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Manifest Destiny

Cody Seb

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Chisinau, Moldova Province

With the war in Europe at an end, Administrator Nevsky turned his attention to the East, to what he called Manifest Destiny.

The government formerly known as lgtromm had finally broken up, leaving a lawless land with no governance. Nevsky had organized the Soviet Expeditionary Force, which would set out from Chisinau and make a march on Kiev.

Kiev had been the birthplace of slavic culture, and now it sat empty of rule. Citizens all around the UESR gathered in rallies, chanting of 'Returning to the Homeland,' and pursueing the Union's 'Manifest Destiny.'

And so, the Soviet Expeditionary Force set out across the Great Borderland of Ukraine. Not even local partisan groups that had formed opposed the march. In fact, many of the otriads joined them against the decaying government.

The Administrator made a public broadcast as the armies of the Union marched:

"People of the Union, stand firm! Our Manifest Destiny, that which we have been waiting for for so long, is finally at hand! As I speak, the Soviet Expeditionary Force is marching to Kiev! We shall follow, and make a new nation for ourselves in the Slavic Homeland. However, not everyone will be joining us.

In light of this situation, the Yugoslavian and Serbian Protectorates are re-establighed. Be ready for the cahnges to take place within the next few days. Thank you."

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Slavorussia supports this, and offers some soldiers and equipment to supplement UESR's.

So...Slavorussia supports the UESR's invasion of an independent, sovereign nation, and yet opposed our invasion of an independent, sovereign nation? Ironic.

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The government has dissolved and anarchy reigns supreme. The UESR is restoring order to the country. The UESR's mission is a noble one, and so we shall support them on their journey.

Yet, how do you know the government has dissolved and anarchy reigns supreme? Do enlighten us.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The government has dissolved and anarchy reigns supreme. The UESR is restoring order to the country. The UESR's mission is a noble one, and so we shall support them on their journey.

Yes, but we were under the impression that the Welsh Empire had the higher claim and responsibility to do this, as lgtromm was originally under Welsh control.

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The government has dissolved and anarchy reigns supreme. The UESR is restoring order to the country. The UESR's mission is a noble one, and so we shall support them on their journey.
Yet, how do you know the government has dissolved and anarchy reigns supreme? Do enlighten us.

We are waiting for your response.

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