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Damian's Adress


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*Damian enters room and steps on to the podium*


First and for most I'd like to say the war was supposed to be a fun and exciting thing, and I turned it into a battle of harsh comments and tongues, i take full responsibility for that. Secondly I would like to apologize to the alliance of RE for my harsh words toward them. After all they did for me and the UN, I am in no position to badmouth them, especially without consent from our leader, and I have realized that. Ceasar, I was wrong to call you a bad leader, and I was wrong to offend you or anyone during this war, I am truly sorry to RE and anyone else I've offended. I meant no harm, just a guy looking for some fun, but I carried it overboard, and i'm sry for that . I will now refrain from any post of this matter of harsh tongue from me to RE.. Best of luck to everyone. Much Love.

P.S. Emperor Tiberius i'm also sorry for my harsh tongue toward you. much love.


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Personal disputes and apologizes should be mended in private. Posting topics like this is simply annoying...as we've read this drama in just about every thread on the board. I for one don't want to read about it again.

That being said, it's good that you take responsibility and apologize for your actions. Just do it in private next time.

(Edit: I'm tired)

Edited by Owned-You
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The guy comes to apologize and you tell him that he's wrong for doing it publicly and say nobody cares and it's annoying? Come on. He's apologizing in public so everyone recognizes that he realizes he was wrong. If he says the bad things in public, the apology is his to make in public if that's the way he wants to do it. This way people can change their opinion of him (if they have one) and not continue to think he's an $@! for posting what he posted. When people are man enough to publicly apologize, it says something about their character, and I for one think it's a good thing to do.

If you don't care or find it annoying, why post in the thread? Just skip it. I've found most people make posts that I could care less about, but is it your role to dictate what people post on the OWF?

/scrolls back up

Nope, I didn't think I saw either of you w/ mod status <_<

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The guy comes to apologize and you tell him that he's wrong for doing it publicly and say nobody cares and it's annoying? Come on. He's apologizing in public so everyone recognizes that he realizes he was wrong. If he says the bad things in public, the apology is his to make in public if that's the way he wants to do it. This way people can change their opinion of him (if they have one) and not continue to think he's an $@! for posting what he posted. When people are man enough to publicly apologize, it says something about their character, and I for one think it's a good thing to do.

If you don't care or find it annoying, why post in the thread? Just skip it. I've found most people make posts that I could care less about, but is it your role to dictate what people post on the OWF?

/scrolls back up

Nope, I didn't think I saw either of you w/ mod status <_<

Yes, I'm entitled to my opinion though. And in my opinion, do these things in private. And I for the most part have ignored this incident, but considering it's been posted in just about every topic on these boards I got tired of ignoring it. Therefore I posted stating to do this in private. However, you are correct it's not my place to dictate to anyone how or where they should post. But I will still make my opinion felt on the matter, just as you have to my own post.

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The guy comes to apologize and you tell him that he's wrong for doing it publicly and say nobody cares and it's annoying? Come on. He's apologizing in public so everyone recognizes that he realizes he was wrong. If he says the bad things in public, the apology is his to make in public if that's the way he wants to do it. This way people can change their opinion of him (if they have one) and not continue to think he's an $@! for posting what he posted. When people are man enough to publicly apologize, it says something about their character, and I for one think it's a good thing to do.

If you don't care or find it annoying, why post in the thread? Just skip it. I've found most people make posts that I could care less about, but is it your role to dictate what people post on the OWF?

/scrolls back up

Nope, I didn't think I saw either of you w/ mod status <_<

it's another cry for attention.

aside from that, he has said a great amount of things against our allies, and as people not in gov apparently now represent the entire alliance, you better watch where you tread, UN.

Edited by Sethly
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No one cares. Why wouldn't you just PM them?


He did as i suggested, via our talks...you learn a lot from someone when you actually take the time to listen them.

The guy comes to apologize and you tell him that he's wrong for doing it publicly and say nobody cares and it's annoying? Come on. He's apologizing in public so everyone recognizes that he realizes he was wrong. If he says the bad things in public, the apology is his to make in public if that's the way he wants to do it. This way people can change their opinion of him (if they have one) and not continue to think he's an $@! for posting what he posted. When people are man enough to publicly apologize, it says something about their character, and I for one think it's a good thing to do.

