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Decleration of War

King Kevz

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From this current hour the nation of Helzan is now at war with the Hansatic Commonwealth and its leader the Lady Protector Sarah Tintagyl until such time that we are defeated in combat or conditions are met to our approval. We are still at war with the Nordic Confedracy and will be until their leaders turn themselves over to us so that they can stand trial for their crimes against Slavorussia. As of now any Nordic Confedracy or Commonwealth citizen found within Helzan territory will be arrested and held in Prisoner of War camps. That is all.

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The Commonwealth understands the Helzan decision to go to war, however at the moment, only border guards have been mobilized to protect from any surprise invasions of the homeland. This is not an aggressive action, nor to we believe that the Helzan would ever launch a surprise attack. However perchance the day was to come, we are now ready. The Commonwealth would also like to remind the Helzan that our doors are always open to diplomatic talks and that perchance this war will end with no cost to human life.

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We will attend a diplomatic meeting with the Lady Protector with the High General attending along with a heavily armed bodyguard of SSC operatives who will be with her at all times. If this is acceptable then please let us know as soon as possible.

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The jet carrying the High General and her bodyguards flew across to the Commonwealth flanked by eight H-16 aircraft for protection and as escorts. They quickly made their way before landing at the airport where the eight fighter craft headed back to Helzan confident that the ground team would protect the High General, meanwhile at the airport once the steps were brought up to the aircraft half a dozen armoured and heavily armed men descended them and after looking the area over beckoned the rets of the SSC operatives and the High General down. Valerie came down the steps slowly dreading the meeting with Sarah that loomed before her.

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Sarah knew that the world criticized her, indeed she only felt welcomed anymore in her own country and in various spots throughout Europe. As she journeyed to the airport, citizen and soldier alike gave the young woman warm smiles. They knew that things were hard on her, they could see it in her eyes and in her movements. But they knew that she was strong, they knew that she could do things that no other leader could. They knew that they had been eternally blessed with a woman that had the mind that philosophers of the enlightenment would be jealous of. Valkyrie, President, Lady Protector, those were titles, needless titles. No, she was just Sarah to them, their leader and their friend and she only hopened that Valierie would still consider them as such.

As the plane landed, Sarah stood unguarded, no marines or guards were around, nor were they in hiding. Sarah had immediately ordered them away. Even if the Helzan recognized war, the Hansa never would, Sarah never would and a Valierie stepped down from the aircraft, both girl's blowing in the breeze, Sarah smiled and stepped forward, her arms opened for embrace, but she was unsure if the girl that she considered her friend would do her such honor.

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Unfortunatly she wouldn't as she continued to look sadly over Sarah's shoulder whilst two of her bodyguards immediatly moved in between Sarah and Valerie and all of them raised their weapons pointing them at Sarah, "please move back away from the High General, Lady Protector or we will have to remove you ourselves" oredered the harsh squad leader his face hidden behind a skull mask but his fierce eyes showing just how deadly that threat was. Valerie meanwhile sighed out loud and stood back an unwilling participent in the exchange.

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Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes, but with every ounce of strength she had left she forced them back into the ducts. She couldn't show any weakness now, that time had passed, yet her heart was still in her stomach, crying out for her to run past the guns. Politics, politics was such a dirty business. "Very well." She said straightening herself. "We have a limousine prepared for the High General, however if you do not trust our vehicles either, we can have this meeting in the airport just as well."

Sarah turned to the skull mask and glared. "I am not an animal, do not treat me as such. May I remind you that I have done much in this world and for you to say that all my exploits in my life are erased with the Nordic Confederacy sir, then I have no respect for you. I am not asking you to like me, nor am I asking you to respect me. I am asking you to respect the personal friendship that I have with your leader. So long as I live, I will never seek to harm her person in anyway. You may not believe me, but I know this and you will never change my mind." Sarah turned back to Valierie and bowed. "Your Excellency it is your choice. We can do this here or we can go to Diet Hall."

