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Casablanca Meeting


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OOC:*Closed RP Between Fascist Carthage and New France*

IC: President Cutlass and a large entourage of security personnel await the arrival of New France President Beaumont. The airport has been relatively quiet, as citizens have been unable to travel out of the State due to the elevated security status of the nation. But today it bustles with soldiers, and police who have been given little else to do then to ensure the safe arrival of President Beaumont. They pitched in at security checkpoints, creating an extra safe ride for anyone taking a trip to another location within the State.

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Exiting the plane, President Beaumont quickly spotted Cutlass and the large security team around him. To his surprise, the airport looked very modern, planes where clean and new, and Cutlass was dressed in a very elaboratly decorated military uniform. He stood in awe at how Cutlass braught his nation first together, then up and out of most of their troubles. This made him consider for a moment if Democracy is truley doomed to fail, as so many have predicted.

He stepped of the last stair, and stretched out his arm, offering a handshake to Cutlass.

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Cutlass denied the presidents handshake. Instead he gave President Beaumont the national Fascist salute. A risky move perhaps, but this was his country and Beaumont would have to play by his rules.

"Welcome to the Fascist Republic of Carthage Monsieur Président. If you would please follow me through the terminal we can begin some slight discussion before we reach the meeting."

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At first caught off guard by the salute he quickly jogged his memory of what his advisores had told him of Fascist Carthage. He smiled and nodded to Cutlass, who quickly monopilized the situation, as is his right and very much in his power to do so. He annalyzed the dicator. Cutlass was a man of action, and fascism is characterized by action. Perhaps the ideology required movement to remain afloat, any loss in momentum may cause it to sink. As he followed Cutlass into the airport and through the terminal he thaught back to his plane trip to the nation. He was shown tapes of Cutlass speeches. Fiery and bold, his voice captured the crowds, his words bombarded them and broke them down while his movements, expressions, and obvious passion pulled them in. Cutlass's charisma and powerful speeches where obviously the fuel to his wildfire of support.

Edited by Le Corbusir
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Cutlass's boots clicked loudly as he took brisk, confident strides through the airport. Occassionally turning his head and saluting military personnel who returned the salute and threw in a "To Empire" to their beloved dictator. Finally, Cutlass braught his attention to President Beaumont.

"How as your trip Mr. President. I have high hopes that it was extremely comfortable."

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"It was very comfortable. To be honest I slept through most of the trip, but I did catch some glimpses of your nat...State from the sky. It is beautiful indeed." He continued following the dictator, who saluted loyal soldiers. "If I may ask, when does our meeting begin?"

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"Good, very good." he replied, his attention obviously somewhere else. Then they stepped outside, and sudenly Cutlass stopped and faced Beaumont. "The meeting begins when we arrive." Then a large convoy of military vehicles arrived. In front was a tan camoflauged jeep. Cutlass dismissed his security personnel and sat in the driver's seat, then invited President Beaumont in. "Please come and sit, I'll drive you to the meeting myself. I've always prefered the driver's seat to any other. This way I can go as fast as I want, and no matter what car I am in, I will reach my destination." At this he smiled for the first time.

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Beaumont wondered for a moment if Cutlass's phrase was metaphorical then entered the jeep. Looking for a seat belt he quickly discovered there was none. He placed his hands on his lap. The entire ride he carefully examined Cutlass's "State". It was marked by ancient and new buildings. Fascist propoganda was very promonent but was placed in such an orderly manner that it did not look messy. There where citizens outside who slauted their leader and waved to President Beaumont. The streets signs seemed to be in Arabic, but the population seemd to be a mix of dark, and light skin with European, African, and Arabic facial features. This was a diverse land, unified under one party, one leader, one State. New France had similar diversities, but the nation was plagued with disunity. The split was not racial, but rather ideological. How Cutlass found a way around this, and how he maintained was a question he certainly wanted answered.

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Arriving at the large Fascist Party Head Quarters, the men exited the car. "And here we are." Cutlass advanced afew steps before stopping and facing the guards. Giving them a salute, the men replied, "To Empire." as they issued a 'Green Light' to the guards inside to open the large doors. The two men entered the extravigant building. Ceremonially dressed guards lined a large hallway of many doors. Cutlass led Beaumont to an elevator, pressing several number simultaniously. The two where taken down to the lower levels of the building, past the lowest floor according tot he elevator. The doors opened and they followed another large hallway adorned with large portraits of Cutlass, and pictures from his famous speaches. Finally they reached large doors, opened by two heavily armed guards. Within the huge room was a large table, set with Carthaginian military officials and Fascist Party members. Cutlass had Beaumont sit on one end while he took his place at the head of the meeting table. "Now, we begin." He smiled again.

