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Imperial Statement from the Empire of the Netherlands

Mergerberger II

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Imperial Statement from the Empire of the Netherlands

Concerning the current Nation-State of Andonia, located in the region of Brazil in South America, south of the Imperium of America, and Northeast of the Imperium, we do hereby declare the aforementioned territory, formally, a territory of the Empire of the Netherlands. We have found evidence of illegal Andonian arms trades in Europe, as well as evidence of Andonian spies in the Empire's homeland itself. This, coupled with nothing but insults from the Andonians day in and day out, has caused us to come to the formal conclusion once again that their leaders are unfit to lead. As such, we are moving to eliminate the threat from the region. Soldiers of the Empire have already been deployed to South America, and should be nearing Andonia by now. They are going there to defend the people of the territory of Andonia from any foreign invader that may enter the region. We expect the people of that territory will be thankful for our presence and our toppling of their fascist regime, establishing an autonomous self-electorate region of the Empire.

To the nation of Andonia: We recommend that you capitulate now, as you do not have any soldiers and further humiliation to your regime will simply cause more world-wide embarrassment for you and your people.


Aboard the Dutch Western Fleet, consisting of one Pacific Wolf Class Battlecruiser, as well as numerous other ships, with ample transports and planes to provide support, there are 20,000 troops, all members of the National Guard. Their current position is Belém, where they are refueling and restocking.

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When Slavorussia's Deputy Prime Minister was asked to respond to Andonia's threat to "tal'galar all over Europe" he responded, "What the hell does that mean? It sounds dirty!"

OOC: Huh? What are you talking about? Where did he say that?

EDIT: Nevermind...those edits often catch one blindsided...

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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The Imperium of America strongly recommends that an international investigation be set up to investigate said claims. If they turn out to be true, we will put the Andonians at your mercy ON THE CONDITION that their territory becomes reintegrated within our own. Refusal to investigate is not recommended.

It would indeed be a shame to get the Bermuda Pact involved.

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The Imperium of America strongly recommends that an international investigation be set up to investigate said claims. If they turn out to be true, we will put the Andonians at your mercy ON THE CONDITION that their territory becomes reintegrated within our own. Refusal to investigate is not recommended.

It would indeed be a shame to get the Bermuda Pact involved.

We will very much agree to an investigation of these claims. We are prepared to share the material intercepted by Dutch computer systems and intelligence gathered by Dutch agents. We would have no issue with the territory going to the Imperium of America, and as for your threat of the Bermuda Triangle Pact, we feel that it is better to deal in offers of hope than in threats, to rule by love instead of fear. While we have little fear of your pact, as is our feeling towards much of the world, we will accept an investigation.

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Andonia has no hope that justice will be served. The world will allow these demagolka Dutch to destroy my nation. We will scatter to the four winds, but one day we will defeat you and Andonia will rise from the ashes, then we will embark on a jihad against the world and swarm across it with massive armies waving the banner of House Garresh, leaving only those who defended us alive. We will have revenge if justice is not served. Also, Bohovia has an MDP with us, and that means they will fight along side us, when justice is subverted.

Edited by freakwars
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We sent the following transmission to the Imperium of America:

As I am sure you have noticed, since the end of Operation Baltic Suppression, the Andonians have done nothing but express their extreme hatred towards the old Republic and the modern Empire. We have attempted to correct them and ignore them when and wherever possible, however it is difficult, as I am sure you are aware, to do so for very long. I feel that we stuck it out longer than most.

Seen here:


We attempted several times to 1) admit that mistakes were made during the operation, 2) express our feelings of empathy with the Andonians, and 3) correct their perception of what a Genocide is. They ignored each attempt and continued to insult us with methods used to teach two year olds not to do things they are not supposed to, such as repeating it.


Here we can see more subtle insults to the Republic. They continually whine and carry on about their attack and their farse of a genocide, yet they continue to lack production of any sort of evidence of any actions taking place. Our civilian loss estimates tally 2,000, while theirs tally 15,000. They are spreading lies to the world, that is undeniable.


And the earliest example of blatant outright hatred, which we combated with acceptance, while they only attempted to draw us out even more.