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Valerie looked up at Sarah her closest friend and though she didn't show any sign of pain on the outside she could see the pain held back in her eyes. She turned harshly and pressed her hand against her bodyguard's chest armour and stared straight into his eyes with a mask of fury on her face. "Enough I will not have you treating my friend in this manner now get back on the plane. All of you!!!" she shouted her voice raised quite loudly, she raised her hand to stop the squad leader from arguing and with a last comment that the Colonel would hear about this he ordered his men back onto the aircraft before following them onboard and slamming the door shut. Valerie stared after him for a few seconds before shouting out in anger and slamming her fist into the side of the aircraft steps and letting her breathing go from quick and frustrated to a more calm and considered tempo. Pulling back her fist and massaging it in her other hand she turned back again to face Sarah and stepped forward throwing her arms around her good friend and holding her tightly. "I don't care where we talk lets just go somewhere" Valerie said softly.

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Sarah took Valierie towards the limousine and once there the driver immediately stormed away down the main highway, not towards Brisbane but out into the country, where the hot summer hills waved brown grass in the sun. Pulling towards the top of one of the mounds, both Sarah and Valierie left the limousine and walked up into the dry wilted grass. Upon reaching the top, Sarah collapsed to her knees, tears running down her face. She knew she could show weakness to Valierie, she was her friend and she only wanted the best for her. Sarah knew that, deep down in her heart for sure.

"I'm sorry." She said as the tears dropped to the ground. "I didn't want something like this to happen. I became the President of the Nordic Confederacy to create peace, to stabilize the factionalism that the world is in right now. I only wanted the best for all of us and now this." Sarah grunted as she pounded the dry ground with her fist. "The whole world is against me now, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm losing sight Valierie." She turned her head. Sarah's eyes were red with sweat and tears, her eyes that normally shown like sapphires were pale like a puddle of water on the street. "I don't want war, I've always wanted peace. I could never fight you, never." She jumped from the ground and clasped her arms around the young girl. "Please, forgive me, but help me understand that what I'm doing is right. Peace in the world is something to aim for. Peace in my ancient homeland. Peace finally in Europe."

Sarah buried her face in Valierie's shoulders and cried until the tears stopped flowing.

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Valerie held Sarah as she cried on her shoulder and did the best to not cry herself and somehow managed to barely keep herself from crying. She held Sarah until she finished crying and then with a smile wiped away the last tears from her eyes before replying to Sarah's words. "Sarah it isn't you they hate its who you have sided with, before you were a part of the Nordic Confedracy everyone saw you as a woman who stood for what she believed in regardless of what others did and said but when you joined the Confedracy it was like you had turned your back on your own beliefs to side with the devil. I know you joined them to somehow get them to reach peace but joining them was a mistake if you truly wanted peace in Europe you must do it from a neutral point of view. Don't go after peace as the Nordic Valkyrie or the broken European Hansa leader. Make peace as Sarah Tintagyl the woman of peace" replied Valerie embracing Sarah once more.

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Sarah drew back for a moment and held Valierie's shoulders and smiled. "Thank you for your kind words. I am not a Valkyrie though I am a broken leader. However Valierie, they need my leadership because I do not believe they can do it themselves. I beg of you Valierie, please I don't think I could fight your people. Please give me the time I have been asking for to reform the Confederacy, make it true center of freedom and culture just like you commented Brisbane as. I know you have faith in me, even when I do not have faith in myself." Sarah embraced Valierie tightly again. "Please just give me this chance."

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"A lot of people cry out for the Nordic people's blood for their actions and I include myself within that group but maybe we have been to quick to use our words to speak out in anger. I will give you your chance Sarah to change the Nordic people and their leaders but I fear that Europe will always be set against wiping each other from existance and so you promise me that you will be careful and that you will leave Europe as soon as it gets too dangerous" said Valerie as she turned and rested Sarah against her shoulder and looked up at the sky. "I will withdraw the decleration of war as soon as I get back to Helzan".

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OOC: Considering how that happened in the country, I assume I have no knowledge of it.



