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Vodka, Women, and Song

Sarah Tintagyl

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It had been sometime since the fall of United Francoist Empire and Asia was beginning to show signs of rebirth, naturally there was quite the amount of conflict still resonating between the established states, the destruction in Indochina, the Singapore Crisis, were just a few problems to face the new governments in Asia. However over all, a feeling of optimism and stability had be established and it seemed, at least to the Hanseatic Government, that with this era of peace and prosperity they would be able to focus on transforming their state into once again a cultural and diplomatic center and to establish relations with the rest of the world.

During the collapse of the Imperials, there had been a loose bond between the nations of Oceania and Southern Asia with the nations that comprised of the RUSSIAN pact, however since this time, the only true connection these two areas had was a portion of negotiations conducted through the White Cross and perhaps economically with the creation of the Asian Economic Agreement. Sarah looked at this as something to improve, the RUSSIANs played an extremely powerful part in world politics and Oceania and the Hansa had much to gain from strong ties to their far northern neighbors. New nations had sprung up besides the old nations and Sarah had every intention of offering her hand to all of these people in friendship. Estovakia had defended Hansa during the Gebiv War and it was unfortunate that talks since then had been barely audible. It was a problem she wanted to see solved.

Dozens of letters were crafted from that point then from her hand and sent out to the heads of states of Slavorussia, Vaule, the New Northern Empire, Bosporan, the Rossiyskayan Empire Altin Urda, and Bashtokostan inviting them to come to Brisbane for a dinner Sarah had planned in the hopes of building new relations with RUSSIAN in regards to the Hansa, as well and perhaps the beginnings of stronger delegation between all of Southern Asia and Oceania. Nonetheless, it was to be an informal meeting, a dinner, hopefully talking and laughing, and of course lots of vodka. The morning that the dinner had been planned, Sarah awoke and spent the rest of the day preparing her body for the inevitable crash. She was not by any means a vodka drinker, but it was necessary that was wasn't puking her guts out halfway through the evening either. By the late afternoon, everything had been prepared, the food was being cooked and the alcohol selection was chosen.

When the RUSSIAN leaders or ambassadors would arrive, Sarah's personal guards would escort them to the Solidor Manor outside of Brisbane where they would begin the festivities. There, in the parlor, she sat alone with a servant playing on the piano, waiting for the first guests to arrive.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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It would be a long flight from Molotov International Airport. While she could have send either the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or High Envoy she decided this meeting was worth her personal visit. Certainly with the personal message she carried for after the dinner.

The plane slowly descended in the Commonwealth after which it landed on the Airport and she Ordered her guards to stay in the Plane while she walked out.

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It would be a long flight from Molotov International Airport. While she could have send either the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or High Envoy she decided this meeting was worth her personal visit. Certainly with the personal message she carried for after the dinner.

The plane slowly descended in the Commonwealth after which it landed on the Airport and she Ordered her guards to stay in the Plane while she walked out.

As the President walked out from the plane she was met by five Hanseatic marines clicking their boots as they saluted smiling. "President Akhatova, welcome to the Hanseatic Commonwealth." Said a lieutenant walking out from the line. "If you would please come with me, we have a limousine prepared to take out to Solidor Manor." The guards made it their primary duty to make sure that her travels there were without any displeasure. The limousine had a fine crafted interior well lit as the lieutenant and one guard filed into the front to chauffeur the President to the outskirts of Brisbane in no time.

After about twenty minutes of road time, the limousine passed through the bronze gates leading into the courtyard of the manor. The night lights had been turned on for a more homely effect as the first of the summer fireflies had begun to circle around the garden in the waning summer light. Pulling around the grass circle in front of the manor, the limousine came to a stop as two Lillian guards came down to open the door for the President. There Sarah who had moved to the door was able to greet Nikita Akhatova for the first time.

"Madame President, thank you thank you very much for coming. I don't believe we've met before. I am Sarah Tintagyl of the Hansa."

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The Uralic-Bashkir contingent consisted of seven Tribal Council members, flying in from the nation's only operational airport, at Zlatoust.

There was the imposing Jarkko Salomäki, chief of Uralic Bashkortostan, wearing a black and blue suit with black pants and black shoes, black leather gloves, and designer sunglasses. His head had been shaved the night before. One could just notice the tattoo on the back of his neck from behind him - it read, "EDGECRUSHER."

