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First Nuclear Test Reactor goes online in New Delhi

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DNN Live New Delhi:

In front of the camera stands Dan Crawford, the primary news broadcaster for the state news network dressed in his typical meticulous fashion. Behind him is a large nuclear cooling tower for venting steam. In the foreground, but just behind him, is a podium at which the Chairman is slated to give a press conference. "Greetings to everyone joining us from the commercial break. We're breaking in now for a live press conference where the the Chairman will turn on Dragonisia's first live peaceful nuclear power test reactor based on yellow-cake Uranium. If all goes well as expected, this will mark the beginning of the end to Dragonisia's reliance on Fossil Fuels and will be the harbinger of it entering the atomic power club. Oh look! There comes the Chairman now!"

Maelstrom enters stage right along with several of his cabinet, absent Anthony Davis for the sake of preserving the chain of command of course. Maelstrom comes to the mic, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I bring you Dragonisia's first nuclear test reactor. If all goes well as I've been assured it will after many many test runs, we will see steam from the plant behind us and about 50 Megawatts of additional power will begin to flow into our electrical grid. I'm not much for fan fair, and have been waiting for this moment with you a very long time. Let us get down to business, and bring the atomic age home...." With that, the Chairman was given a little red button by a scientist on the stage with him. Which he pressed.

A few minutes later.. white puffs of steam were seen coming from the top of the reactor. There was immense applause. Then.. came the black puffs of smoke. One of the scientists darted off the stage as a commotion arose. The Chairman attempted to calm the crowd, "It's okay, they tell me it's just a glitch and everything is well in hand..." Well.. he was somewhat convincing.. then the side blew off the reactor. "Oh.. ****."

There was a bright light.. and the camera went dark...

ooc: I hereby commemorate my descent into nuclear anarchy! My first nuke of the Karma war.. lol.

Bohovia is concerned and sends its condelences to the fallen citizens. No aid is planned to be sent, if the situation worsens we will give aid.

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The sharp and sudden drop off of Dragonisian economic markets has hurt Tahoan economic interests in Asia, causing massive selloffs in the San Francisco Stock Exchange of various Dragonisian corporations and products. The total loss of Dragonisian securities is estimated at 5172 points since its high a week and a half ago.

ooc: You know Tahoe.. your post has inspired me to actually start using NS strength charts not only as a measure of strength in game, but in economic strength in CNRP. My NS chart took a dive, lol.


The remarkably stoic Dragonisian Stock Exchange has preserved most of its value, only losing 5% since the disaster in heavy trading. Most economists expected heavy losses and selling domestically.. most economists also forget the people of this country have been through this type of crisis before and many are choosing to weather the storm.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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A phone is seen ringing in an austere room. The shrill notes of this phone was answered by a man with military bearings but wearing regular executive suits. He took the phone to the next room where a man was performing some intricate yoga steps.

"Your Highness, It is the Strategic Command."

The King of Cochin answered the phone, "Yes , what is it?"

" Sir this is SRA Watch Officer. We have reports of a massive nuclear explosion at the new Dragonisian nuclear power plant at New Delhi."

" Any reports on casualty count? Is Maelstrom Vortex safe?"

"Sir, we have no substantive reports at the present."

"Okay, thank you officer."

"By the King's command."

The King dialed a number on the phone and spoke," Get me Gen. Mahesh Varma and Gen. Mohammed Faraz."

"Gen. Faraz, has any more information developed about the incident?"

"No Your Excellecy. We believe at the moment that it is a technical fault and not a sabotage."

"Hmm. Gen. Faraz, activate all your sources. If it was a deliberate attack by anyone I want to know about it."

"Gen. Varma, what is the status of our troops in Dragonisia?"

"Sir, currently we have our naval forces deployed around Mumbai and thew new base facility. Mumbai is not on the fall out path of the nuclear clouds. Sir, should we withdraw them?"

"No. station them there. I want our forces to assist the Dragonisian forces in anyway they can. General, I want you and KP Varma to coordinate with Dragonisian authority and get ready some flights of relief materials. If they grant permission deploy the 2 Infantry Regiment currently on WMD activation to be deployed to New Delhi to assist with fall out containment."

"Yes Sir."

"Report the developments to me immediately."

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Permission for the movement of Cochin specialized WMD relief infantry was immediately granted at the local level. A pass was given to them by the local commander that would give them clearance throughout most of the state with few questions asked. In the meantime, citizens were being bussed out of the fallout path and those already affected were being moved into shelters. Geiger counters were in mass deployment as a monitoring of the fallout's progression continued. Commercial and private networks shared the data on the fallout's spread with the world to the best of their capacity, as they recovered from the emp outages.

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