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The Northern Empire updates.


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*General Zherdev made his way to the podium, with a list of papers he was prepared to read. Emperor Mykep was out, and he had prepared to address the nation in his stead. He came up to the podium with thousands of members of the Russian and Asian population cheering, waving the flags of the Northern Empire, gathered to see the speeches delivered in Noman'sland. The General put his mouth to the seven or so microphones and speaks.*

Hello, dignitaries, representatives, and citizens of the Northern Empire. I come to you today to update the state of the nation to the world. The war and current events have changed our nation. These changes are for the better and shall affect our internal and foreign policy. As the leader of this country, I shall push our power to the greatest of our abilities and make ourselves the leaders of the North.

We thank our faithful allies for staying by our sides. Time and time again we have found ourselves in a conflict where they have stood by us. We thank them for it and will one day do the same for them. Our foreign involvement will increase as world affairs continue to affect our policies. Our nation is apart of this world, and our voices shall be heard. The Empire is encouraging foreign investment by offering large tax and tariff breaks to corporations willing to invest in the country.

Our citizens see themselves as brutal, hardworking men and women. They are the powerful steed that the North rides upon. Our booming economy provides the world with great materials and minerals which allows for their economies to rid as well. Our nationalism is at its highest, considering that our soldiers are tough, strong willed, and part of the greatest army in the world. The Generals provide a face for the rest of the nation to cheer for. Their military strategies have leaded our nations to victory. Last but not least, the emperor. He has given to us a home, which although cold and frozen, provides us with a warm hospitality with great rulings and policies which we are bound to. We see him as our second father, a man above all who we would die for.

The Russian people feel special attachment to motherland. It is their second mother and each will die for her causing little need for a military draft used mostly for emergencies. The climate in our small region is usually cold but lacks the inhabitability of most Russia's tundra as it has been built up and industrialized greatly while maintaining its lush green pines and snowy lands. The citizens are not required to fight but most will and most enemies would not survive the harsh cold that we are accustomed to. Government law is fiercely enforced by the powerful military, but the people, nonetheless, will follow the laws and policy transactions despite the guns pointed at them. They are loyal, and for that, they receive the emperor’s blessing.

Now, in response ot the current war with members from the pacific, we have decided to move our soldiers west into the mountains to destroy the attacking nation. If they do not leave...they will be destroyed. Members of the nation, do not fear, you are in great hands.

In response to the recent decline in consumer spending as well as unemployment going up, we are beginning to react. Do not be impatient, we are cutting the amount of money going into the wars outside of the current defensive one so that the money can circulate around the economy to make it more efficient. We are also developing plans to make more government sanctioned programs to allow for more jobs.

Now, to respond to the recent petitioning of the old highway south of Kinsington, the renevation can not be completed. Our nation has decided to do environmental studies on the region and have decided the negativities outway the positives of the rebuilding. The project will be dismissed.



Afterwards, General Redden gathered articles to put under the classified folders of the Military corps

Carried over from the Eggman Military Tech Corps, these new vehicles will be improved and incorporated into the military structure:

The LAV (Light Assault Vehicle) Guardian-03 APC


Uses: Primary; APC, Anti-infantry. Secondary; Anti-air

Armament: One M242 Bushmaster chain gun, one frontal co-axle 7.62mm M60 machine gun.

Armor: Multiple 5083 Aluminum welded plates

Crew: 4; Bushmaster Gunner, Commander/co-axle machine gunner, Comm. officer, driver.

Purpose: The object of the Guardian-03 was to provide an APC that could transport troops safely through inclement weather conditions and rough terrain without breaking down whilst providing a replacement for the aging fleet of M113s the EE military had. The trials proved it to be a rousing success. It offers more protection to passengers and crew; being able to take several hits from RPGs, mines, IED, and other weaponry. It has a longer life expectancy and is easier to maintain then the M113 as well. The Guardian is able to support infantry, take on lightly armed vehicles and slow moving aircraft (helicopters), and support larger vehicles such as tanks. Sealable slots in the hull allow for infantry to provide additional side firepower. There is also a variant of the Guardian in where the Bushmaster is replaced is a missile launcher to kill tanks with.

