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Comrades in Arms


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Novus Ordo Virtus Artis & The United Front; Comrades in Arms.


friend (frnd)


1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.

3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.

4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement: friends of the clean air movement.

5. Friend A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.


1. comrade, chum, crony, confidant. 2. backer, advocate. 3. The United Front, Novus Ordo Virtus Artis.

Article I:

Both Alliances respects and appreciates each others independence. 'Cause indepedence is hawt :V.

Article II:

The members of both alliances shall remain friends even in tough times like supporting opposing teams in a final.

This all includes friendly jibes and debates since having to bite your tongue hurts. Alot.

Article III:

We like to talk and share ideas, including when something might be a threat to the other signatory.

Article VI:

Both agree that fighting each other is pointless and resolve to talk about 'issues' and 'feelings' with each other.

Article V:

You sucker punch either alliance expect to have the other alliance there... with a baseball bat. No-one likes seeing a friend hurt so if you fight one, you fight both.

Sometimes your friend has a genuine reason for punching someone and help while not expected is appreciated.

Article VI:

Should we grow apart or decide to rent an apartment together we understand this treaty might need a renovation and some new curtains too.

Article VII:

Sometimes friendships disappear but we agree that we tell the other party 48 hours in advance if this friendship comes to an end.


For Novus Ordo Virtus Artis

HM4A1 - Imperator

Marquis Chris 1 - Dux Chancellor

Demag - Princeps Chancellor

Hazardousdoc - Procurator Chancellor

The Warrior 78 - Bellum Consul

Rantzau - Officium Consul

Raidou - Otium Consul

For The United Front:

Prather6 - Emperor

Moosenator - Chancellor

WireDog69 - Palatium Consular Imperium

Frthozabout2rock - Co-Minister of Commerce

LukasII - Co-Minister of Commerce

Antonio II - Minister of Defense

WireDog69 - Minister of Foreign Affairs

Proud Soldier - Minister of Foreign Affairs

OprahDust - Co-Minister of Immigration

Steelcitykid05 - Co-Minister of Immigration

Mussolini39 - Minister of Internal Affairs

Bob the Slayer - Imperial Councilor

JDavis - Imperial Councilor

LPDtactical - Imperial Councilor

Ryan Murdock - Imperial Councilor

emmabuddie - Imperial Councilor

I'm glad to see TUF improve and be able stand on it's own.

o/ TUF


o/ Comrades in Arms.

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Here's too you!

*Raises a glass in their direction*

Here's too many more happy days, months, even years ahead of you! Of course, Novus Ordo Virtus Artis - I have my very generic eye on you. Hope to see you in the news more often.

Should I be worried? :unsure:

But thank you for the well wishing.

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