If you don't care or find it annoying, why post in the thread? Just skip it. I've found most people make posts that I could care less about, but is it your role to dictate what people post on the OWF?

/scrolls back up

Nope, I didn't think I saw either of you w/ mod status <_<

Thanks Arcane!!

I've said this before and i will say it again, UN is a young and noob AA. They have much to learn and I'm doing my best to teach them under the current situation.

I will also say they are an easy target so anyone that would attack them will easily win, this is not disputed. So any honorable AA even close to them in NS would just leave

them alone. Also AGAIN UN is under TPF and Allies protection, so an act of aggression against them is the same as against us.

Instead of condemning them for something every one of us once were, try to give a little advice to them, a helpful hit so to speak with out also being rude or impolite.

Thank You!


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*Damian enters room and steps on to the podium*


First and for most I'd like to say the war was supposed to be a fun and exciting thing, and I turned it into a battle of harsh comments and tongues, i take full responsibility for that. Secondly I would like to apologize to the alliance of RE for my harsh words toward them. After all they did for me and the UN, I am in no position to badmouth them, especially without consent from our leader, and I have realized that. Ceasar, I was wrong to call you a bad leader, and I was wrong to offend you or anyone during this war, I am truly sorry to RE and anyone else I've offended. I meant no harm, just a guy looking for some fun, but I carried it overboard, and i'm sry for that . I will now refrain from any post of this matter of harsh tongue from me to RE.. Best of luck to everyone. Much Love.

P.S. Emperor Tiberius i'm also sorry for my harsh tongue toward you. much love.


NO! You were speaking the truth for so long! RE is the biggest fail I've seen for awhile... Except for the part about Tiberius, Tiberius is cool no matter what alliance he might be in.

The guy comes to apologize and you tell him that he's wrong for doing it publicly and say nobody cares and it's annoying? Come on. He's apologizing in public so everyone recognizes that he realizes he was wrong. If he says the bad things in public, the apology is his to make in public if that's the way he wants to do it. This way people can change their opinion of him (if they have one) and not continue to think he's an $@! for posting what he posted. When people are man enough to publicly apologize, it says something about their character, and I for one think it's a good thing to do.

If you don't care or find it annoying, why post in the thread? Just skip it. I've found most people make posts that I could care less about, but is it your role to dictate what people post on the OWF?

/scrolls back up

Nope, I didn't think I saw either of you w/ mod status <_<

Now Arcane, I barely read your ppost I was so excited to see your name in a post. Now go take control of FARK and hit me up on IRC

Damian, this TE. You are not supposed to apologize. Its forbidden.

Hormones, the sad thing is everyone does it now. Too many curbstomps and treaties, TE needs to be a lot more similair. I thought there was some hope when LE attacked Aztecs last round and CDT not having any treaties this round but, I guess no one else can be brave enough to do it.

it's another cry for attention.

aside from that, he has said a great amount of things against our allies, and as people not in gov apparently now represent the entire alliance, you better watch where you tread, UN.

Eh, shouldn't we watch where we tread too? I mean I'm in MHA and in small gov't and I'm pretty much Anti Everybody :/

Edited by BEazy
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I, for one, believe he did the right thing to apologize. You guys could give Damian a break. He took the time to write a long and sincere apology and the last thing he wanted to hear was to not post this on the forum and rather do it privately.

Damian, you did the right thing. Don't worry about negative comments about them not caring. If they didn't care at all they wouldn't post in this thread.

Hope everything with you and RE works out :lol:

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I, for one, believe he did the right thing to apologize. You guys could give Damian a break. He took the time to write a long and sincere apology and the last thing he wanted to hear was to not post this on the forum and rather do it privately.

Damian, you did the right thing. Don't worry about negative comments about them not caring. If they didn't care at all they wouldn't post in this thread.

Hope everything with you and RE works out :lol:

/me drags Stasukage away into the CDT secret bunker and convert him to a troll.

Being polite and diplomatic on TE is bad you hear!

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