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Ending the Terrorist Threat

Lord Frost

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Kingdom of Cochin Eastern Border

"There" said the scout, pointing out west and handing the binoculars to the General. The general looked through the binoculars

"They're gathering...you weren't kidding. Send word to Field Command, have the entire army start moving heading this way

8 hours later....

The first of the artillery rounds began landing on Altin Urdan Camps. What power there was went out as it was cut. The first Tanks of the 3rd Army began rolling over the border, heading for the nearest City. Any border camps set up by the Former Altin Urdan army were easy pickings, a simple missile strike and a platoon of soldiers were all it took to eliminate. Bombers and Fighters began bombing runs of the closest Border City, hitting industrial centers and landing on Military Targets. Imperial Guard Infantry were being helicoptered into the city**

Targets were lit up for AGS missiles and weaponry

OOC: will look up city later

Edited by Lord Frost
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ICBMs from Artemis' Sicilian bases soared through the atmosphere then released their cache over Altin Urdan military facilities; the ICBMs were full of miniature e-bombs that broke apart seconds before hitting the ground, effectively carpet-EMPing their military bases. Large build-ups of troops were also hit with full-scale e-missiles this time, knocking out kilometers of communications and electronics at a time.

Meanwhile, F-45As and B-12 Luddites were flying across the eastern border of Rebel Army, entering Altin Urda space and preparing to strike at other military targets.

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Imperial Bombers had set fire to the city of Dushanbe, while Imperial Army units of the First army fight in the streets against Altin Urdan guerrillas in the inner city. Artillery support is extremely effective, and Imperial Cyberattacks keep the Altin Urdan battle networks down or scrambled, giving the Empire a huge advantage in both firepower and communication. Missile attacks coming from Imperial HQ in Tashkent continue to fire in Altin Urdan held areas. Casualties, however, are mounting


The surprise attack mounted by the 3rd army on Bishket has left much of the city region under Imperial control in the first few hours of fighting. Rebel reinforcements from the countryside continue to provide a barrier from taking the area entirely. The Empire has achieved Air Superiority

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OOC: How do you respond to an attack without an attack? :P

OOC: SARGY~~! Also as a follow up to my Hold announcement, thread may be locked and declared as "not happening" due to a certain Ruling having been reversed, making this thread unnecessary.

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The AWS Border would see a large mobilization however they would not cross. Throughout AWS known establishments of Altin Urda loyalists would find themselves surrounded and cut off from gas, power and fresh water. Of course all communications to the outside still possible without power would be blocked. At one of the Air Force bases multiple AF-1s would rebase and prepare for further operations it was the silence before the storm and on Corporate level the alerts level were leased to yellow, the local levels Orange. To make sure everything would remain clean as a deterrent over a dozen WMDs were activated and placed in silos close to Altin Urda. Something would be noticed with 100,000 Soldiers and 600 tanks at the Border but well they were still in their own territory so didn't do anything illegal.

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The AWS Border would see a large mobilization however they would not cross. Throughout AWS known establishments of Altin Urda loyalists would find themselves surrounded and cut off from gas, power and fresh water. Of course all communications to the outside still possible without power would be blocked. At one of the Air Force bases multiple AF-1s would rebase and prepare for further operations it was the silence before the storm and on Corporate level the alerts level were leased to yellow, the local levels Orange. To make sure everything would remain clean as a deterrent over a dozen WMDs were activated and placed in silos close to Altin Urda. Something would be noticed with 100,000 Soldiers and 600 tanks at the Border but well they were still in their own territory so didn't do anything illegal.

OOC: seeing as the territory that the GM's thought they would give to Sumeragi ACTUALLY belongs to Justinian (Central Asian Federation), I think I can let this go (just might wanna edit a bit of the wording). Putting down rebellious loyalists is not actually war, but quelling actions which I (and frankly all of us with former Altin Urdan territory) should be rping anyway.

War thread still on hold until GM's get around to a decision.

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