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ADI would like to state that you can have as much oil as you want from us. As a short term measure, we can send tankers, and, if you feel fit, we could extent our Murmansk- Solovetsky pipeline to your territory. As one of the last bastions of Non-Nordic culture in Europe, you deserve every drop you can get.

We appreciate your offer very much. We should be able to sustain ourselves for another week. Between now and then we should meet and hammer out the cost of importing and possibly extending the pipeline.

*Private message to Slavorussia*

This was a great speech, indeed, showing the unity of Slavorussia. I am impressed by the resolve of your people.

Canada will gladly supply you with oil, as we are currently phasing out cars and power plants burning the black liquid. Highly efficient electric cars and nuclear fission and fusion will take their place.

Should you wish, then we will gladly help you construct relatively cheap electric cars and reliable fission power plants.

- Chairwoman Merkel

Canada has been such a tremendous help during and fallowing the war. Indeed if it weren’t for Canada and ComIntern there would be no such thing as Free Slavorussia. It’s a new era for Slavorussia, and perhaps its time we take the necessary steps to catch up with the rest of the world in respect to technology.

We applaud the Premier's speech, and we are willing to provide oil to Slavorussia in any quantities that they may need. The New England Oil Company, Inc. has agreed to do so.

A very generous offer. New England and its allies have been extremely supportive in our time of need. Proof that there is still good in the world.

Procinctia offers near exclusive development access of Bering Sea oil reserves to Slavorussia, pending future negations.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

We wish to discuss a number of issues with Procinctia, and perhaps rebuild the relationship that once existed between our two countries.

*Private to slavorussia*

It is understandable that the nords would want to place the resources under their control in the hands of domestic companies, most nations engage in such a policy. Especially in the case of rare or scarce mineral resources such as oil. That being said we empathize with the personal loss of many of your nation's prosperous members, as well as sympathize for your people. The Alliance is similar to Canada in the sense that they have little to no domestic need of oil yet are domestically blessed with an abundance of it; we would be willing to supply slavorussia in the short term with supply from our wells in North Africa, Romania, and the Indian Ocean. In the long term we could offer a plan of reduced prices until the situation can be mitigated.

Also if needed we would be willing to front some capital, or sent engineers to develop the offshore or domestic supply that you do have access to.

We hope you’ll understand if we do not trust you, or question your motives. Your direct actions helped put us in the position we’re in today, and your country currently occupies part of Slavorussia. We think you know what you must do to redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Slavorussian people. Unfortunately we must decline your offer for now.

Private To Slavorussia:

Oil production in Nova Coimbra (OOC: Alberta) has only increased while domestic demand, thanks to large-scale forsaking of the usage of gasoline as the main fuel for vehicles. This means that Vinilandese oil has been hitting record low prices while actually stocking up on the resource. We can offer Slavorussia the resource at a special discount if they wish to purchase in large amounts.

Also, if so the Slavorussian wishes, our countries may sign a treaty of free trade, which will surely benefit both of us.

It seems the nations with the most integrity exist in North America. If only we had neighbors like Viniland

The Republic of Mariehamm will financially support an oil pipeline from ADI to Slavorussia.

We hope Slavorussia, Mariehamm and ADI officials can get together as soon as possible and have discuss this issue more.

Molakia has very little spare oil to send to Slavorussia, as we produce very little ourselves, but we will assist in transporting oil from other nations should it become necessary.

We know that right now Molakia is struggling, and we wouldn’t want to impose.

Glorious Aotearoa does not offer oil, but instead wonders why you would still use it for anything but military applications? There is no civilian use of oil anywhere in country for land based transport, long the majority user in less developed countries.

Oil and its many forms are vastly valuable and important in modern Slavorussian society. We use oil for heating purposes, creating plastics and lubrication and petroleum is greatly important for Slavorussia’s transportation system.

Excuse us if not every nation has the resources or technology to impliment mass-trasportation systems such as yours.

OOC: So why the need to restrict the Slavorussian's access to the oil at all, hmm?

ooc: spite

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Excuse us if not every nation has the resources or technology to impliment mass-trasportation systems such as yours.

OOC: So why the need to restrict the Slavorussian's access to the oil at all, hmm?

OOC: Economic Policy, the pipelines going through Slavorussia could form a problem as Nordland wouldn't be able to enforce it's Government control on companies. It is also logical when you own certain resources your people get the control over them. At least that is my point of view

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We hope you’ll understand if we do not trust you, or question your motives. Your direct actions helped put us in the position we’re in today, and your country currently occupies part of Slavorussia. We think you know what you must do to redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Slavorussian people. Unfortunately we must decline your offer for now.

*Private to slavorussia*

That is understandable and somewhat excepted. Our motives are fairly simple, we are businessmen and to see a nation such as yours in the situation that it is in is a disservice to all nations. Simply put no nation is really isolated, when problems in one occur they necessarily effect everyone and generally for the worst. Maintaining the integrity of your economy was our primary concern. Beyond that it was simple concern for your people, no one likes to see others suffer. As for your later points (of us being responsible), I think we are just as responsible as any of your allies who failed to come to your aid at the time (if not less responsible), and that it would be unfair to hold a grudge simply because we were on the other side of a war. Lastly In regards to the territory we control, the area in question was totally undeveloped when we arrived and its present state is the product of our own labor and capital; the land was little more than an asset before with hardly any cultural value so to see our nation controlling it shouldn't really be something your people are upset over. That being said we wish you luck and hope that you are able to find other offers.

