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An Anouncement The Arctic Order

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Interesting. I was previously unaware of how most nations thought about neutrality on the CN boards, but after this four page thread, I consider myself enlightened. Thank you everyone, for pounding it into TAO's head that they are cowards in your view, however redundant it may be. I'm sure TAO is grateful for your consideration, but I don't expect them to lose sleep.

Despite what seems to be common opinion, TAO does not need to prove themselves to us. We are quite content with protecting them, irregardless of their decisions on neutrality. We understood that when we signed the treaty, and we are not so tyrannic as to demand they fight in our wars. Part of the reason an alliance seeks a protector is to avoid war altogether, not to ensure a place in the next global conflict. The MHA discourages its protectorates to feel obligated to fight for us; when one signs a protectorate treaty, he does not sign it expecting to be a meat shield, as some of you expect him to do.

You are all entitled to your opinions, don't get me wrong. Feel free to fill up these threads with your philosophy all you wish; it's a right bestowed upon you all by the great administrator in the tubes. But please, consider your audience. You are not castigating some huge sanctioned alliance. Respect is a two way street, if you'll excuse my atrocious cliché; some of you demand it from your enemies, but withhold it from everyone else.

Now Snaggs you know I like you and everything, but I am calling you out on this. Your Triumvirates Trolled the Oceanic Alliance once upon a time. I believe you guys are not in the position to say that a DoN before anything has happened is not required. I don't think this makes them cowards necessarily but maybe a little foolish. As who knows if war will start this week or in two months. I mean every time there's a bunch of cancellations everyone thinks war is going to start. Everyone knows a small protectorate will not be the target of a large war, and normally the only way I have seen for an alliance like that to get into a large war is to fight with there protectors.


Edited by Duckz3
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Now Snaggs you know I like you and everything, but I am calling you out on this. Your Triumvirates Trolled the Oceanic Alliance once upon a time. I believe you guys are not in the position to say that a DoN before anything has happened is not required. I don't think this makes them cowards necessarily but maybe a little foolish. As who knows if war will start this week or in two months. I mean every time there's a bunch of cancellations everyone thinks war is going to start. Everyone knows a small protectorate will not be the target of a large war, and normally the only way I have seen for an alliance like that to get into a large war is to fight with there protectors.


Thanks for the disclaimer, Joss. ;) If you really care that much, bring it up in a PM; this is not the place.

Edited by Floatsam
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Thanks for the disclaimer, Joss. ;) If you really care that much, bring it up in a PM; this is not the place.

I dont care tbh, People troll. I troll it doesnt matter :). The fact of the matter is. Don't feed the trolls :)


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