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LIEBENSRAUM! Dig hard.. Dig deep.. Dig til your hands bleed and the machines break!

Maelstrom Vortex

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"Fear the light of day.. for it will soon bring death. Dig deep.. Dig hard.. dig til your hands bleed and the machines break. Now is the time for directed willpower.. guided panic. If we are to survive.. we must DIG..." The decree went forth from the Chairman. "More hydroponics bays.. stockpile the raw materials and metals that are excavated. We have no idea how many refugees will seek our shores.. but we will try to turn none away until we can hold no more.."

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## Classiefied response ##

Granted You may bring up to 10 immediate and extended family members and/or friends government members of your choosing.


Following this the Imperial Family(2) and Department heads boarded their plane totalling 7 while that could become 8 in the near future. After only a few hours the plane arrived and landed where payment was done.

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## Classified ##

The payment was heaped on the pile of the sovereign wealth fund and the royal family and friends were shown to a luxury class bunker and put under a security detail that was very respectful of their privacy and there for their protection from potential intruders.

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*Encrypted Imperial Communique to Dragonisia*

We've been doing the whole "Embrace The Earth" thing since Uberstein revealed his doomsday device so long ago. Equipment, Schematics, and Expertise we have in plenty; would you like some assistance in taking shelter under the earth?

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## Encrypted response ##

Guess you don't keep up to much on us. The entire civilization of Dragonisia, particularly in Tasmania, is underground. Good chunks of it are underground in former empire states. We've been doing this since we took our first nuclear strike.. many.. many years ago (Real time: 7/31/2008 9:29:47 )

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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## Response by radio ##

"Clearance granted. Runway 2, approach 180 degrees, due south. Runway is opening."

They would see the ground opening in front of them as a flat, grassy area slid to each side revealing a sloped runway beneath with guidance lights and multiple tail hook ropes to slow the plane down based upon where it actually touched down.

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## Response ##

I would be more concerned for you personally. We could use any seeds for exotic medicinal plant populations you may have in your hemisphere. We're turning the below ground here to "Noah's ark" of sorts for critical species..


The Entire Imperial Economy has been assigned to the project for quite a bit of time; the facilities we have are extensive. I assure you, we will come out of this nuclear winter with no more than 10-15% casualties. That is the most pessimistic assumption.

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The nuclear winter about to cover the world threatens to destroy much of Madagascar's unique plant and animal life. Arctica has not invested in any sort of extensive underground complexes to preserve nature and society in the event of a global thermonuclear war.

Our people will find ways to ride out the coming winter but the ecology of Madagascar will be changed forever. To prevent the mass extinction of countless endangered species we ask if Dragonisia can provide space in its expansive underground shelters for seeds, plant specimens, and animals. With a few days' notice we can load up several cargo ships and send them to Dragonisia.

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## Many hours later #3

One of the submarines that hadn't yet made it back from the Indian Ocean surfaced in the waters of Madagascar and signaled by radio to the harbor master they were requesting permission to dock. On shore they would see missiles bristling along the sides of the sub. They had been magnetically attached in the water for towing.

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The dockmaster granted the Dragonisians permission to dock and stated that they had gotten most of the seeds and many plant specimens prepared for transport but a few of the animals were still en route. The harbor was busy this time of day and the buildings of the capital could be seen miles away.

"Welcome to Oceana harbor. Why are there missiles attached to your craft?"

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The dockworkers moved quickly. They loaded the specimens on board the submarine, and there were plenty to transport. It would take at least a few hours, for Madagascar sure had a lot of unique species. Most of the stuff being loaded were plants. Before they were finished, the trucks carrying the rest of the animals arrived. They began to load those onto the submarine too.

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The dockmaster looked at the Dragonisian captain curiously. Under normal circumstances that would have been a ridiculous thing to ask, but the man understood. "Our duty is here. We must do what we can for our own people, much like yourselves." He shook his head. "Anyway, all that I was told to load is onboard that submarine. You're clear to leave."

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