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Great Lakes Council Republic

Sovyet Gelibolu

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This is a Declaration of Existence

The Central Council proclaims today the existence of the Great Lakes Council Republic. We take as our first principle that all power emanates from the common people of the country, and that it is to be weilded for their benefit and theirs alone. We stand as a bulwark of peace and justice on the northern reaches of the world.

For those of your who are interested, our borders, and claims:


OOC: I may or may not lengthen this later.

Edited by Sovyet Gelibolu
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The Socialist Tribal Confederacy of Mongol-Sweden acknowledges the sovereignty of the peoples of the Great Lakes in forming their Council Republic. The General Council extends its proposal of mutual co-prosperity development in the interests of promoting a sustainable way of life for all peoples who desire to labor for liberty and peace.

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Please be advised that if you know so little of the Council Republic's internal affairs that you can do nothing other than apply one or more vague leftist labels, you probably shouldn't be doing even that. The Council Republic is just that: a Republic which governs itself by means of a council system, where the lowest councils are elected by the people, and low councils elect higher councils up to the Grand Littoral Council.

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Please be advised that if you know so little of the Council Republic's internal affairs that you can do nothing other than apply one or more vague leftist labels, you probably shouldn't be doing even that. The Council Republic is just that: a Republic which governs itself by means of a council system, where the lowest councils are elected by the people, and low councils elect higher councils up to the Grand Littoral Council.

When a known Communist nation is bent on certain ideas to the point where they despise all others who don't agree with them and they state that they are "pleased to have more comrades in the Americas and to see the revolution spreading," we are fairly certain that you at least sympathize with them, if not support them outright.

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When a known Communist nation is bent on certain ideas to the point where they despise all others who don't agree with them and they state that they are "pleased to have more comrades in the Americas and to see the revolution spreading," we are fairly certain that you at least sympathize with them, if not support them outright.

A hint: they know as little about us as you do. If you want to know about a nation, it is helpful to ask that nation's leaders, or to look at the information that nation has made known about itself, not to take the assumptions of others as if they were automatically completely true.

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