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***Classified to Slavorussia***

If needed, we would be more then happy to sell you oil (crude and/or refined) at a low price. In addition, we would also be happy to give you the plans and technical know-how to produce hemp based and cellulosic (trees, plants, paper/tree waste, almost anything green) fuel, which are the mainstay of the RA's petrol power. As well, all Slavorussian assets in Qatar and other formerly Slavorussian territory handed over to the RA are still under Slavorussian control. If you wish to have a joint protectorate over these lands (as they are an RA protectorate for new nations at the moment) or possibly re-annex some of them, we would be more then happy to talk that over.

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*Private to slavorussia*

That is understandable and somewhat excepted. Our motives are fairly simple, we are businessmen and to see a nation such as yours in the situation that it is in is a disservice to all nations. Simply put no nation is really isolated, when problems in one occur they necessarily effect everyone and generally for the worst. Maintaining the integrity of your economy was our primary concern. Beyond that it was simple concern for your people, no one likes to see others suffer. As for your later points (of us being responsible), I think we are just as responsible as any of your allies who failed to come to your aid at the time (if not less responsible), and that it would be unfair to hold a grudge simply because we were on the other side of a war. Lastly In regards to the territory we control, the area in question was totally undeveloped when we arrived and its present state is the product of our own labor and capital; the land was little more than an asset before with hardly any cultural value so to see our nation controlling it shouldn't really be something your people are upset over. That being said we wish you luck and hope that you are able to find other offers.

The fault does not go to our former allies. Although they may be pathetic cowards who believe in being “friends when convenient” its neither their fault nor ours. The fault in this issue rests solely upon your allies in the Nordic Confederacy, and yourselves. The world knows now that Slavorussia wasn’t invaded to liberate the already free people. Slavorussia was invaded to steal the land and resources nothing more.

As for the Nenetsia Oblast that your country now occupies, it was sufficiently developed. The capital of Villarus, our former ally was there, much of the infrastructure was centered there, and we made every effort to sustain that area. There are several major port cities along the Barents Sea, so to claim the area was undeveloped is a blatant lie. Please don’t attempt to justify your wrongdoings with misdirection and lies, because it does not help the situation.

Having said that we thank you, and wish you luck as well.

***Classified to Slavorussia***

If needed, we would be more then happy to sell you oil (crude and/or refined) at a low price. In addition, we would also be happy to give you the plans and technical know-how to produce hemp based and cellulosic (trees, plants, paper/tree waste, almost anything green) fuel, which are the mainstay of the RA's petrol power. As well, all Slavorussian assets in Qatar and other formerly Slavorussian territory handed over to the RA are still under Slavorussian control. If you wish to have a joint protectorate over these lands (as they are an RA protectorate for new nations at the moment) or possibly re-annex some of them, we would be more then happy to talk that over.

We wouldn't want to impose on the people of the Middle East again, by annexing any land. The citizens of Qatar served the Tsar well for many years and they deserve their independence. We would appreciate the RA's assistance in lowering our dependency on fossil fuels, and moving toward more environmentally friendly fuels.

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We wouldn't want to impose on the people of the Middle East again, by annexing any land. The citizens of Qatar served the Tsar well for many years and they deserve their independence. We would appreciate the RA's assistance in lowering our dependency on fossil fuels, and moving toward more environmentally friendly fuels.

***Classified to Slavorussia***

Understandable and very honourable at that. The plans and technical know-how to produce electrical cars, as well as hemp based and cellulosic fuels are on the way now, along with a few engineers. We hope they help you in your quest to become more environmentally friendly and self-dependant.

Edited by Lavo_2
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As for the Nenetsia Oblast that your country now occupies, it was sufficiently developed. The capital of Villarus, our former ally was there, much of the infrastructure was centered there, and we made every effort to sustain that area. There are several major port cities along the Barents Sea, so to claim the area was undeveloped is a blatant lie. Please don’t attempt to justify your wrongdoings with misdirection and lies, because it does not help the situation.

OOC: Interesting I wasn't aware there was any development, (RL maps/satellite images show essentially just ice and rock) so I just assumed it was wiped and RP'd new development. Also perhaps I am wrong but I think martens/vektor basically flattened it in a series of battles when vaule started moving in from the north. If that were the case the people would have had to evacuate anyway as the climate would be too inhospitable to exist there indefinitely.

Edited by iamthey
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Oil demand and prices in Great Lakes State have dropped by nearly 40% due to rapid expansion of mass transit systems and clean energy power plants. We do not mind if you wish to purchase cheap oil, but be warned that our nation is starting to become unstable since almost all of the criminal gangs and terrorist organizations have decided to band together and wreak chaos.

Edited by HHAYD
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Oil demand and prices in Great Lakes State have dropped by nearly 40% due to rapid expansion of mass transit systems and clean energy power plants. We do not mind if you wish to purchase cheap oil, but be warned that our nation is starting to become unstable since almost all of the criminal gangs and terrorist organizations have decided to band together and wreak chaos.

Do you have sufficient police or military forces to keep order?

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Do you have sufficient police or military forces to keep order?

We have begun rapidly expanding the police and military forces. However, our law enforcement agencies will have difficulty stopping them since they decided to coordinate their attacks and attacking all at the same time.

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