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War comes to the Brotherhood


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Earlier today the Pang Team initiated a dastardly surprise attack against the Brotherhood of the Dragon. Despite the fact that they are twice our size, all Pang Team nations will be in ruins before this conflict is over. You have made a grave mistake in attacking the Brotherhood.

In another potentially disturbing occurence, we had a ghost join just after this conflict started. area51 of the Out of Order Nations (OON) is using our AA while being engaged in wars with France and RU. Any ghosts that think they will take advantage of our present situation should think again. Ghosts will be dealt with as harshly as enemy combatants.

-Dominic Greene, Imperator of the Brotherhood of the Dragon-

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The OON guy is a ghost?

OON has been telling everyone they are merging into BOD, and BOD will defend them from any and all attacks due to that. So could you please clarify what is going on? Is OON merging or not, and are they protected or not?

Also, just because I want to share.

<~KenoshaWi[OON]> as OON is no more
<~KenoshaWi[OON]> as ur forcing me from being able to enjoy the game


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The OON guy is a ghost?

OON has been telling everyone they are merging into BOD, and BOD will defend them from any and all attacks due to that. So could you please clarify what is going on? Is OON merging or not, and are they protected or not?

Also, just because I want to share.


looks like i win.

Elborrador: 1

!@#$ alliances: 0

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KenoshaWi approached myself and another within BoD asking if we would accept OON refugees, meaning essentially nations that did not want to be in the war with France and wanted to peace out and get a fresh start in a new alliance. KenoshaWi recognizes that he has polarized public opinion against himself and OON and claimed that he wanted to allow some nations to remove themselves from that stigma and start anew, while others continued their fight with France. We were not the only alliance that he proposed this idea to, either. This was being *considered*, but it was clear that it would be under discussion and involve numerous assurances that these nations met the above definition. NOTHING was agreed upon...KenoshaWi then asked that all OON members be admitted to BoD and that they be allowed to continue to fight France. As we have declined that offer already, and even went so far as to post on the public forums that we did not intend to enter into battle with France, KenoshaWi was told that no members would be accepted and that such a merger would not occur. To make it clear, no OON members are being accepted by BoD, nor is any merger taking place. OON is not under our protection. Quite frankly, BoD would like to see some semblance of green cooperation take shape, but we have no sympathy for OON's position. In my opinion, OON leadership has created these problems for themselves. Also, there is some evidence (although not necessarily conclusive) that KenoshaWi told France and RU members that BoD was going to attack those respective alliances. As odd as it may sound, it appeared that while KenoshaWi was asking for our assistance he may also have been working against BoD- or assuming that a merger might occur that he was going to ensure that the Brotherhood had poor relations with his rival alliances so that we would be fighting those that he hated...As murky as all of this is, I hope that it has answered at least the specific concerns regarding our relationship, or lack thereof, with OON.

-Dominic Greene, Imperator of the Brotherhood of the Dragon-

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Also, there is some evidence (although not necessarily conclusive) that KenoshaWi told France and RU members that BoD was going to attack those respective alliances.

He did tell us you were going to attack us :ph34r:

[22:37] <~KenoshaWi[OON]> hello

02[22:37] <~KenoshaWi[OON]> e|

[22:37] <~KenoshaWi[OON]> OON is joining BOD

01[22:37] <e|> hey

[22:37] <~KenoshaWi[OON]> so yah if u war a OON ull get attacked by Fellowship

[22:37] <~KenoshaWi[OON]> since they are protecting BOD

[22:37] <~KenoshaWi[OON]> and we are now semi-members of BOD :D

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Sad that this is all mistaken =\

1) i never stated BOD was going to attack france or RU

2) i asked that we be allowed to still tech raid France nations. OON and France are at peace can't continue a war when there is none

3) that rogue is not a member of the OON after disobeying orders only to join BOD AA when u had no current wars.

4) this was BOD's idea not mine bigkat you came to me about the merger and yes you called it a merger.

5) to zikawe i was speaking about OON's whom had refugeed to BOD. I know you know ours names and such and i wanted to make sure that once a OON had fully joined BOD they were bod.

I had also offered that i would not join BOD yet BOD still go thru with this merger no one has a problem with OON only me. I am willing to leave out of the merger if it means my fellow OON nations get a chance at in a nice succesful alliance. Big Kat i never asked any of this to happen do you think i wanted France to war OON? No i did not so i ask that before you make it sound like i am the bad guy you realize that OON is the victim is 99% of this.

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2) i asked that we be allowed to still tech raid France nations. OON and France are at peace can't continue a war when there is none

I can't comment on the rest, but singling out an alliance for tech raids is pretty much war.

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Sad that this is all mistaken =\

1) i never stated BOD was going to attack france or RU

2) i asked that we be allowed to still tech raid France nations. OON and France are at peace can't continue a war when there is none

3) that rogue is not a member of the OON after disobeying orders only to join BOD AA when u had no current wars.

4) this was BOD's idea not mine bigkat you came to me about the merger and yes you called it a merger.

5) to zikawe i was speaking about OON's whom had refugeed to BOD. I know you know ours names and such and i wanted to make sure that once a OON had fully joined BOD they were bod.

I had also offered that i would not join BOD yet BOD still go thru with this merger no one has a problem with OON only me. I am willing to leave out of the merger if it means my fellow OON nations get a chance at in a nice succesful alliance. Big Kat i never asked any of this to happen do you think i wanted France to war OON? No i did not so i ask that before you make it sound like i am the bad guy you realize that OON is the victim is 99% of this.

1) I received information from these alliances that you did, but I cannot prove it either way...

2) This is true. You asked even though BoD publicly denied your request to enter into a war with France.

3) That "rogue" WAS a member of OON when he switched his AA to BoD and began ghosting our alliance.

4) You actually approached another BoD member and then myself asking that BoD take in "war refugees" from OON which would be members that did not want to fight for OON, who would get peace in their wars and who wanted to get a fresh start in CN:TE away from OON.


I really don't even know where to begin. From the outset, you were duplicitous. There was never a chance that we would accept OON into our ranks in a merger settings for numerous reasons. We could not even accept "refugees". Everytime you talked to myself or another member, you were constantly trying to change what you were asking for or assumed things into fact that were never agreed upon or sometimes never even discussed. I am rarely at a loss for words, but this is one of those times...

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BigKat if that is the way you feel so be it I never asked for much other then you help our members none asked for any special treatment no gov positions and yes he was a OON but the moment he decided even thought of changing AA to BOD's he was no longer a OON so DO NOT say it was our fault some people can not read. I never said anything about things happening when they really didn't. so honestly i have no idea what the hell your talking about lol

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