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Ladies and gentlemen we come to you today a bit saddened by the extreme situation before us. Our nation’s intelligence service has finally been able to explain the attacks upon our offshore rigs in the java trench, and the large tankers full of deuterium moving back to the Imperium; and that is that a large band of pirate forces have begun to raid these resources. Traditionally there has been a natural deterrent to this as only registered deuterium supplied by a lisceneced provider would be required in most fusion reactor licensing contracts. However this has begun to change as several nations have altered their contracts to allow the use of any deuterium as these contracts did essentially block its artificial though more inefficient production. To quell these acts of piracy we have doing two things. The first is to in a legal sense declare supremacy over the whole of the Indian ocean what we will now refer to in the Imperium as “Imperial Waters”. While this sounds extreme it really isn’t. All this doctrine says is that Imperial law is enforceable there. No international traffic will be kept out, impeded, or have our laws imposed upon it. Only criminals such as the pirates raiding our ships. These individuals are too small to officially declare war on, but are too detrimental for us to ignore any longer. Moreover to get a more commanding presence over the waters a second port overseas is required. We will be moving into and claiming Madagascar as a viceroyalty.

OOC: I just wanted to say all these claims are only protectorates, I fully intend to divide them up and give them away once the map starts getting crowded. This is also the last of theses sort of claims Intend to make.

Edited by iamthey
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We are not happy with your "claim" over the Indian Ocean. They are not "Imperial Waters" and if you try enforcing your law within my water boundaries your ships shall be shot down. While piracy is bad, these moves are extreme and we shall have none of it. But we shall keep our ports on the look out if pirates decide to attack our waters.

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The United States of China flat out refuses to recognize claims over an entire Ocean.

We suggest you take the United States of China's anti piracy policy. If a ship is in international waters and appears to be a pirate board it. If it resists, sink it.

OOC: Your pushing it here :P

Edited by Triyun
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Due to some misconceptions about this allow me to clairfy. The Imperium is in no way claiming an ocean, we are in our own courts considering the currently international waters to be those of the Imperium so that we may enforce our laws on them. Waters occupied by India or any other nation are their own, as well as their own right to enforce their own laws on the Indian ocean as well. All we are saying is we reserve the right to halt criminal activities and try the criminals under our own laws. The Imperium is essentially doing exactly what the USC said, reserving the right to impose our nation's power onto criminals in international waters. We apologize for the misunderstanding.

OOC: Just spicing things up :P.

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We are not happy with your "claim" over the Indian Ocean. They are not "Imperial Waters" and if you try enforcing your law within my water boundaries your ships shall be shot down. While piracy is bad, these moves are extreme and we shall have none of it. But we shall keep our ports on the look out if pirates decide to attack our waters.

how do you shoot down a ship :huh:

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One hundred thousand soldiers have been withdrawn from Administrative Zone Two, (fifty thousand remain) and have been re-deployed to madagascar to secure our holdings and ensure the new Viceroyalty is successfully installed. Andrew Olney has been appointed viceroy of the region and has been sent to the new capital of New Sion (Antananarivo).

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