With him were some other recognisable faces. Akhmetkhan Gubaidulin, the Bashkir leader-turned Uralic-Bashkir war expert and vice-chief of the military, dressed in a more traditional suit, with a white shirt and grey coat. He and Jarkko had been through much together, even fighting in the same fireteam in the final battle of the Dark Hand war in Chelyabinsk. Dr. Ovdey Shlomov, the main educational advisor, whose vision inspired Jarkko's forming of the Uralic Liberation Front, which would later comprise a little over half of the Uralic-Bashkir Armed Forces. And Jarkko's best friend, Kirill Kalinkov, who was wearing very much the same as Jarkko, except in a smaller size, and with the sunglasses replaced with an eye-patch, which he had worn since he lost the sight in his left eye fighting in Asha.

Tursanay Gubaidulina, Akhmetkhan's elegant wife and a Council member in her own right, was in accompaniment. She wore a dazzling blue gown and had her usually tied-back long black hair let down. For a woman of forty, she looked quite young.

Also in the entourage was 25-year-old council member and Olympic handball starlet Lilyana Sobyeskaya:


Completing the septet was Auli Saarinen, an austere Finn who wore a navy blue suit and skirt, both of which had the badge of Uralic Bashkortostan on them, as opposed to the glamorous dresses the other two women wore. Kirill had joked that it was a wonder she actually let her long blond hair down for this event, as she usually wore it in a ponytail. Her muscularity relative to the other two women gave away her involvement in the Uralican Armed Forces. She still bore the memories of the original Uralic movement from Syktyvkar and Perm' into Bashkortostan, and was present when the joint Uralic-Bashkir forces fought as a combined unit for the first time, in Buguruslan.

There were no guards. Five of the seven people on the flight carried their own arms, and even if they had to give them up upon entry into Hansa, all seven of them were skilled enough in unarmed combat to best even the most aggressive hecklers.

Upon arrival in Hansa, only Dr. Shlomov disembarked from the plane without female escort, out of respect for his late wife.

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The seven Bashkirs were greeted by a slightly smaller Hanseatic contingent which was in itself quite humorous, considering that there had been more of them than the Bosporans had sent. But nevertheless they were greeted with the same respect and the same decency as all visitors to the Commonwealth were shown. "Excellencies, welcome to the Hansa. We have a personal vehicle to take all of you over to Lady Sarah's residence. I just hope we can fit all of you." He said with a chuckle, but then immediately apologized afterward, it had always been a Hanseatic motto of the more the merrier and this meeting was no exception.

Loading the Bashkir entourage into two separate vehicles, the Hanseatic chauffeurs immediately drove them off towards the Solidor Manor. As for being checked for arms, the Hanseatics had no immediate problems with the display of arms, they only requested that if the Lady Protector would be made uneasy by the firearms to leave them with the house guards after they arrived at the Manor.

Once the limousines passed through the gates leading up the Manor, Sarah smiled seeing more of her guest arrive and after she had finished talking to Akhatova, the two world leaders looked down with kind faces as the Bashkirs exited their vehicles. Seeing the crowd of people form at the steps to her house, Sarah could not help but chuckle. "I hadn't expected so many people, but we have more than enough food and vodka." She said walking down the stairs, embracing all of them at least once. "I want to welcome you all to my country and my home. I hope the flight and ride here was relaxing."

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A Vaule Government Il-96V Aircraft appears on the horizon. After requesting permission to land, the Presidential aircraft touches down smoothly on the runway of the airport. As the plane taxies down the runway, the Vaule Diplomatic Corps make a few last minute preparations for the upcoming event.


-Vaule Presidential Il-96V

***Inside the Aircraft***


-Presidential Conference Room

“We have arrived Mr. President”-Aide

“Excellent”- President Rokossovsky

Turning to the other Diplomatic Corp officials seated at the conference table, President Rokossovsky dismissed them and waited patiently as the plane touched down on the runway, the President and Lady Sharova walked down the aisle toward the exit.


As the plane came to a halt in front of the terminal, the doors immediately opened and two unarmed soldiers emerged. One of the soldiers carried the Imperial Standard, while the second carried the Vaule National Flag.

Once the soldiers were in position on the tarmac, President Rokossovsky and Lady Sharova (ERADA*) emerged from the aircraft and walked onto the tarmac to greet their Hanseatic hosts. Once the President and Lady Sharova stepped onto the tarmac, the soldiers reboarded the plane.


-President Rokossovsky

OOC: * ERADA- Director of Eastern Russian and Asian Diplomatic Affairs

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Two planes from the Slavorussian Empire land on the runway in the Hanseatic Commonwealth. From the first plane Premier Viktoryia Kolesnikov and her husband Lord Mikhail Kolesnikov. On the second, and slightly larger plane with the imperial emblem displayed proudly on the tail, is the tsar. With him is the Misha Brasov, daughter of a wealthy Slavorussian businessman and some members of the Slavorussian Imperial Court.

