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Emerging from the sea

Shan Revan

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OOC: When I went inactive I just posted that my island lowered itself into the sea. Now that I'm coming back a bit, raising it up.


The stormy clouds in throughout the Naboo Exclusion zone wasn't particularly unusual for this time of year but it did none the less feel rather foreboding for any in the area to witness it. Which was all rather appropriate for the event that was to take place. Under the waves, the world's largest structure was buzzing with life. Within the many hallways a red glow was seen - emergency lighting was on, main power was off. All transport had been halted and all but essential services and the military were allowed outside their homes at the time but yet it still was alive with activity.

Over the intercome, a female voice calmly announced something the people had been waiting a long time to hear.

"As previously mentioned, today Omni Island will be rising above the waves again. Please remain inside your designated shelters unless authorised for the next 24 hours. We will now begin."

As the announcement ended, a distant hum began to be heard throughout the currently underwater nation. All power systems had stepped up to full capacity and over 99% of that power was being diverted to a giant hydraulic systems. Suddenly the massive object lurched upwards. It would be a long process, but within 12 hours it broke the surface.

The large mass breaking through the moderate waves, watterfalls spilling down the sides every few kilometres. When it raised however, it was clear that the structure had suffered extensive damage. the surface was pitted with extensive scars and large burn marks - as if it was the centre of a warzone. From the southern face it could be seen that a large section had caved in. If anything, the extensive damage made the strucutre all the more impressive.

After 20 hours had passed it finally reached its final position, towering well over the ocean. It came to a stop with a lurch just as it had started. A series of locks immediately intiated, preventing the structure from falling back down. With the island back in place, the exclusion zone came completely online again.

The following day:

By now many of the world's leaders would be learning of the re-emergence of Naboo. It was time to make a press conference. The emper, clearly aged by the event stood at his podium looking very solemn.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the world. Yesterday, Omni Island, the world's first artificial island emerged from the ocean once again. It brings us much joy to be back in the sunlight. However I bring grave news. For some time now, even before our departure under the sea, we have been in a constant war. I'm sure this is news to many of you who are now wondering what war I'm talking about.

What I'm about to say may seem ludicrous but it is all true. During the laying of our great pacific network, we discovered a civilisation of underwater men. The mythical mermpeople of sea tales! We do not know where they came from, or even why they hated us so. We think it may have something to do with our sonar arrays disturbing dolphins and whales who alligned with them. For whatever reason however, they were quite advanced technologically and forced us into a state of total war. Over three million soldiers have been killed and about 20 million civilians died in their attacks on our home. Our nuclear warheads have irradiated vast tracts of seafloor where epic battles were fought between submersibles and frog men against our opponents have turned nuclear. Our nuclear stockpile has vastly dwindled and we've been operating on full production for some time - firing them off nearly as fast as we can make them.

The war rages on even now, however attacks have eased. We are running low on food supplies and request the international community to consider donating or selling us essential foods and as anyone can see, a large portion to the south has collapsed from their repeated attacks, so we need building materials too so that we may end this war and prosper again."

Now, sure that he would be deemed crazy for revealing the truth of the situation, he ended the conference and retired to his personal quarters for a while, to view the sunlight in all its glory again.

Edited by Shan Revan
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