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GLS on the road to recovery


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It has been about two days since the GLS Civil War ended and the GLS military won. Now, the nation has to not only repair the burnt infrastructure, but also have to deal with the infrastructure damaged during the war and the massive amount of radiation that were going to strike GLS soon. Lucky, Bohovia, a neighboring nation decided to help take down Gar Fan's military and repair GLS. Here is the priority repair/upgrade list:

1. Build the geothermal power plants and repair the power lines. 10% complete

2. Repair the waterway canal locks to get supplies flowing again.

3. Repair the harbors.

4. Repair the railroad systems.

5. Repair the highway and road systems.

6. Repair the water pipes, sewer pipes, sewage pipes, and the gas lines.

7. Repair the internet and telephone lines.

Bolded-in progress

Crossed out-completed

Edited by HHAYD
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OOC:Awww does that mean I cant Invade now...

OOC: You can invade right now, but it wouldn't look too good...

By the way, expect many GLS citizens to dislike your CNRP nation for not helping during the flu epidemic, repairing the burnt infrastructure, and not helping the GLS military during the GLS Civil War. ;)

Edited by HHAYD
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OOC: You can invade right now, but it wouldn't look too good...

By the way, expect many GLS citizens to dislike your CNRP nation for not helping during the flu epidemic, repairing the burnt infrastructure, and not helping the GLS military during the GLS Civil War. ;)

OOC: I'd imagine they hate me and RV more. =3

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OOC: I'd imagine they hate me and RV more. =3

OOC: Lets see...

Reasons why many GLS citizens dislike Saboria, RV, WRV, and Cainette:

Saboria: Burned large part of GLS and refused to help repair the damages.

RV: Burned large part of GLS and refused to help repair the damages. Treated GLS with disrespect even though GLS helped RV fighting against crimes and helped RV in a war.

WRV: Burned large part of GLS and refused to help repair the damages.

Cainette: Refused to help GLS during the flu epidemic, repairing damages, and helping the GLS military during the GLS Civil War. Also canceled a treaty with GLS during the GLS Civil War.

Guess which nation they hate the most? :awesome:

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OOC: Lets see...

Reasons why many GLS citizens dislike Saboria, RV, WRV, and Cainette:

Saboria: Burned large part of GLS and refused to help repair the damages.

RV: Burned large part of GLS and refused to help repair the damages. Treated GLS with disrespect even though GLS helped RV fighting against crimes and helped RV in a war.

WRV: Burned large part of GLS and refused to help repair the damages.

Cainette: Refused to help GLS during the flu epidemic, repairing damages, and helping the GLS military during the GLS Civil War. Also canceled a treaty with GLS during the GLS Civil War.

Guess which nation they hate the most? :awesome:


Brb, dropping a nuke on you. :awesome::awesome::awesome:

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Brb, dropping a nuke on you. :awesome::awesome::awesome:

OOC: If you drop a nuke on me, Bohovia will hate you for killing some of their construction workers and aid workers. Plus, you would have a mob of other nations mad ranting because you fired a nuke at an innocent, unarmed nation and for making the global radiation worse.

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OOC: If you drop a nuke on me, Bohovia will hate you for killing some of their construction workers and aid workers. Plus, you would have a mob of other nations mad ranting because you fired a nuke at an innocent, unarmed nation and for making the global radiation worse.

OOC: I'm quite aware of that.

But I'm only not doing it because it's a waste of money. Conventional invasion at the time would be cheaper than dropping a nuke, lol

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OOC: I'm quite aware of that.

But I'm only not doing it because it's a waste of money. Conventional invasion at the time would be cheaper than dropping a nuke, lol

OOC: Invading me is still a bad idea. ;)

And even if my military fails, I can always blow up all of the waterway canal locks just to make it harder for you and other nations by creating massive floods and draining the Great Lakes before I go down.