The tsar is relieved when he and the delegation leave the planes and step onto the tarmac. He’s been traveling almost nonstop since he left the prince’s home in Lithuania, and he was ready to have a good time.

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Two planes from the Slavorussian Empire land on the runway in the Hanseatic Commonwealth. From the first plane Premier Viktoryia Kolesnikov and her husband Lord Mikhail Kolesnikov. On the second, and slightly larger plane with the imperial emblem displayed proudly on the tail, is the tsar. With him is the Misha Brasov, daughter of a wealthy Slavorussian businessman and some members of the Slavorussian Imperial Court.

The tsar is relieved when he and the delegation leave the planes and step onto the tarmac. He’s been traveling almost nonstop since he left the prince’s home in Lithuania, and he was ready to have a good time.

Both the Slavorussian and Vaulian aircraft touched down on the tarmac at about the same time, which was extremely convenient for the marines and guards stationed at the airport. Seeing a large crowd beginning to form in front of his marines all at once. The airport garrison commander personally left his station to welcome the RUSSIAN delegations into the country. "Excellencies!" He said with open arms. "It is a pleasure to see you all here on this fine evening. You are right on time, even if some of your brethren have arrived a little earlier. Please if you would all follow me, we have specialty vehicle awaiting you to take you to Her Ladyship's residence."

With the utmost care and respect, the marines and honor guards escorted the large RUSSIAN entourages towards the gleaming black limousines located at the edge of the airports. One for the Vaulian delegation and the other from the Slavorussian. The limousines took off at an incredible speed, driving through Brisbane in record time and catching up to the Bosporan and Bashkir parties that lay ahead. Entering into to Sarah's Manor, she was just leading the other parties inside the house as the other two limousines rolled onto the freshly sown gravel, consisting of the road leading to her doorway. Another honor guard walked down the stairs, passing Her Ladyship to help the delegations exit their limousines and as before Sarah was sure to greet each individual with a warm smile and greeting. "I appreciate Your Excellencies making the long travel to Brisbane on this evening. We have a dinner prepared inside and lots of vodka, I'm glad to see that we can finally begin talks between our peoples."

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Only one man came, a khaki-uniformed person with sunglasses.

It was the Großmarschall.

As with the other RUSSIAN delegates, the Großmarschall was received with the same greeting as the others, though he commanded a much more aggressive respect with him that the other politicians did not seem to show. Not saying they weren't capable of it, but the marines were not deeply offset by them either. The garrison commander saluted him as he stepped of the plane and then bowed. "Her Ladyship has been expecting you Herr Marschall. We have a car prepared for you heading to Solidor Manor, if you would come with me."

As with the others and in the same haste, the marines transported the Großmarschall to the Manor just as fast as the others had been and he arrived just as the Vaulian and Slavorussian delegations were heading inside. After exiting the vehicle, the Großmarschall would be received personally by Lady Tintagyl still with the warm smile that she had shown to the other leaders and officials. "Your Excellency, welcome, please come in, we are just about to start dinner and it wouldn't be prudent to start without you." Sarah said beckoning the man further into the house.

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After most of the RUSSIAN delegates had arrived, though they still awaited two more, the guards had instructions to bring those guest directly to the dinning room where they would be taking their dinner. Sarah was lucky that when the Manor had been built she made sure to include as much room for the grand hallway of the residence. The main hall was a white marble floor with two large staircases ascending to the top floor of the mansion, while along the sides of residence Viennese windows welcomed in the garden lighting from outside. Taking her guests down the hallway, Sarah passed through the parlor, that she considered her own personal room. A large harpsichord was positioned in the corner next to a marble fireplace and along the walls were paintings by the European greats, along with personal portraits of herself and Larsa and other important characters of history. Leaving the parlor, she led the delegates down another smaller hallway that opened up into a large banquet hall.

A crystal chandelier hung down from the ceiling and shown in constancy with the yellow walls that surrounded them. The floor was of finely polished oak and the table of quality mahogany with a tablecloth of lace draped around it. The table extended the entire length of the room with just enough places for everyone there to eat comfortably. Candles were arranged in addition to the light from the chandelier and scores of German, Polish, Russian, along with some Asian dishes were already available to eat. Sarah took her seat at the head of the table and smiled to her guests as they arranged themselves accordingly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to have all of you in my home today and I hope that for now though I'm sure politics will be at the center of most of our talks that we can continue on with a light heart so as not to have any arguments." She tapped lightly on her glass as ten chefs came from another room with the main dishes of food ready to be served, along with the food, to chefs carried buckets of ice and vodka in both hands. They had great grins on their faces knowing the strength of the Russians and their vodka. Sarah too saw this and her heart sang for a moment, it was now or never for her alcohol immunity to kick in. Taping the glass again the chefs left with their trays and the delegations had the room to themselves, with their vodka, food, and wine.

