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UW's beef with TPF

Panic King

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Curious. What am I supposed to be crying about?

Still waiting on an answer for this ...

I was ignoring your troll attempts but you managed to reel me in.. :P

Banging your head on the wall=bad

Now .. when you attacked me , what was your message?

Enough said... I'm back to ignoring you

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Yes i understand that, and agree..this is why i wait till a given timeline to attack/defend. Also i was getting pm' s from nations who attacked an already peace out war.

But also put the fact that, had a pm went out to let them know it has been handled not to attack as i did to my guys, then no other nations would have attacked and we wouldn't be here now.

Our one guy peaced out with his raid target yet was attacked by a UW nationthe raided peaced out but the defender attacked again, then another UW nation joined in. Thats 2 nations that shouldn't have dow'd and one that more less just attacked to raid as both slots were defensive slots filled by UW...This is why others jumped in to help out a nation that ended up getting more than a defense. Yet again above all when i was notified i asked PK to tell his guys to send peace and mine would except it.

Anyway, we sent out pm's..those who want peace please offer it...those who don't then just have fun :)



As I said, the UW defender could not see that the two nations had peaced out. TPF complicates the matter by with another round of attacks and more TPF members join in. Your policies add feul to the fire with TPF defending its' initial tech raiders. By time I peaked in, it looked like all out war. That is all done now. Again, have fun for the next thirty days. I do not see an end to this.

You, PK, and others have seem to have taken this situation to heart. It is a game. I enjoy it no matter whether I am just collecting taxes and paying bills or debating with you guys through pm's or on this forum. It is all fun baby!



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Look, the way I see it is this:

TPF is in the wrong here. They've raided UW repeatably and have come under defensive strikes from UW.

UW than came on the forums with horrible PR skills and cried about the "injustice" of it all. All that does is make you sound like a self-righteous nut. You've also decided to demand for one last hit before you peace out, which no good alliance leader would accept. Two bad moves here.

TPF than responds with also some bad quality PR and couple of low blows.

And than there is the Fellowship, who have no business in this affair, decided to try be relevant and trying to find any publicity it can.

BG and Panic, you both can compromise and just solve this thing. NEWiley: shut up.

2 points.. My OP was a DoW with history attached. Injustice? Yeah I guess you could say I called them out about how they handled their raiders and the raid but it is extremely difficult in TE to note the facts of what happened and defending your alliance without sounding like a "self-righteous nut".

Second, I was not aware that a member of my alliance put stipulations on accepting peace. As I posted earlier, I accepted the peace without strings then re-entered after the continual raids by TPF.

Other than that, thanks for your verbal support in this matter.

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Look, the way I see it is this:

TPF is in the wrong here. They've raided UW repeatably and have come under defensive strikes from UW.

UW than came on the forums with horrible PR skills and cried about the "injustice" of it all. All that does is make you sound like a self-righteous nut. You've also decided to demand for one last hit before you peace out, which no good alliance leader would accept. Two bad moves here.

TPF than responds with also some bad quality PR and couple of low blows.

And than there is the Fellowship, who have no business in this affair, decided to try be relevant and trying to find any publicity it can.

BG and Panic, you both can compromise and just solve this thing. NEWiley: shut up.

Please...I imagine it is clear to anyone paying attention that The Fellowship keeps a low profile and only speaks when it is in fact relevant. Count my posts. Finished? Quite the publicity trip...

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I was ignoring your troll attempts but you managed to reel me in.. :P

Banging your head on the wall=bad

Now .. when you attacked me , what was your message?

Enough said... I'm back to ignoring you

So, I'm crying because my reason I used when declaring on your nation was 'cry some more' ... y'know what, there's only one way to describe the inanity of your posts:


Although perhaps my avatar has the right idea ...

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This is my first post on the forums EVER!

In any event all of this nonsense back and forth about this treaty and that treaty and he said this and that and time lines, and blah blah blah.

Lest we not forget that this is merely a game. I know that I can suffer the consequences if I am away for too long from the game. I also know that if I sit with an itchy trigger finger all day and night I could probably make someone upset. I just got pounded by TPF and guess what........who cares. I'll attack back, try to keep my head afloat and support Panic King as I gave him my commitment REGARDLESS of what he might do or say. Nor will I hold any ill will towards TPF as in the end. Why? Because in the end this is just a game and so long as people are playing within the RULES OF THE GAME, not alliance rules, I can't really complain about much of anything. Now if I were making money off of this game, then I might be a tad upset.

So lets all remember what we are really doing folks!

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ohhh I almost forgot.......getting my game face on here............

TPF Sucks and UW rules!!! Naaa naaa!!Except the guys in TPF I am trading with. You guys are great, awesome, nice (piling it on I know) people that I truly enjoy trading with! (yes I am trying to keep that going)

Now I am off to get my third cup of coffee!


