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Communist agents expose war preparations of Nordreich

Comrade Craig

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From the desk of the General Secretary, overseer of the intelligence apparatus for the International:

To all peace-loving nations, and to the workers of the world:

The International brings you disturbing news. Recently gathered intelligence has revealed that the claims of peace spouting from the mouths of Nordreich's leaders are nothing more than a clever ruse designed to lull the Party into a false sense of security. Imagery from our vast and sophisticated surveillance network shows their paramilitary bands massing on our common border:


Note the devious use of duct tape as a weapon (right, bottom). It appears that the cunning soldiers of Nordreich can fashion a weapon from even the most common of household items.

The photograph below is of particular concern to our military hardware analysts. In it we see that our adversaries have mastered travel over land as well as sea, by use of an innovative vessel that we have dubbed the BOW (Boat On Wheels):


Although the Party is rarely shocked by depths to which the forces of empire and reaction can sink, even we were not prepared to discover that Nordreich even employs the use of child soldiers:


This evidence is incontrovertible. If the peaceful citizens of Planet Bob do not stand up and demand the immediate disarmament of the war-mongering nations of Nordreich, the world could soon be awash in the blood of innocents.

Power to the people!

"Comrade" Craig

General Secretary, the International

Edited by Comrade Craig
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