Sitting down and watching the Russians follow her lead Sarah smiled as she took a sip of wine to wet her throat and then continued. "The reason that I wanted you all to come and eat with me today is the fact that many of us were at least undeclared allies when the United Francoist Empire began to shatter. I saw then the prospect of a strong united Asia, but since then, talks have stopped between the south and the north, aside from a few economic agreements that are fair and few in between. I have always believed, even when the Hansa existed in Europe that Asia had great hope and RUSSIAN had great leadership possibilities in Asia. I would just like to know what your opinions are, Your Excellencies, of the Asia we currently live in and how we can make it better economically, politically, and culturally, and what the Hansa can do to help this." She filled up her plate and filled her shot glass with vodka and prepared for the evening to start.

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Nikita made sure she would sit as close to Sarah as possible to discuss other business later. Smiling when the vodka came in she listened to Sarah.

"I agree that RUSSIAN has the potential to be a strong Asian Power and that Asia should be more united however the problem lies in the Differences, even within RUSSIAN our most Western border is different from the most Eastern one, Differences are even bigger between North, Central and South Asia therefore such a cooperation needs spread. Russian at this moment might be the longest living bloc at least the longest one still stable, power from it lies in Common Goals and backgrounds allowing stable Military treaties. I would be willing to work at an United Asia to keep it peaceful perhaps Economic Pacts and Exchanged between RUSSIAN and other Asian Nations. However I'm getting ahead of business what were you thoughts Lady Tintagyl?"

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Outside Solidor Manor, with the escorts, Chairman Gage fixed himself up by ajusting his tie and smoothening his hair. He only wanted to look the best for his first international meeting. Although this was only a social gathering, he wanted to look presentable in front of allied leaders and the beloved hosts. His main concern was that through his smile and warm handshake that people may see that he is somewhat nervous being the head of his country. He was never really good at parties, but then again...he did enjoy college. He was already running late and he felt that this would be a poor image on the Empire's part. He was new at this, and he had much to work on, and this would be one of his first tests.

After the last thought, he reassured himself and smiled. He nodded to the guard who lead him to the dinning hall with the other guests.

Edited by mykep
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Outside Solidor Manor, with the escorts, Chairman Gage fixed himself up by ajusting his tie and smoothening his hair. He only wanted to look the best for his first international meeting. Although this was only a social gathering, he wanted to look presentable in front of allied leaders and the beloved hosts. His main concern was that through his smile and warm handshake that people may see that he is somewhat nervous being the head of his country. He was never really good at parties, but then again...he did enjoy college. He was already running late and he felt that this would be a poor image on the Empire's part. He was new at this, and he had much to work on, and this would be one of his first tests.

After the last thought, he reassured himself and smiled. He nodded to the guard who lead him to the dinning hall with the other guests.

The honor guard stationed at the door immediately took him inside, showing to where the others had already began dinner. Knocking quietly on the doors leading into the dinning room, the guard smiled as he introduced Chairman Gage to the rest of the congregation. "Your Ladyship, Excellencies. May I present, Chairman Gage of the Northern Empire."

As the guard bowed and turned back from the door, Sarah stood briefly and beckoned the man over to an empty seat near where she was sitting. "Please Mr. Chairman, sit, my sincerest apologies for starting dinner without you, but we have only just begun. You haven't missed a thing."

Nikita made sure she would sit as close to Sarah as possible to discuss other business later. Smiling when the vodka came in she listened to Sarah.

"I agree that RUSSIAN has the potential to be a strong Asian Power and that Asia should be more united however the problem lies in the Differences, even within RUSSIAN our most Western border is different from the most Eastern one, Differences are even bigger between North, Central and South Asia therefore such a cooperation needs spread. Russian at this moment might be the longest living bloc at least the longest one still stable, power from it lies in Common Goals and backgrounds allowing stable Military treaties. I would be willing to work at an United Asia to keep it peaceful perhaps Economic Pacts and Exchanged between RUSSIAN and other Asian Nations. However I'm getting ahead of business what were you thoughts Lady Tintagyl?"