The S/SAV (Scout/Support Assault Vehicle) CC-6 Pit-bull


Uses: Primary; Multi-purpose Recon, anti-tank, anti-air. Secondary: Make-shift mobile comm. center, target painter

Armament: 4-8 AGM-114 Hellfire missiles or dual set of .50 cal. machine guns.

Armor: Basic HMMWV armor kit, Bullet-resistant windows.

Crew: 3; Gunner, Commander/Comm. officer, driver

Purpose: The Pit-bull is probably one of the most multi-purpose vehicles in the mechanized branch of the EE military. Its main purpose is to serve recon missions to support satellite intelligence, as well as supply real-time information on enemy positions and troop movements. Its purpose is also to be able to traverse difficult (rocky, icy) terrain without difficulty in a speedy fashion. It has three main variants:

*Anti air/vehicle. The AA/V version has a missile rack mounted in the back which usually contains AGM-114 missiles. It can store 8 missiles in the rack, but usually only carries 4 to keep the weight down.

*Anti infantry. The Anti-infantry version has a dual set of .50 cal. machine guns in place of the missile rack.

Both the missile rack and the machine gun turret are controlled by a gunner inside the cab.

*mobile communications/command/fire support center. The Command/comm./fire support type doesn't have any main weapons, only what those in the cab have. Instead, advanced radio and sensor packages take up the space where the turret was. The gunner is replaced with/now a second comm. officer. This type of vehicle is designed to follow initial attacking forces and co-ordinate attacks, call in airstrikes, and mark spots for artillery.

All 3 types can mark targets with a laser for air/ballistic missile strikes. The main weakness of a Pit-bull is that it has little armor, and a direct tank or missile blast would shred it, whilst a RPG or IED could cripple it if placed right.


Uses: Primary; Anti-tank, secondary; infantry support

Armament: One 125mm smoothbore cannon, one M2HB .50 cal. machine gun, two M240 7.62 mm machine guns (1 pintle-mounted, 1 coaxial)

Armor: Chesham composite armor

Crew:4; Commander, gunner, loader, driver. Three the crew is trained well enough

Purpose: Provide new blood for Northern Empire's tank fleet, which consists of mainly of M1A1s. It is also meant to fight and win against other tanks and to support infantry and other vehicles during an assault. It can be equipped with AP, HE, white phosphorus, and anti-personnel rounds for its main cannon. It is superior to the M1 tanks in that it is faster (60mph on road, 50 off-road), has better fuel economy (15mpg), better armor, and a slightly bigger gun.

Missiles from The Dragon Empire consisting of very very large Tiamat M-20 missiles now called “sweet bombs” In the Northern Empire.

Research into better AA, SAM, and anti-ship missile systems is to commence immediately.


SS-1B Missile Launcher


Northern Empire's modified MIG 29



Also, for a cultural breakdown, a list of summaries of NE's policies have been summed up by a professor at the NUNE(National University of the Northern Empire) of Noman'sland

Full Name: The Northern Empire

Short Form: T.N.E.

Nationality: Russian-Asian

Languages: Russian (official), Japanese, Chinese, English

Currency: Vaulian Rouble

Government Type: Military Dictatorship/ Monarchy (with the title of Emperor)

Capital: No Man’s Land (regional capitals include Ground Zero, Whimsical Capital, New Mambosian City)

Largest Cities: Hoosville, Nuuk

Emperor: Mykep the Younger

Next in Line: Unknown

Second in Command: General Zherdev


Saxon III


Lundquist (Deceased)


Population (as of August 2008) 100,000 Working Citizens

Troops (as of August 2008): 64,000 Soldiers

Tanks (as of August 2008): 7000 (OOC: going up and down)

Navy (as of August 2008): 60 (OOC: same)

Air force (as of August 2008): 105 (OOC: same...)



Foreign Policy: any type of alliance or treaty that would secure relations between other nations would be encouraged as well as supported. (So long as relations are well between us and the foreign nation).