From the Desk of the President

With this, the declaration of war upon the Hansa by Helzan, we find ourselves to be at arms. The world is criticizing the Lady Protector for accpeting the Presidency of the Nordlandic Confederacy. Criticism is acceptable. War is not. And, as such, we are activating our Mutual Defense Pact with the Hanseatic Commonwealth. The Atlantian Federation and Helzan are now at war. Our troops will not set out at our discretion, though. The troops will leave the moment the Lady Protector says she needs help in this war. We have decided to take this course of action due to intel recieved minutes ago that the Lady Protector was meeting with the High General.



President of the Atlantian Federation

Edited by Arkantos
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Imperial Statement regarding the Hanseatic Commonwealth

There are far too many destablizing forces in this world. Far too many. Even now, as Altin Urda has fallen, a nation of Kyokujitsans under the banner of Daiwa has arisen. This is just a symptom of the global problem of Destablizing forces, all of which must be stopped.

The Hanseatic Commonwealth is a stabalizing force in the Pacific, and has stepped up to the plate as ruler of the NC. The H.C brings peace, prosperity, and an end to suffering, and any attempts to destroy the Hanseatic Commonwealth will be dealt with by us.

You have been warned...

Signed Personally,

Emperor Raiyku Shinje "Frost"

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The Australasian Coalition, while battered and bruised, is still a formidable force. Do not test us. While we are willing to allow a peaceful solution, any aggressive attack on the Hanseatic Commonwealth will be met with swift retribution.

Edited by Silhouette
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"A lot of people cry out for the Nordic people's blood for their actions and I include myself within that group but maybe we have been to quick to use our words to speak out in anger. I will give you your chance Sarah to change the Nordic people and their leaders but I fear that Europe will always be set against wiping each other from existance and so you promise me that you will be careful and that you will leave Europe as soon as it gets too dangerous" said Valerie as she turned and rested Sarah against her shoulder and looked up at the sky. "I will withdraw the decleration of war as soon as I get back to Helzan".

"Thank you, thank you Valierie. You and I will always be friends and I promise that I will repay you in some way for your kindness. What ever I can do, we will keep this world we love from descending into the Hell that leaders want to create. Europe will be a shining example of freedom, I promise that and I will never let war come to our peoples." Sarah hugged her again and a single tear dropped from her eyes. "Thank you."

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"No problem Sarah thats what friends are for however, I am not looking forward to telling this to Colonel Radec once I get back he has been strangely very supportive of my decleration of war against you which worries me considering he has such a large basis of support in the military but no matter I am sure we can get this all sorted out once I return" replied Valerie with a youthful smile.

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Condemnation is certainly a step too far for supporting, especially if it has come from nothing but taking the presidency of the Nordic Coalition. However, we must keep our thoughts open on the situation for, as the Holy Writ states, "The Known Is But A Shadow Of The Knowable."

Accordingly, all Imperial Shipping to the area will be carrying defensive weaponry.

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With my resignation and withdrawal from the Nordic Confederacy, I see no reason why this war should continue. I humbly ask the High General of the Helzan to agree to a white peace and that war never truly existed between our two states. We were friends, prior, during, and now afterward and noting will change that in his lifetime.

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With my resignation and withdrawal from the Nordic Confederacy, I see no reason why this war should continue. I humbly ask the High General of the Helzan to agree to a white peace and that war never truly existed between our two states. We were friends, prior, during, and now afterward and noting will change that in his lifetime.
Glorious Aotearoa will never let our close friend suffer this aggression. Any moves by Helzan with be met with the swiftest and most brutal retribution this great nation can muster.
Annihilation is ready and willing to take on Helzan, at whatever cost. Although small, we believe that we can help, and will do whatever it takes to defend our friend at such a distressing time.
"Should any military actions by Helzan proceed into Asia, the Japanese Empire will move swiftly to annihalate them."

-Emperor Yamamoto

Promised Land thanks these for announcing their support for the Hanseatic Commonwealth. However, the issue in question has been resolved. Sarah Tintagul has resigned from the NC, and as such the Helzan will undoubtedly withdraw their statement in due time.

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Statement from the High General

"At many times people across the world find themselves at odds with each other and prepare to tear the throats from those who we once called friends. It is to the great credit of the Lady Protector that she reminded me that friendship should never be forgotten and that you must never act without thought. Thus I declare full peace with the Hansatic Commonwealth and ask for their forgiveness".

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