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Great War, fair fight, etc etc

Commander Benji

30 days before the end of round, everyone go nuts.  

46 members have voted

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Basically, insetad of having a lovely organised fair fight.

Why not just go nuts 30 days before finish. I suggest two alliances with lots of pacts, IE MHA and *insert someone here* just start hitting each other.

All pacts can be enacted.

That way everyone gets too fight.

If one side is starting to get curbstopmed, another alliance can just walk in and do the right think and help them out instead of whining about it being a curbstomp on the forums.


everyone attack anyone they want come 30 days to finish

Edited by Commander Benji
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I don't believe I h\a\ve broken \a\ny rules, thus, I c\a\n not f\a\il.

You made an off topic post, therefore, you have broken the rules.

If anyone post any off topic posts after this one than they will get warned.

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You made an off topic post, therefore, you have broken the rules.

If anyone post any off topic posts after this one than they will get warned.

{Th\a\nk you for your v\a\lid\a\tion to this point, now let us get b\a\ck on topic...}

I for one welcome \a\ Gre\a\t W\a\r, bec\a\use for once, CNTE c\a\n live up to its n\a\me \a\s \a\ brut\a\l sl\a\ughterfest.

Edited by Franz Ferdinand
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We could start off with Blackwater vs NAAW round 2 (Hardcore edition)

at which point everybody and their mother picks a side and jumps in.

Nuclear first strikes would not only be allowed, but encouraged.

Until we end up with Super massive (And very nuclear) great war.

Edited by Emperor Tiberius
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If everything were possible, I would say yes, but put some new spin on it.

E.g.: like inTravian, a whole new super alliance shows up (computer generated, courtesy of admin) and it's do-or-die time!

But for this topic, in the real world, sure, go nuts. Equilibrium will assert itself.

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If everything were possible, I would say yes, but put some new spin on it.

E.g.: like inTravian, a whole new super alliance shows up (computer generated, courtesy of admin) and it's do-or-die time!

But for this topic, in the real world, sure, go nuts. Equilibrium will assert itself.

I like how you think!! An AI controlled Mega-power the likes of which CN has never seen before.

In which case we throw down, Join forces and pull a FAN. THAT would be EPIC!!

YOU sir are WIN!!

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But it's so much more fun to just beat the crap out of each other.

I say, as soon as two alliances kick it off, everyone jump in.

LE is declaring on someone above them soon. We can all jump in on that. >_>

But don't tell them until afterwards.

How soon is soon? The round will be over by the time anybody get's the nerve to declare.

This weekend would be a nice time for a war. Why not? What's stopping you guys? Declare already lol.

Problem is everybody is waiting for someone else to declare. Nobody has the guts to take the initiative and pound somebody. What is the use in having "Full contact CN" if nobody wants to go full contact. I say throw down and attack somebody already! Is this going to be the only round without the traditional Operation Endgame? Why wait, just do it. All talk is never any good.

To be honest what we are doing now is about as exciting as touch football.

Truth is nobody has the guts to "Beat the crap out of eachother" It ain't gonna happen.

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Well, I only just got on TE after finally being convinced it was worth playing.

So you guys better damn well show me how much it really is worth it.

I have no pull in the alliance I am in, so I can't really start a war.

As for personal wars, my war slots are full. :)

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I like how you think!! An AI controlled Mega-power the likes of which CN has never seen before.

In which case we throw down, Join forces and pull a FAN. THAT would be EPIC!!

YOU sir are WIN!!

Thank you. It does have a sort of "Independence Day" versus "Red Dawn" appeal, doesn't it? But if CN were to let us all battle it out against a super alliance, they would probably have to let us do foreign aid, too.

And that, too, would change everything... :o

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