Sitting back down after Gage had taken his seat, Sarah turned to Nikita after she had finished talked and nodded in agreement. "Well there is no doubt in my mind that RUSSIAN is indefinitely the most powerful bloc in Asia and with all due respect to Your Excellencies, perhaps the world. However as far as I can tell the blocs that exist in Asia are not nearly as well defined and not nearly as hostile as the blocs that existed in Europe prior to the Gebiv War. The only ones that I can tell are relatively established is RUSSIAN, the remnants of the Dragon Empire and of course the Australasian Coalition. Economic pacts have already been drawn up in the Far East as with Japan and I think that that is just the kind of consolidation we need. One would imagine that trade between Bosporan and the Hansa would seem much to far apart to be effective, but if we would add every nation in between to our pacts, then it becomes much more effective. Though it would be a long shot, I would be willing to take any strides for a stronger united Asia. At least starting economically."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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“On behalf of the government and people of Vaule, we thank our gracious host Lady Tintagyl for an extraordinary welcome. Like any other member present here, we would welcome further co-operation with other nations in the Asian region. After all RUSSIAN is an asian-centric pact. I must admit that Vaule places a significant number of restrictions on economic policy. While we welcome additional trade, especially under a treaty agreement we must state that we have certain policies which limit the import of certain goods into Vaule to set quotas. We would be more than willing to adjust these quotas to facilitate trade with the Hanseatic Commonwealth.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Hanseatic Commonwealth for assisting in the deployment of the White Cross to Vaule during the last…”situation”.”-President Rokossovsky

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“On behalf of the government and people of Vaule, we thank our gracious host Lady Tintagyl for an extraordinary welcome. Like any other member present here, we would welcome further co-operation with other nations in the Asian region. After all RUSSIAN is an asian-centric pact. I must admit that Vaule places a significant number of restrictions on economic policy. While we welcome additional trade, especially under a treaty agreement we must state that we have certain policies which limit the import of certain goods into Vaule to set quotas. We would be more than willing to adjust these quotas to facilitate trade with the Hanseatic Commonwealth.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Hanseatic Commonwealth for assisting in the deployment of the White Cross to Vaule during the last…”situation”.”-President Rokossovsky

She smiled, putting her hand up at the compliment. "Please President Rokossovsky, that's too much. The White Cross is there for those reasons indefinitely and I'm glad they were put to good use. From what I have heard for the newspapers, things are going quite well in Vaule since that rebellion has been put down. As to the quotas and I feel bad that more of Oceania is not here to hear this, but the dinner would be a little crowded then. I would like to see more than anything the Hansa begin these trades and then we can watch more countries open up to each other. It has always been a firm believe of mine that when economies thrive, war is the furthest thing from people's minds." She chuckled at that. "Well one would hope at least." Taking the shot glass in her hand as well, Sarah lifted it into the air lightly and smiled to her guests. "Someday we will all be the best of allies, this is the start." She fires back the vodka in one gulp and immediately shudders from its strength. Perhaps a little too powerful she thought. Sarah sighed thinking about this, she was going to be over a toilet by the end of the night at this rate.

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The Großmarschall just sat silently for the time being, sipping on the vodka. It was time to first listen to what the others had to say.


Of course, given how Altin Urda had a certain hold over Hanseatic Commonwealth, he would be the one pulling some of the strings of this meeting.

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Primer Kolesnikov slaps her husband’s hand when he tries to take another shot of vodka. She glares at him with an disapproving look on her face. Only after he puts the shot of vodka down does she take her eyes off him and look over to Sarah. “I just want to say, I’m very honored to have been invited to your home tonight. I love the interior, I’ll have to ask you for some decorating tips later.”

The Primer chuckles and has a sip of wine before continuing. “Asia really is a prime example of goodwill and prosperity in the world. Our experience is that Asian nations always act honestly and deal fairly. Slavorussia is always open to trade in new markets, and there is no better place than Asia to begin.”

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The Primer chuckles and has a sip of wine before continuing. “Asia really is a prime example of goodwill and prosperity in the world. Our experience is that Asian nations always act honestly and deal fairly. Slavorussia is always open to trade in new markets, and there is no better place than Asia to begin.”

A thought passed through the Großmarschall's head.

'Always act honestly and deal fairly? Looks like we have a delusional idiot who can't see what her own country does, backstabbing anyone that goes against its interest. She'll face her downfall soon enough.'

Edited by Sumeragi
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A thought passed through the Großmarschall's head.

'Always act honestly and deal fairly? Looks like we have a delusional idiot who can't see what her own country does, backstabbing anyone that goes against its interest. She'll face her downfall soon enough.'

ooc: Lol, perfect instance of the pot calling the kettle black.

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A note was passed to Sarah.

Altin Urda would like to share command of a portion of its navy for the security of the Hanseatic Commonwealth. We believe a minimum of 1 aircraft carrier, 1 frigate, and 1 submarine would be necessary. What do you say?

- Großmarschall

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