All old treaties will be reviewed. Nations we deem unfit for being allies will be cancelled on. We however will give our allies a chance to renew communications. We need an effort on both sides, so we will send ambassadors and contact our allies ASAP if we see our relations slipping away.

As a heavy support of unity, we have decided that we shall look to further our involvement into a regional union. If this is not possible, we shall find allies in America or Europe. We also look forward to finding arctic region allies that share the same culture as ours.

We ask that any representatives of any union or possible Ally come to our fellow country in hopes of furthering our relations.

War: Peace will be asked first. If it doesn’t look plausible, then we shall result to violent measures.

War is destruction, and we will most likely not be the first strike. Civilians will be given the chance to surrender in a siege or invasion, we will not shoot on civilians unless shot at.

If civilians prove to be a threat, they shall be seen as one and be dealt with accordingly.

Terrorism: Organize a homeland security to operate within the civilians rights. Any act of terrorism will be an act of war and will be met with brief negotiations with fair terms, if they are not we will turn to war.

Any terrorist will be arrested, charged, judged then shot (see death penalty).

Abortion: none

Gun Control: Guns will have fewer restrictions, and use of a gun to kill will result in 1st degree, no involuntary. We see guns as just another form of protection, but it should just be that….a forms of protection.

Death Penalty/Corrections: Bullet to the head after court decision, with no circumstantial evidence giving the guilty plea.

Drugs/Alcohol: All states will have age of drinking at 16/17, and driving at 18/21... We issue a battle against drugs, stopping the fluctuation of drugs into our countries borders. Anyone caught smuggling will be issued involuntary manslaughter.

Healthcare: Will be handled by private corps only...Government funding will be given to those who provide better services

Global Warming: Use of Nuclear Power plants nation wide. Recycling bins will be distributed.

The Economy: Anti-manufacturing off-shoring; tax incentives to keep these companies homeward bound. Encourage in-sourcing to promote job creation. Phase out welfare in exchange for workfare. Reduce taxes for middle class. Incentives for small business. No big business lobbying.

Work to provide RUSSIAN more trade. Allies will receive lessened tariffs.

Immigration: All immigrants wanting to join the Northern Empire must have a college degree, or serve years in military service. Any illegal’s will be first exported, and shot if attempting to reenter. (I'm in the Arctic Circle; I don’t think anyone would illegally come here unless they are hiding).

Education: Increase amount of schools outside cities for suburbanization. Schools that are over populated will be addressed with an extra floor, and more public schooling will be provided in overcrowded areas where suburbanization will not fix the problem

Revolts: any revolts will not have our support if they interfere with an ally, or an allies ally. We also ask that such revolts remain to civil disobedience before going violent. If they do go violent, they will be met with military force. If an outside nation supports an opposing party that has turned violent, then they will be declared on for supporting an enemy of the state.

Religion: Religion is not outlawed, but not supported by the government. Religious facilities still have to pay taxes and have to remove extremist groups that may harm the public.

Refugees: Criminals from other countries exiled by belief, war, or the foreign rulers’ poor choice in ruling (determined by the Judicial Court of Immigration) are allowed to become part of the Northern Empire's society.

Language: Russian is the language of the Northern Empire. It is the language taught in schools, used in voting, and used in public. Being bilingual or trilingual is not uncommon in the empire. Languages from all around the world are available to the public to learn, but as secondary and third choices.

Religion: Although it is not official, the main religion that came with the founders of the Northern Empire and of the region was Orthodox Christian

Capital Punishment: Shunned. The criminal is left in the hands of the victim's family which had three options. The first were to either await payment or to sell the murderer into slavery. However, a third possibility is that they would kill the murderer (see Death Penalty.)

Sports: The world will fear our winter sports teams. We have the greatest skiers and hockey players in the world. Ice skates are considered the official 7 year old birthday present. The icy surface that covers the ground 3/4ths of the year in the Northern Empire makes skating and skiing a way of transportation. Never mind the fact that our hockey players average around 6’2 with 230 pounds. Consider them masters of the ice.


OOC: Last, but not least.


All TV channels in T.N.E. make a sudden change to channel 24, NEBC.

