but today's tour has reduced the number and weaponry. Bob had decided that a machine gun on the roof of the vehicle might prove counterproductive. However, security being a concern each security officer is armed with a pistol and ugly looking 12 gauge shotgun and these are the precautions that the obvious ones.

The route for the tour had been carefully considered. Picked units of men has fanned out along the route interviewing the locals and briefing them on what to expect. They were specifically ordered not to do anything out of the ordinary and to use their cell phones should someone or something look out of place. Entire neighborhoods organized special watch teams of young men and women to keep their eyes open all along the route. At points that appeared more risky than normal teams of African Legion infantry are placed in concealed locations and were provided with binoculars and sniper rifles. Joint roving patrols of Constabulary trainees, African Legionaries, and local citizens were also organized and carefully briefed. While security is high, tensions are low, and the mood of M'Bossa is a good one.

The people are proud of their accomplishments in such a short time and they look forward to having foreign guests that they've only heard of from news sources tour their city. A few conservative elements snort and frown about the proceedings, but for the most part they too are eager to host the foreign dignitaries as the Grand Mosque of M'Bossa is one of the spots to be visited. Bob had decided to bring the conservative Muslim clerics into his corner by explaining to them that the all to common view of Muslims by foreigners was a very poor one. The Muslim faith of the Somal is conservative, but steeped in the tradition of Somal's culture of being a multinational crossroads to the heart of Africa. So yes they are conservative, but they are used to being a center of travel and trade and has made them open to foreigners and foreign ideas.

Bob turns to his own vehicle and hops in and says to Lady Sarah and General Gogol and says, "If you two would like to ride with me I'm sure we can all squeeze into this beast."

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"Well it seems that is just you and me General Gogol," observes Bob as he motions to the driver to depart. He's not always the most patient of men and he can't be bothered by people who just don't seem to have it in them to get a move on. All those left behind have the choices of waiting at the hangar, departing via their aircraft, or catching up with the tour in the waiting vehicles. Should they choose to catch up with the tour they'll be able to do so if they leave quickly. Bob braces himself as the heavy diesel engine of the AXE snorts to life and brings the all terrain vehicle to motion.

Bob and the General quickly pass the dispersal area for the Republic's newly acquired UH-1 transport helicopters. The men who keep them flying are busy learning the intricate details of keeping such a machine in the air. Likewise the same can be said for the AN-28 transport aircraft and their crews. Bob nods his head towards the aircraft and shouts over the roar of the engine, "So far we are able to field about half of our avaliable aircraft which in an improvement from last month's average of about twenty percent. The biggest stumbling block is training the ground crews to keep the aircraft airworthy."

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Generalissimo might have made another trip back to the hanger for another sampling of magnificent Somal cuisine (a talk with the local chef before leaving the country would rank the top of Generalissimo’s priorities) before the tour, with his current finances of $6.47 another quality meal wasn’t guarantied in the near future.

...All those left behind have the choices of waiting at the hangar, departing via their aircraft, or catching up with the tour in the waiting vehicles. Should they choose to catch up with the tour they'll be able to do so if they leave quickly…
“Sorry about that, now that I’m back we can cont...” looks for the now missing AXE vehicles “Pardon, you didn’t actually leave without me...” awkward silence “This is going to be a long walk...”

Out of Character: I was out of town for my extended weekend, poor Generalissimo .

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Well it seems that is just you and me General Gogol," observes Bob as he motions to the driver to depart. He's not always the most patient of men and he can't be bothered by people who just don't seem to have it in them to get a move on. All those left behind have the choices of waiting at the hangar, departing via their aircraft, or catching up with the tour in the waiting vehicles. Should they choose to catch up with the tour they'll be able to do so if they leave quickly. Bob braces himself as the heavy diesel engine of the AXE snorts to life and brings the all terrain vehicle to motion.

Bob and the General quickly pass the dispersal area for the Republic's newly acquired UH-1 transport helicopters. The men who keep them flying are busy learning the intricate details of keeping such a machine in the air. Likewise the same can be said for the AN-28 transport aircraft and their crews. Bob nods his head towards the aircraft and shouts over the roar of the engine, "So far we are able to field about half of our avaliable aircraft which in an improvement from last month's average of about twenty percent. The biggest stumbling block is training the ground crews to keep the aircraft airworthy."

Gogol nodded appreciatively. "I can imagine. Building a nation from the ground up, and the forces to defend it, sounds like quite a challenge. It's amazing how far you've gotten in such time as you've had."

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