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.:Out of Order Nations:.

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Out of Order Nations

hello we are a brand new alliance (made the night before reset) and would like to introduce ourselfs. We are a organized alliance for the green team which holds #2 strongest strengthed nation and so far are giving the vetren CNTE alliance known as the Lazy penguin eaters a run for there money. We are a Passive alliance that doesnt really seek to attack anyone

:).. We have a IRC Channel: #OON and a Forums which is OON Forums

. So there you have it you now know of our existance :)

Edited by KenoDurkster
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Out of Order Nations

hello we are a brand new alliance (made the night before reset) and would like to introduce ourselfs. We are a organized alliance for the green team which holds #2 strongest strengthed nation and so far are giving the vetren CNTE alliance known as the Lazy penguin eaters a run for there money. We are a Passive alliance that doesnt really seek to attack anyone

:).. We have a IRC Channel: #OON and a Forums which is OON Forums

. So there you have it you now know of our existance :)

lol doesn't really seek to attack anyone in Tournament Edition? that's odd...

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Out of Order Nations

hello we are a brand new alliance (made the night before reset) and would like to introduce ourselfs. We are a organized alliance for the green team which holds #2 strongest strengthed nation and so far are giving the vetren CNTE alliance known as the Lazy penguin eaters a run for there money. We are a Passive alliance that doesnt really seek to attack anyone

:) .. We have a IRC Channel: #OON and a Forums which is OON Forums

. So there you have it you now know of our existance :)

Eh, I just want to point it since it's day one there isn't any wars yet...in addition the strengths have yet to really be determined. Nations will be rising in NS and likely overtaking that spot you've claimed (#2 position) in which case it will look kinda dumb.

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