"Reporting from NEBC (Northern Empire's Broadcasting Channel), I'm Johnny Summers and this is our top story for tonight.

"Emperor Mykep's recent disappearance hasn't been on the news recently, and the world has finally found him. On the top of India, Mykep and Megan Fox were recently married. The secret engagement is exposed....tonight."

Reporting live from India, we have Clarisa Banks. Clarisa?"

Clarisa is standing outside a huge white house with a gate and security squad around it. The news broadcaster stood outside the house, away from security.

"Yes, John, I'm here live from the house where newly-wed leaders Megan Fox and Emperor Mykep are staying for the so-called honeymoon. The two were seen earlier today, happily married for the first time. There is no doubt that these two are made for one-another. But the real question everyone will be asking is, how will this affect world affairs?"

The screen goes back to NEBC HQ with Johnny Summers and he states:

"Thats exactly what we will all be wondering. We will be bringing in experts for interpretation of this event, after this commerical break."

Edited by mykep
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Message out from the N.E.B.C.

This morning the government has confirmed that T.N.E.'s military, and the state owned T.N.E. Military Corp. have been planning the set up of a special military facility for research of defensive materials and military weaponry on an unknown small island east of Northern Greenland. Construction of the facility was finished several days ago, and reports are that the facility is almost completely hidden. Details regarding the buildings constructed, or their purpose has been classified by the Intelligence Agencies.

*Classified designs of new developments*


E.F.S.F: Decimator Class Warship the Flagship Derrigus will be leading the 125th Expeditionary fleet. With four 95" Arclite Cannons, the prowess of this vessel is that of orbital bombardment and superior ship to ship combat. With secondary armaments like self loading auto turrets and Heat Krak Missiles, the EFSF flagships bring swift destruction to the enemies of the Emperor.

This ship will become the beginning of the new era of naval combat for T.N.E.


The Vindicator line of tanks will be all based around the Rhino tank body with armor and weapon modifications including a second layor of armor above the original creating a piercing protection. With a dropped in 1500HP engine and Storm Bolter turret, this is the ultimate in troop transportation. With frontal plow and Hellzone Cannon in the front, it tears through enemy emplacements and cuts down entrenched defenders.


The Navajo style tank comes from the Flattop tank body, this is the MBT of the EFSF. With a .89 Calibur turrent and a Gauss 250mm MAC (Magnetic Acceleration Cannon) Gun as the primary cannon, this tank is designed to break your armored vehicles and send you screaming for the fall back position. Powered on a Geo-Nuclear reactor it can get massive boosts of speed across flat terrain, It's major flaw is the new atomic generators being very clunky and under-armored. Makes a very viable weakpoint.

[Classified Image]

The finalized and perfected model of the Predator line of tanks. Utilizing the versatile Rhino assault body as a platform each side is armed with twin linked ultra-heavy lascannons. The main turret consists of a heavy magnetized barrel that fires particles at super-heated temperatures at equally blistering velocity literally melting armor and destroying entrenched soldiers. Overall driven on a Lexicanum Omnissiah class engine achieving a 1400HP readout. Plated in His strongest ceramite steel, this armored war beast can take punishment far greater than any other machine in its class. These are the machines that will serve the Emperor.

Edited by mykep
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OOC: Orbital bombardment... no. If you want good battleships though, contact me.


We wonder why you are expanding nuclear power as your sole emission free power, in light of the environmental disaster in the Baltic. We instead propose you contract out to the UFE to have a nano-based solar power as well as wind and tidal power system, reducing your dependence on both nuclear and carbon technology. We ask this not only as opportunistic investors, but as your largest neighbor.

In addition we notice you still fly the Mig-29, we propose to sell you older F-35 sinos and Su-35 sinos which are currently in moth ball.

Edited by Triyun
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OOC: First, the Vindicator and Predator are impossible, as a; Lascannons don't exist (lasers capable of blasting right through a tank?), b; the devastator cannon you call the hellzone has a calibre more suited to naval artillery (~16"), storm bolters cant work, ( .75 cal automatic rocket propelled bolts with mass reactive tips?)

