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Wolverines Anouncement


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In recent days, Wolverines has engaged Duckroll in war. It appears certain third parties have taken this opportunity to launch raids on Wolverine while we were occupied in other conflicts. We have informed our allies of these assaults on our nations. If these raids do not cease, we and our allies will be forced to declare war to quell these assaults, permanently. Thank you.

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Well i see 1 MHA nation and 1 TRG nation raiding you...hardly enough to ask for allies to help you, especially since you have 2 defense nations on each raider!

I think this post is a bit premature, and I'll even go as far to say that an AA is not responsible for a raid or 2 from its members.

Not saying i agree with it but your bound to have a few clueless members here and there raiding...A simple pm to the respective leaders would have sufficed ;)


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In recent days, Wolverines has engaged Duckroll in war. It appears certain third parties have taken this opportunity to launch raids on Wolverine while we were occupied in other conflicts. We have informed our allies of these assaults on our nations. If these raids do not cease, we and our allies will be forced to declare war to quell these assaults, permanently. Thank you.

Lol, go away. We do not like TRG nations raiding affiliated nations, however there is little we can do other then educating PM's to prevent this. We just tend to get on with things rather then try and make ourselves sound big in the OWF. Try PM'ing me in-game if you have any problems with TRG.

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LOL, its almost as bad as one member saying something mean in their bio and the rest getting rolled. LOL

Edited by FlashDude
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