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And still cry that we won't give peace, yet make no attempt to get it, only escalate it and cry here for public support...did i mention during our pm's of asking him to help peace this out

he was sending pm's to all of our allies asking them to attack us including RD as well as others that are not my allies but sent me a copy of the pm anyway for the heads up.


sorry.. I missed this post... Let me explain to you something that I am sure you missed.

Every Pm sent out was to a raided nation on TPF's war screen. If they were your allies, then why did you attack them? I pmed those nations hoping to contact their leaders. Oh and I purposely did not Pm any nation in which they attacked you or you defended against. Did it help? No. But I communicated my thoughts to them and it seems there are more posters that agree with me than they do with you. There was only one alliance that I contacted that wasn't on your war screen and that was LE. That was only because I admired the way they handled themselves and I believe their leadership would at least listen to my points. Did that help our situation? Again , no. So here I sit with a broken alliance but one that is still United.

o/ United White

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I was raiding a Multicolored Cross-X Alliance member.

and this UW guy jumps in, declares on me. Nuke flies on me from MulitX guy.. Offensive wars + Air-raids from UW + MultiX all at once.. result = 2k drop in strength..

and yeah.. These guys now deleted the logs in war. So, you can't see them.

die UW. die!.

May TE gods send these to hell. :P

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ohhh I almost forgot.......getting my game face on here............

TPF Sucks and UW rules!!! Naaa naaa!!Except the guys in TPF I am trading with. You guys are great, awesome, nice (piling it on I know) people that I truly enjoy trading with! (yes I am trying to keep that going)

Now I am off to get my third cup of coffee!


You're doing it wrong! Need moar trolling!

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Perhaps it is time to abandon this topic, stop beating the dead horse, deal with it, play the cards we're dealt, or however else you would like to say it, but the debate/argument is getting old. I wish UW the best of luck through this escapade (sp?) and the rest of the round.

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Perhaps it is time to abandon this topic, stop beating the dead horse, deal with it, play the cards we're dealt, or however else you would like to say it, but the debate/argument is getting old. I wish UW the best of luck through this escapade (sp?) and the rest of the round.

Aren't we pessimistic? :P

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wow... what a mess... get raided, fight back, inadvertantly start a war... (but enough about real life)

Seems to me that some people are interested in taking this to WAR and some are not... I like the perspective of peacing out those that want it and fighting those who itch for war...

Lemmings, Squirrels, Hamsters, Rats, Mice, Nutria (plural?), and other rodents are notoriously bad about keeping out of the pantry. :D

Please mind your crumbs B)

The only truly sane solution is to offer peace to everyone involved. Instant end of war :rolleyes:

Bring on the ever present sanity we all know is there :lol:

(and Beazy: I loathe you at times) ;)

Well i have tried both in pm's and on this very topic to get this peaced out with no help from any of the UW clan!

All i get is TPF bad TPF started this, TPF this TPF that...Yet as i said from the start I have and my GOV has tried to get peace many times.

UW expects us to take a hit and keep taking hits till we just keep sending peace offers and they feel its good to take it.

I have explained time after time TPF raided with a few nations that started this, but as soon as i got the crappy pm's from PK, i acted!!

But since he didn't send out pm's, more UW nations kept joining even thought after several attempts were made to get PK to order a stop on the defense to keep more from joining with an excuse that the attacking UW nation doidn't know peace was sent even though that nation that was raided wasn't even in the picture anymore.

My asking for peace several time in this topic and PK's refusal to work with me is only proof that he doesn't want peace.

I'm tired of this post and the attempts at peace...pm's have been sent as i said before, if any UW member wants peace just offer it!

The ones who do not can war all they want!

Look, the way I see it is this:

TPF is in the wrong here. They've raided UW repeatably and have come under defensive strikes from UW.

UW than came on the forums with horrible PR skills and cried about the "injustice" of it all. All that does is make you sound like a self-righteous nut. You've also decided to demand for one last hit before you peace out, which no good alliance leader would accept. Two bad moves here.

TPF than responds with also some bad quality PR and couple of low blows.

And than there is the Fellowship, who have no business in this affair, decided to try be relevant and trying to find any publicity it can.

BG and Panic, you both can compromise and just solve this thing. NEWiley: shut up.

Wrong answer! WE raided one time and only one time. At the time we did raid, it was 2 or 3 nations, they offered peace several times and it ran from there as stated all through this topic.

I was raiding a Multicolored Cross-X Alliance member.

and this UW guy jumps in, declares on me. Nuke flies on me from MulitX guy.. Offensive wars + Air-raids from UW + MultiX all at once.. result = 2k drop in strength..

and yeah.. These guys now deleted the logs in war. So, you can't see them.

die UW. die!.