Here they announced that they are naming their new capital ship 'Dutch-Bane', and only reconsider this name once their allies put pressure upon them. This is a poor attempt to conceal their hatred of the old Republic and of the current Empire.


And here they state that they will 'Never live on Dutch lands', after we offer them some of our homeland for their own personal use as they see fit. They insulted us with this, declaring that, somehow, our lands were unfit for their people, that somehow they were better than us.

Evidence of the Andonian Arms Trade:

Dutch computer systems intercepted and subsequently decoded a message sent by the Andonian government to an unknown recipient. Although it was encrypted, the system was easily cracked by Dutch computers (OOC: I have 90% odds on him).


Evidence of spying on Dutch classified happenings:


There is no way that he could have known what had been going on in the Netherlands at that particular time unless he had someone working on the inside. We also feel, once again, that this is an insult to our people and our nation, his statement was rather ethnocentric in that it not only stereotyped all Dutchmen as genocidal maniacs, but it also stated that his newspaper was the only reliable newspaper in existence.

We hope this aids you in your search.

They concluded our investigation to be accurate and well-thought-out and have justified our actions. We will return the territory of Andonia to them once our operations are concluded. We seek only for the leader to remove himself.

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Andonia will never surrender to demagolka maniacs who attempt to construe their side as the right one.

Also, what are you doing monitoring Andonain landlines? And why do you believe a paper that says Prins Colbert married the dead Oberjarl after he came back to life...

If you are going to invade many people will die.

Edited by freakwars
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Official Procinctian Diplomatic Channel

Once again the Andonians suffer unwarranted persecution, does Dutch malevolence know no bounds?

Fortunately there is little threat of the Dutch establishment a permanent hold in the America, it’s called the Tahoe Doctrine, consider yourself warned.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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Official Procinctian Diplomatic Channel

Once again the Andonians suffer unwarranted persecution, does Dutch malevolence know no bounds?

Fortunately there is little threat of the Dutch (once again) establishing a permanent hold in the Americas, it’s called the Tahoe Doctrine, consider yourself warned.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

We are deathly afraid of you, your grace.

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We are deathly afraid of you, your grace.
If you’re not afraid you should be.

My god, you don’t remember the Great Colonial Purge? The Tahoe Republic does not tolerate colonialism in the Americas, the establishment of any permanent Dutch force in South America is probably a direct violation of the Tahoe Doctrine.

I would advise extreme discretion, as Tahoe is not a power to be taken lightly.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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If you’re not afraid you should be.

My god, you don’t remember the Great Colonial Purge? The Tahoe Republic does not tolerate colonialism in the Americas, the establishment of any permanent Dutch force in South America is probably a direct violation of the Tahoe Doctrine.

I would advise extreme discretion, as Tahoe is not a power to be taken lightly.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

OOC: Props on using my old Wiki page.


The Kingdom has no comment at this time.

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If you’re not afraid you should be.

My god, you don’t remember the Great Colonial Purge? The Tahoe Republic does not tolerate colonialism in the Americas, the establishment of any permanent Dutch force in South America is probably a direct violation of the Tahoe Doctrine.

I would advise extreme discretion, as Tahoe is not a power to be taken lightly.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

As the Empire of the Netherlands is a member of the GAE, and thus our ally, any hostile actions the Tahoe Republic embarks against the Dutch shall entail Byzantine intervention, although not necessarily on a military scale. But we shall also support our other ally, the Imperium of America, on investigation.

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Andonia has no hope that justice will be served. The world will allow these demagolka Dutch to destroy my nation. We will scatter to the four winds, but one day we will defeat you and Andonia will rise from the ashes, then we will embark on a jihad against the world and swarm across it with massive armies waving the banner of House Garresh, leaving only those who defended us alive. We will have revenge if justice is not served. Also, Bohovia has an MDP with us, and that means they will fight along side us, when justice is subverted.

With this statement Andonia has sealed it's fate. Threatening the world will not bring more people to your cause. Your threats have been taken seriously by the Slavorussian people, and we will not allow Andonia to survive long enough to carry out these threats. Slavorussia fully supports the Dutch Empire's mission and we pledge to send imperial troops to aid them if they require our assistance. If Andonia retracts their threats they may be able to avoid disaster.

EDIT: Am I allowed to have transport ships without an ingame navy?

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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