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Unsure about Nation status


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I was not collecting taxes for about 12 days, and when I came back, I couldnt log back in to my account. Nor was I able to reset the password with all my information. I tried to contact a forum moderator about the issue but havent received anything back. Now I am asking on the board if there is any other way for me to recover my account. I have over 900 days on it and do not want to lose it.

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I've searched for your nation under your forum name and displayed nation name. No results. Your nation appears to no longer exist. Perhaps you misjudged how inactive you were?

I am quite upset then, at the time of contacting the forum moderator, it had been around 12 days, now, itll probably have been about 24 or so days. Its upsetting then.

if you could search again for tubbers as ruler thatd be great. massive fail btw.

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I am quite upset then, at the time of contacting the forum moderator, it had been around 12 days, now, itll probably have been about 24 or so days. Its upsetting then.

if you could search again for tubbers as ruler thatd be great. massive fail btw.

Nope. No nation with the ruler tubbers in the game.

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I am quite upset then, at the time of contacting the forum moderator, it had been around 12 days, now, itll probably have been about 24 or so days. Its upsetting then.

if you could search again for tubbers as ruler thatd be great. massive fail btw.

Fail on who's behalf? if you've been around for 900 days you know that there's only a 20 day window. You should have tried to contact someone else during that time. Forum Mods wouldn't be able to help you, neither would Game Mods when it comes to resetting passwords, though they would have been a better choice of contact for an in-game issue. admin would have been the only one who could help you if your password reset doesn't work right. Keep that in mind if you have the issue again.

You are free to create another nation, if you haven't already. Just be sure that it either matches your forum name or that you request your name on here to be changed to match the new account.

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