Next, your other two vehicles are even worse, the first is a space ship, and the thirst has a giant railgun capable of accelerating projectiles to 40% of c.


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OOC: ... Fine. I'll rid the world of WH 40k. Working on other CAD drawings since these took me a week.


Several Talks among the upper ranks have discussed the possibility of the Emperor lessening his power for the greater good. The rumors say that the government may switch to a republic. These are only talks among politicians anyway... pretty much anything they say is a lie.

On another agenda, the emperor has announced that he will address his relation with Megan Fox at a press conference, hosted in India, then in Russia. The press conference will be broadcasted throughout the empire.

-The Northern Empires Times

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The Northern Empire has begun gathering medical supplies, aid, and donations for the current statuses of the Kingdom of Northrend and Yuktobania. Consturction crews will help with the current destruction in Yuktobania while economic advisors work in Northrend.

Classified: Military Tech Corps has begun work on superior air technology.

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.F.S.F: Decimator Class Warship the Flagship Derrigus will be leading the 125th Expeditionary fleet. With four 95" Arclite Cannons, the prowess of this vessel is that of orbital bombardment and superior ship to ship combat. With secondary armaments like self loading auto turrets and Heat Krak Missiles, the EFSF flagships bring swift destruction to the enemies of the Emperor

OOC: You have four guns that are 3x the size of this? http://www.ginklai.net/images/galerija/2527_gustav_gun.jpg

Just how big is this ship? Does it use the Bismark for a dingy?

Edited by Tahsir Re
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OOC: Well you CAN have a laser; jsut would have to big a damn big tank & cost millions, if not tens or hundreds, of millions each. Then the small-arms fire can damage the mirrors, thus making a possiblity that it will only kill itself (which is why the modern prototype is in an aircraft). Just change the desctiption to modern-day (or just possibliy/will be real weapons) weapons.

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OOC: Havent gotten to the military part, adding more updates though.

Economic boom

For awhile the economy lay stagnant after the Nordland war. Our military spending was on the rise, but it seemed that there was something in the background that was playing a part in the growing economy. Within two months, three new road ways lead to a booming city of Srqville. The small regional town, that is the capital the to the Noenota County, suddenly had a growth of infrastructure, technology updates homed new scientists, politicians, and more than 30,000 new babies. No news on where this sudden growth came from but the Overall T.N.E. Economy has benefited from it.

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OOC: Finally. Vaule, if you are reading this; stole your outline, and your medium rockets. I love you though.


The Northern Empire's Ground Forces (TNEGF)

Main Battle Tanks:

Black Eagle MBT (Modified w/ DROZD Active Protection System.

T-80U-M1 Bars

Other Tanks:



Standard Issue Arms:

-7.62m A-91 Assault Rifle/40mm grenade launcher

-12.7mm OSV-96 LR Rifle

-9a-91 assault rifle

-AEK-971 assault rifle

Multiple Rocket Launchers:

6G-30 hand held six shot




GSh-6-30K gun

Air Defense Systems:


MIM-104 Patriot


Attack Helicopters:

KA-52 Alligator


Radar systems:

67N6E GAMMA-DE Radar Station

Su-30MKI assigned with Bars radar weapon control system


Armored Personnel Carriers(APCs):



The Northern Empire's Missile Systems:

Ballistic Missiles:

Short Range:

SS-1 Scud-17 Range: 500-900km

SS-23 Spider / OTR-23 Range: 600km

Medium Range:

Shahab 3 Range: 1900km

Soviet R-5 Pobeda: 1200km

Intercontinental Ballistic Missile:

SS-13 Savage / RT-2 Range: 9,000km

V-39 Archangel (Based on the SS-25 Sickle) Range: 10,500km

The Northern Empire Missile Defense Systems

-Strategic Defense Initiative

-S-300 air defense missile system

-RUSSIAN missile Defense System

Surface to Air missiles

SS-N-17 Snipe / RSM-45 Range: 4000km

The Northern Empire Air Force

Fighter Aircraft:




Bomber Aircraft:

Tu-160 (Black Jack addition)


Additional Aircraft:

A-40 amphibious aircraft

Yak-28 Brewer

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