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Murder Inc. Decleration of Victory


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some of you may remember this announcment


Murder Inc

Declaration Of War

Dear United Nations,

Apparently you didn’t realize that attacking Murder Inc was a bad idea. Well, guess what it is. You die now.


Murder Inc


Coolgreen44, Minister of Internal Trolling

Elborrador, Person who does stuff

This announcement was written and produced by elborrador.

well pursuant to this announcement

Real life is becoming too hard these days as it is decreasing the amount of time I have to lead an alliance. Since I am the only leader of UN I am disbanding the alliance. I might start an alliance in standard but I shall still remain playing both games. Even though I am a great leader because of UN's high peak rank being third I just dont have the time no more. You may recruit people from my alliance now or raid them It dont matter now!


Murder Inc. hereby declares victory over UN. While the actual war was short itself, the shadow attacks and ninja trolling to bring down UN was a long, long process. having succeeded in doing such, it gives me great pride to come before planet steve to say, one last time, SUCK IT UN.

that is all,


Elborrador, Emperor of Awesome

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We will honor the dissolved treaty ... Not :P but we welcome UN nations looking for homes to come to TPF. *note.. im not in government and I wear a size 9 3/8 Tinfoil hat :P

Congrats to MI on their overwhelming victory of win :)

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this literally made me lol now my evening seems brighter.

congrats, MI! i cant believe they actually were disheartened enough to take your rigid disbandment terms, but hey.... i've seen more amazing things happen.

also... not like you can change it, but declaration was misspelled in the title............. yeah

Edited by Sethly
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some of you may remember this announcment

well pursuant to this announcement

Murder Inc. hereby declares victory over UN. While the actual war was short itself, the shadow attacks and ninja trolling to bring down UN was a long, long process. having succeeded in doing such, it gives me great pride to come before planet steve to say, one last time, SUCK IT UN.

that is all,


Elborrador, Emperor of Awesome

And the flaming begins :l

We'll be back next round with a different name anyway :awesome:

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And the flaming begins :l

We'll be back next round with a different name anyway :awesome:

Why would anyone join you after you pull something like this? I don't think anyone would want to follow someone who abandons their members.

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Different name and ruler ;) Also I think everything that happens each round is dropped. Remember the new life rule in MMORPG's?

Besides my alliance name will be awesome and would be red team.


Can you guess what it stands for?

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Different name and ruler ;) Also I think everything that happens each round is dropped. Remember the new life rule in MMORPG's?

Besides my alliance name will be awesome and would be red team.


Can you guess what it stands for?

even though everything is dropped round to round, what we know about a person stays. If you make a bad impression in one round, you may have a hard time next round because others will know who you are

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Different name and ruler ;) Also I think everything that happens each round is dropped. Remember the new life rule in MMORPG's?

Besides my alliance name will be awesome and would be red team.


Can you guess what it stands for?

Are you that oblivious of how you are perceived in TE after you posted your abandonment of your alliance?

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huh, well lets see if TPF is willing to defend them as they were willing to defend TPF.

LOL, you do realize that this is a joke right. :P

even though everything is dropped round to round, what we know about a person stays. If you make a bad impression in one round, you may have a hard time next round because others will know who you are

I lol'd, listen to the pot calling the kettle black. You of all people should have no right to throw stones.

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Oh really....well lets see if you change your nations name next round...this were i was going with that <_<

umm w/e, not even sure how what you are saying is supposed to relate to my post. Anyway, i changed my nation name THIS round because i was paranoid from last round. I will be changing it again next round because I want it to be the same as my SE nation name again. That is, unless i find something clever to name it before next round.

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