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OOC: Seems like we all have questions for Cabal. :D

OOC: So now Tennessee, New France and me (soon) have a relationship with Cabal.

An interesting alliance. 3 liberal nations getting buddy buddy with a fascist nation. Granted, my role will be played by a fascist rebel, so it makes more sense for me. Still...

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OOC: So now Tennessee, New France and me (soon) have a relationship with Cabal.

An interesting alliance. 3 liberal nations getting buddy buddy with a fascist nation. Granted, my role will be played by a fascist rebel, so it makes more sense for me. Still...

OOC: hahaha. Wow. Yea... that's... unique. :lol: Don't you just Love the world of roleplay? Especially for my nation, there is like no way they'd give to a dictator or socialism. Interesting they have a strong live and let live attitude so really don't mind dealing with cra... I mean creative dictators. :) Anyway, they know how to build a military so yay!

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OOC: hahaha. Wow. Yea... that's... unique. :lol: Don't you just Love the world of roleplay? Especially for my nation, there is like no way they'd give to a dictator or socialism. Interesting they have a strong live and let live attitude so really don't mind dealing with cra... I mean creative dictators. :) Anyway, they know how to build a military so yay!

OOC: I dare you to finish that sentence the way you intended... :P

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General Abdul-Rahim was the first to speak. "We understand you have a surplus of military hardware, but lack a necessary amount of troops...well to use it. One way I propose we could aid you in this curiouse dilemma, is in the purchase of your extra military equipment."

Then a Fascist Partymember cut in. "We also know of your ambitions for your auto industry, with this we can help. Recent discoveries of large natural oil reserves in our lands opens up a new field of negotiation between our nations. We could provide you with exclusive access to our oil for a cheap price in exchange for a lower cost for your excess military hardware. Also, our nation is in need of wheat. The public complains there is no longer enough bread, and a raise in demand along with a fall in supply has led to inflation of this vital product. If you can provide the wheat for our tables, and hardware for our armed forces, we can provide the fuel to get your auto industry on the road. What say you to this?"

Cutlass sat back. The meeting was going exactly as planned, everyone had agreed before-hand what to propose and all it took now was President Beaumont's acceptance.

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President Beaumont took a moment to consider the proposals on the table. In reality he couldn't of hoped for a better deal, but he didn't want the Carthaginians to see that. With all the cheap oil New France would import, its auto industry would surely boom, and been seen as a great acheivment by his administration perhaps winning him some more support. "We have the wheat to put bread on your tables, and I will gladly open trade with Carthage as the deal stands. This is a magnificant proposal, and in return I offer to send observers from New France to report on the internal works of your republic. Many nations have called for such observers and New France is willing to fill the slot."

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OOC: :o I have wheat! And cars! You CRAZY dictator. Haha. I kidding. I'm still in Love with your roleplays man! :wub:

OOC: New France has a unique situation that I think could benefit my nation. And quite simply, he was quicker. Sowee :blush: ...also, if you call me CRAZY dictator again I may have to get violent :jihad: :P

IC: Cutlass cannot hide his smile now as the meeting unfolds surprisingly well. "This proposal is completely acceptable, but may I add one more thing? In exchange for receiving New France observers, I propose we have a personnel exchange. In exchange for your observers, we offer advisors to annalyse the situation in New France and provide suggestion as to how we would address the situation. We know unity eludes your nation, we are willing to help you acheive it."

Edited by Cabal
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OOC: New France has a unique situation that I think could benefit my nation. And quite simply, he was quicker. Sowee :blush: ...also, if you call me CRAZY dictator again I may have to get violent :jihad: :P

IC: Cutlass cannot hide his smile now as the meeting unfolds surprisingly well. "This proposal is completely acceptable, but may I add one more thing? In exchange for receiving New France observers, I propose we have a personnel exchange. In exchange for your observers, we offer advisors to annalyse the situation in New France and provide suggestion as to how we would address the situation. We know unity eludes your nation, we are willing to help you acheive it."

OOC: Liar. :ph34r:

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At that Cutlass stood, followed by the rest of the men int he room who all gave President Beaumont the national salute. Then Cutlass spoke, "Congratulations all on this successful meeting. There is a car waiting for you outside Mr. Beaumont, our guards will take you back to the airport, and off on a safe trip back home." The meeting was over, the deal was set, and a powerful friendship had been formed.

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