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Vaule Parliament deadlock over Slavorussia conflict

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OOC: Couldn't saying something like that be seen as compromising your neutrality?

OOC: Not really. It's only a statement. You can make such statements and remain neutral, I believe... ;)

That is, until you get attacked/blitzed/whatever. :awesome:

Edited by JEDCJT
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Parliamentary vote won, PM withdraws signature

Under mounting internal pressure, the Parliament of Vaule has voted to require the Prime Minister to withdraw his signature from the document. This means that the government is a step closer to canceling the NAP. We have also confirmed that President Rokossovsky dispatched a highly classified note to Nordheim. *

The final signature on the pact is that of the Princess Regent, who has so far given no indication of an intent to withdraw her approval for the Non-aggression pact. Princess Azleya has maintained that "the government should not bow to outside pressure to cancel that NAP. The decision should be made internally without the interference of RUSSIAN or any other nation. I ask the President to reconsider his position before he once again turns Vaule into RUSSIAN's "enforcer"."

Princess Azleya has also maintained that if she is forced to rescind her signature from the NAP, she will comply, but will ensure that "a referendum is held on Vaule's membership in the RUSSIAN organization to decide where Vaule's political future truly lies." When asked to expand, the Princess says that any such referendum would be held after the hostilities in Europe have ended and that "if the NAP is canceled we are fully prepared to carry out our responsibilities under the RUSSIAN pact." Princess Azleya has also suggested that the movement of RUSSIAN troops through Vaule without the permission of the government, on the RUSSIAN railway was "a gross violation of Vaule's sovereignty, and policy of neutrality. And will be raised with the RUSSIAN pact members at the earliest opportunity." When asked if Vaule would permit additional troops to use the railway system to get to Slavorussia, Princess Azleya replied: "Only if the necessary permission is obtained from the government before they enter Vaulian territory. If they fail to do so, then the trains will be halted at the discretion of the government"

*OOC: note indicates Intent to cancel NAP.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Vaule's Saffire Revolution

***Presidential Palace, Sygh Varthys***

After hours of pacing in his office, President Rokossovsky made a decision, he would act. He called the Head of Presidential Security, Col. Onatopp into his office.

“Xenia. I am about to ask you, as well as your units to break about every law in the Constitution”-President Rokossovsky

“You’re orders sir?”-Onatopp

President Rokossovsky replies: “Place the Prime Minister and the Princess Regent under house arrest, and bring Lord Pushkin to the Imperial Palace”

“Yes sir”-Onatopp

[10 minutes later]

***Imperial Palace***

Princess Azleya was stunned as armed soldiers arrived and confined her to the Conference room of the Palace. She repeatedly shouted: “I order you to stand down”, but the soldiers remained silent with their rifles aimed at her.

Col Onatopp placed a small sheet of paper and a pen in front of the Princess, then pointed her revolver between the Princess’ eyes. Glancing slowly downwards, Princess Azleya read the first line of text on the sheet. “Order of Abdication of Imperatrix Marimeya I, and all children thereof” Sensing no way out of the situation, the Princess picked up the pen and signed the document.

Satisfied, Col. Onatopp had the Princess taken away, while a priest was brought in to administer the oath to swear Lord Puskin in as acting Imperator. Once the swearing in ceremony was complete, Onatopp produced the Non-aggression pact, which Pushkin immediately revoked the Imperial signature on.

Grinning from ear to ear at his fortune, Pushkin rose from his seat ready to assume his duties as Imperator. He was even happier knowing that Onatopp had paid him almost V$2 million to ensure his co-operation.

“It's a pleasure doing business with you, my dear”-Imperator Pushkin

With a grin on her face, Onatopp drew her weapon and shot Pushkin five times.

"No Mr. Pushkin, the pleasure is all mine"-Onatopp

She glanced at her watch and replied:

“Pushkin, the shortest reigning Imperator in history. His reign lasted 2 minutes 5 seconds”-Onatapp

Satisfied that her task was completed, Col. Onatapp decided that she would pay the Prime Minister a visit.

***Worldwide News Broadcast***


-President Rokossovsky

“In the history of mankind, war has determined all. War continues to overwhelm and dominate the Earth, letting nothing escape its grubby, greedy hands.

As the Nordic Confederacy was notified privately yesterday, Vaule has cancelled the Sygh-Varthys accords. The obstacles to the cancellation of the pact were…removed permitting us to proceed. As we speak, the Vaulian Armed Forces are readying for combat in defense of Slavorussia.

We will honor our commitment to the RUSSIAN pact and to our allies, and we will fight, for Vaule and for RUSSIAN. We will show our commitment not only through words, but through action.

At home we are also in uncharted waters. I have been forced to take an action which may have been unconstitutional, and may have even constituted high treason. I have hereby suspended Articles 2 to 391 of Vaule’s Constitution. As you are undoubtedly aware, that includes the Imperial Powers act.

I hereby declare that the government of the United Democratic Republic of Vaule is dissolved. A new government shall rise in its place. Once this is over, I will permit the people to decide upon a course of action. I am fully prepared to accept the consequences of any action that I have taken, or have failed to take.

I hereby declare the existence of the Transitional Provisional Government of the Soclialist Republic of Vaule (Vaulian: Socializte Republika Vauleya)”-President Rokossovsky


-Flag of the Vaulian Socialist Republic

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## Back in the Offices at home ##

The Dragonisians watched the news broadcast and the Chairman was dancing a jig at yet another nation with socialist policies.. now they have to just get Vaule to adopt a meritocratic government structure and they'd be getting close to being the twin of Dragonisia.

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