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After our military searched through Gar Fan's first military base, we discovered something unusual. There was a vault full of gold and gems, and one of the former Gar Fan's generals finally explained what was Gar Fan up to. Gar Fan received funding from a terrorist group and used the funding to buy the gold and gems since he knew the GLS currency was going to crash soon. The gold and gems were to be sold when they are at a higher price and the money was to be used to rebuild GLS and upgrade the military. Thanks to the money, we managed to buy more supplies for the reconstruction and hire an extra 100,000 GLS citizens as construction workers.

1. Build the geothermal power plants and repair the power lines. 40% completed

2. Repair the waterway canal locks to get supplies flowing again.

3. Repair the harbors.

4. Repair the railroad systems. 10% completed

5. Repair the highway and road systems. 10% completed

6. Repair the water pipes, sewer pipes, sewage pipes, and the gas lines.

7. Repair the internet and telephone lines.

Bolded-in progress

Crossed out-completed

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Bohovia condemns the act of invading GLS, this is not the proper way to deal with situations like these GLS and Bohovia are putting billions to help re-build GLS, and we do not want to have It destroyed...again. During this time of advrersity and hard-ship we must work together, and not make things worse for our nations. In response to the threat to invade GLS, Bohovia move to DEFCON 2

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Bohovia condemns the act of invading GLS, this is not the proper way to deal with situations like these GLS and Bohovia are putting billions to help re-build GLS, and we do not want to have It destroyed...again. During this time of advrersity and hard-ship we must work together, and not make things worse for our nations. In response to the threat to invade GLS, Bohovia move to DEFCON 2

OOC: Hurr.

That complete argument discussion was OOC. I'm not invading him.


Edit: Yay for metagaming. Not-so-well, at that.

Edited by Lynneth
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OOC:I did help with that Flu epidemic <_< I was researching a cure.

And if I invaded I'd set up a puppet government and leave again :ph34r:

OOC: I don't remember you posting that...

And besides, GLS is a Democracy, your puppet government will get voted out of office pretty soon. :P

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OOC: There is a thing called "rigged elections..." :P

OOC: And that is why civil/revolutionary wars are the last resort. ;)



Progress of the recovery:

1. Build the geothermal power plants and repair the power lines. 50% completed

2. Repair the waterway canal locks to get supplies flowing again.

3. Repair the harbors.

4. Repair the railroad systems. 40% completed

5. Repair the highway and road systems. 40% completed

6. Repair the water pipes, sewer pipes, sewage pipes, and the gas lines.

7. Repair the internet and telephone lines.

Bolded-in progress

Crossed out-completed

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OOC: And that is why civil/revolutionary wars are the last resort. ;)



Progress of the recovery:

1. Build the geothermal power plants and repair the power lines. 50% completed

2. Repair the waterway canal locks to get supplies flowing again.

3. Repair the harbors.

4. Repair the railroad systems. 40% completed

5. Repair the highway and road systems. 40% completed

6. Repair the water pipes, sewer pipes, sewage pipes, and the gas lines.

7. Repair the internet and telephone lines.

Bolded-in progress

Crossed out-completed

IC: Hello, this is Sgt. Cambell. It seems the workers from Bohovia, are getting very cold, they asked us, to ask you for some hot coco and chicken soup, they also ask for tea and biscuits, that is all thank you

OOC: :lol:

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IC: Hello, this is Sgt. Cambell. It seems the workers from Bohovia, are getting very cold, they asked us, to ask you for some hot coco and chicken soup, they also ask for tea and biscuits, that is all thank you

OOC: :lol:

Well, food is still rationed in our nation, and tea is not available yet. With our railroad, highway, road, and waterway systems still under repairing and having to feed our own citizens, it will be difficult transporting enough supplies. We will try our best to feed your workers enough to keep them healthy.

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Well, food is still rationed in our nation, and tea is not available yet. With our railroad, highway, road, and waterway systems still under repairing and having to feed our own citizens, it will be difficult transporting enough supplies. We will try our best to feed your workers enough to keep them healthy.

Bohovia thanks GLS for there efforts. We will be sending another 20,000 tonnes of food, and 20000 litres of water to aid your naiton.

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