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Statement From Her Majesty Queen Catherine Jenkins


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"Hello, Ladies and gentlement of the world. I have come before you all to let you all know that I am to be getting divorced from my husband, King Douglas. It's sad, but we've found that it isn't working out and feel it'd be better to go our own ways. As such, I will be putting forward to the united Kingdom's parliament that an act of seperation be brought forward. I would like the Welsh peoples to be given sovereignty back and i'd like TWE to be restored to its old boundaries. Cardiff will be proclaimed Capital once again. I will never love or marry a man again, instead I will love and devote myself to the welsh Empire. Thanks, Diolch"

** The Queen has the power to bring this to the UK's Parliament, it will be voted on later by the UK's 500 seater parliament. **

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OOC: Best divorce settlement ever, now we just need you two to fight over some building and one of you to stalk the other, and kick over their trashcans.

OOC: Oh shush you. I know at least one set of divorcees who are on quite friendly terms today, though not in a romantic way. They are indeed just friends in the real sense of the phrase.

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OOC: Best divorce settlement ever, now we just need you two to fight over some building and one of you to stalk the other, and kick over their trashcans.

OOC: Lulz, that would be interesting, indeed... :awesome:

OOC: Very sad to see this happen.

OOC: I agree... :(

IC: Byzantium watches this with interest. At least, this was done peacefully...

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I do hope that you two can stay free from conflict with each other.

The Welsh Empire still looks upon the Proxian Empire as its closest ally. There will be NO conflict whatsoever. King douglas and the Queen are on good terms still and the Welsh/Proxian bond is as alive as ever. ~ Ed Miliband MoFA

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The Welsh Empire still looks upon the Proxian Empire as its closest ally. There will be NO conflict whatsoever. King douglas and the Queen are on good terms still and the Welsh/Proxian bond is as alive as ever. ~ Ed Miliband MoFA

We sincerely hope no pets were involved in this dispute, as custody battles have sunk many an otherwise amicable split. It is indeed unfortunate that this had to happen. We will of course observe the Royal couple's right to privacy in this matter.

OOC: I forgot you two were merged, you are both too quiet! :( /OOC

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OOC: We wouldn't be doing this if we didn't have to :(

The UK was working well :(

We sincerely hope no pets were involved in this dispute, as custody battles have sunk many an otherwise amicable split. It is indeed unfortunate that this had to happen. We will of course observe the Royal couple's right to privacy in this matter.

OOC: I forgot you two were merged, you are both too quiet! :( /OOC

OOC: More Penchuk than Welsh. I do see Welsh post every two or three days, I believe, but I don't recall a single post from Penchuk in the last week/OOC

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A Note from the desk of Molakian Armed Forces Commander Antonev Frolov,

Divorce? Heck, when my 1st wife wanted one, she shot at me! I got the message real good only after she turned my uniforms pink and put a bomb in our mailbox. Or was that my 4th wife....
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