May TE gods send these to hell. :P

This did happen as i had to send a warning PM to that nation, see the difference...I sent a pm to warn him...not just attack!

Also UW has raided several of our allies and only got a pm/warning to peace out...never have they been attacked for a raid.

YET, where was the love returned when our nations raided them?

Anyway....its where its at regaurdless of my attempts at peace, so if anyone else wants to talk sense into PK good luck!

Other than this don't blame TPF for not bending over as told to do because we raided them when many of them raid and others raid them as well.


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If all sides wish for peace them by all means give them peace, but if they wish for war then war we shall give them.

You had me all the way to here, CARE TO EXPLAIN?


One boss tries to be diplomatic...another just looks and says, "Okay...we fight when?"

I love this life. Especially since I do have the swing vote. LOL.

Shut it off now, please. ((that thump was a hamster bouncing off your back)) Please do not make me let loose the lemmings......and the...squirrels. :D

Guess I'm getting what your saying....Just in case say it in plain English, I don't understand rodent talk and we wouldn't want a miscommunication here ;)


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god what is going on in here? Im not gonna bother reading the other pages but I do have to say 2 things.

1. BG, Stop Feeding The Trolls.

2. read this:

BG.. keep twisting the truth... Fact .. your policy on raids as you pmed me and stated elsewhere on these forums.. The AA must be less than 30 members and below 25 in alliance strength score. Fact..UW had 31 members when you started to raid us and was in the 25th place in alliance score. Your denial that your alliance was wrong in this attack and that your raiding nations violated your alliance raiding rules is just mind boggeling.

I became aware of the pm from one of our members just this morning. Although I disapprove with that logic, I understand where he was coming from. But that does not change the facts that not all your nations offer the peace that you said would happen. Yes I peaced and a few others did also but after noticing that TPF was continuing to attack my alliance we did re-enter and attack. Once again we limited our attacks to those attacking us. My mistake.. I should of attacked nations half my size instead of defending on nations twice my size.

Finally... "To anyone who thinks TPF is in the wrong, your not apart of the pm's and wars from UW have been deleted."

BG that is extremely weak.. I am amazed you are insinuating that we are deleting wars and raids that would make UW look bad to he planet.

-_- We're not that smart otherwise we would not of been in this situation <_<

You sir dont know the first thing about TPF's raid policy. There is nothing in it about member COUNT. It only says "Dont raid top 25 alliances."

There are exceptions to that rule and they are: Alliances in top 25 you can raid are: United White, Lazy Penguin Eaters and ADULT.

So according to that, we are NOT in the wrong. We put your alliance on the ok to hit list because we CAN (its TE for gods sake). Plain and simple, because WE CAN. Any questions?

Edited by King Death II
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Well i have tried both in pm's and on this very topic to get this peaced out with no help from any of the UW clan!

All i get is TPF bad TPF started this, TPF this TPF that...Yet as i said from the start I have and my GOV has tried to get peace many times.

UW expects us to take a hit and keep taking hits till we just keep sending peace offers and they feel its good to take it.

I have explained time after time TPF raided with a few nations that started this, but as soon as i got the crappy pm's from PK, i acted!!

But since he didn't send out pm's, more UW nations kept joining even thought after several attempts were made to get PK to order a stop on the defense to keep more from joining with an excuse that the attacking UW nation doidn't know peace was sent even though that nation that was raided wasn't even in the picture anymore.

My asking for peace several time in this topic and PK's refusal to work with me is only proof that he doesn't want peace.

I'm tired of this post and the attempts at peace...pm's have been sent as i said before, if any UW member wants peace just offer it!

The ones who do not can war all they want!

Wrong answer! WE raided one time and only one time. At the time we did raid, it was 2 or 3 nations, they offered peace several times and it ran from there as stated all through this topic.

This did happen as i had to send a warning PM to that nation, see the difference...I sent a pm to warn him...not just attack!

Also UW has raided several of our allies and only got a pm/warning to peace out...never have they been attacked for a raid.

YET, where was the love returned when our nations raided them?

Anyway....its where its at regaurdless of my attempts at peace, so if anyone else wants to talk sense into PK good luck!

Other than this don't blame TPF for not bending over as told to do because we raided them when many of them raid and others raid them as well.


As stated several times before .. UW did not raid any large alliance over 10 member except maybe 1 or 2 times in which I asked my members to peace. Your throwing crap on the wall and hoping it sticks. You keep repeating the same inaccurate propoganda over and over but the facts are the facts.. you started it.

YET, where was the love returned when our nations raided them? You gotta be kidding me!

Edited by Panic King
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