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Siberian Tiger Alliance Announcement

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Defence Pact with the Mushroom Kingdom, the Siberian Tiger Alliance hereby declares war on Molon Labe.

The Siberian Tiger Alliance has sat out the war so far as our treaties had not called us into the fray. The attack on our allies at the Mushroom Kingdom has brought the tigers out of their lair and onto the battlefield.

May our soldiers fight with honour and dignity.

Za Sibir’!

Crown Prince Mishka of Tygaland, Supreme Chancellor

Good God y'all are SEXY!

o/ STA!

Za Sibir’!

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We're great friends with the members of the NpO but we entered this war with no expectations of receiving their assistance. They have made it quite clear when they will and won't enter this conflict and our defense of MK is not one of those few things that will draw them into war.

Even if they did come to MK's defense, who would they declare on? There's nobody left. :) 372 + 495 = 867 nations. 867/48 ≈ 18 attackers per ML nation. I suppose if you ignore NS differences, you could rotate a new nation in every week for six weeks. It would be a heck of a drawn-out battle, eh? I'm not sure my war chest is that big.

As lakerz said, not really about feeling the need to have all of those nations against your 48, its just your alliance was the only one with the nerve to strike at an alliance we are treatied to. I am not saying that it is directly because of us but I think your actions on attacking MK in defense of your treaty partner speaks loads for the honor of your alliance. As you can see, no one else was willing to. I don't think anyone on our side in this thinks of it as no big deal.

We may be enemies now but it surely isn't hated enemies.


There's no reason to be mortal enemies when all four alliances only declared in support of treaty partners. Even though we're all nuking each other, it's nice to know we can get along.

o/ STA

o/ MK

o/ NSO

o/ ML

o/ upholding treaties

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