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1st Conference of the Global Soviet


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OOC: All discussions of the Global Soviet will be held in this thread.

IC: We welcome all comrades to the 1st Conference of the Global Soviet. Here, a G.S. member may make any proposal they wich to be braught before the G.S. for consideration, debate, and/or vote. Here new members may submit their applications.

First to be braught before the Global Soviet is the selection of a Global Soviet Headquarters, of Capital. The capital may be any city within the claims of any signatory of the G.S.


Global Soviet



With more and more power slipping from the hands of Capitalists, Fascists and other enemies of the proletariat‘s revolution, the world labor force has more opportunity now than ever to unify under complete Communism, to take a lead as the driving force of a Communist world. In this union, the workers revolution will rise beyond all past boundaries to Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Oceania. Onwards to world revolution!

Article 1-Mutual Defense:

In the event of an infringement of any kind on a signatory of this pact, all others will be obligated to commit full support to our signed comrade without question. This includes a nuclear strike against a comrade, which will be met with the full force of the G.S. nuclear arsenal.

Article 2-Non-Aggression

No signatory of this pact is permitted to carry out any aggressive action towards any other signatory. Only united will our power not just remain constant, but expand to new frontiers.

Article 3-Optional Aggression:

In the event of an aggressive attack by a signatory on another nation, the Global Soviet will take on a vote, putting into consideration the circumstances and reasoning leading up to the attack, before deciding weather or not to commit G.S. forces. The advance of ideology can be a reason for such an attack, but will be put under the same vote as for an attack with any other motive.

Article 4-Economic Aid:

In the event that a G.S. signatory faces any economic difficulties, the signatories will debate and put into effect the measures decidedly necessary to aid our troubled comrade.

Article 5-Trade & Politics:

No taxing or tariffs of any kind are to be placed upon signatories of this pact. All ports and harbors will be shared among the G.S. members, and embassy exchange between all signatories is mandatory.

Article 6-Votes:

All signatories are allowed to propose their own topics for vote, as well as the ability to vote for every topic and/or issue put before the Global Soviet.

Article 7-New Membership & Removal:

All new nations must have a complete Communist dictatorship, or if decided stable by the Global Soviet, a semi-democratic Communist system, or a Theocratic-Communist system (i.e. the Soviet Caliphate). If such as system is lacking, the awaiting member will be denied, or if a members government changes beyond the requirements, said member will lose membership to the G.S.

Article 8- Pact Exit:

If a signatory wishes to cancel its membership to the Global Soviet, a minimum of 72 hour notice is required before signature is removed from the agreement.

Signed, Caliph Balomesh

The Soviet Caliphate

Signed for Premier Dragan

Supreme Soviet of the Communist Republic of Serbia

Signed, Premier Yamamoto

The Republic of Socialist Japan

Signed, Stephen Othran

General Administrator of the Imperial Alliance

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The Alliance would be happy to host the GS headquarters in any of its territories. We might suggest our centrally located African territory as a possible province for establishing it. Of course if anyone else would like to offer we wouldn't object.

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The Alliance would be happy to host the GS headquarters in any of its territories. We might suggest our centrally located African territory as a possible province for establishing it. Of course if anyone else would like to offer we wouldn't object.

We beleive a capital within the Alliance would be best. We vote yes to IA's offer.

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We vote yes to that flag as well. The Capital shall be located in the North Western Saharan territory in the Sub Administrative Zone's capital of New Lausanne if that is fine with the rest of the GS. We also vote yes to sending aid to help the victims of the Reactor accident.

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The Wästerdyskreich Nordic Socialist Republic is rather interested in joining this bloc. We effectively have what you are seeking in terms of Government in that we have something between a Communist Dictatorship and a Semi-democratic Communist System. Victory for the Proletariat!

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The Greater German Reich would like observer status in this bloc. As with any communist nation, we believe that all people are created equal and that all should be able to enjoy the wealth of the state.

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While the Imperial Alliance is a friend of the NC, we are going to have to say no. This is only for socialist/communist nations.

EDIT: OOC: That was to Malatose.

Edited by iamthey
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We say Yes to the Wästerdyskreich Nordic Socialist Republic's application but Decline the Greater German Reich's request for observer status.

Also, we propose a Global Soviet tech share and a standard military dress, training, etc for all members' militaries.


Plans for possible new vehicles as well as troop armor.



Edited by King Balomesh
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The treaty is not very clear on how exactly admission to the Global Soviet works, but if it so happens that we have been elected, we thank you and do hereby provide our signature.

Signed for the Wästerdyskreich Nordic Socialist Republic,

His Excellency Emperor of the Wästerdyskreich Nordic Socialist Republic, Fleet Admiral Doctor Alexander I, OBE, PhD, COD, ASAP, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the Russian Lands in General and Godwanaland in Particular, Also Hello

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