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Declaration of War between GDA and LE


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Our treaties are obvious. They are posted in this world assembly for a reason. Where would we be if our treaty partners started getting rolled one by one? The sacrifices we have made for our sovereignty and freedom from attack would be for nothing. Nations have died for it. Let me be clear that we respect our enemy. An honorable one at that and powerful. We understand both sides of the war, but we cannot and will not just ignore our agreements that have not been tattered. We will be joining the skies and declaring war on Lafayette Escadrille.

In the name of democracy we unite!

Onwards Global Democratic Alliance ! We fight our second war of independence.

We had held out on our declaration in the hopes that the warring parties would reach a peace agreement. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. And so we now join the battle on the side of our allies, NAAW.

Signed for GDA

sippyjuice, Minister of Foreign Affairs

JamesdaLion, Minister of War

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Our treaties are obvious. They are posted in this world assembly for a reason. Where would we be if our treaty partners started getting rolled one by one? The sacrifices we have made for our sovereignty and freedom from attack would be for nothing. Nations have died for it. Let me be clear that we respect our enemy. An honorable one at that and powerful. We understand both sides of the war, but we cannot and will not just ignore our agreements that have not been tattered. We will be joining the skies and declaring war on Lafayette Escadrille.

In the name of democracy we unite!

Onwards Global Democratic Alliance ! We fight our second war of independence.

We had held out on our declaration in the hopes that the warring parties would reach a peace agreement. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. And so we now join the battle on the side of our allies, NAAW.

Signed for GDA

sippyjuice, Minister of Foreign Affairs

JamesdaLion, Minister of War


Classy Declaration. This makes mine pale in comparison. Good luck to you and NAAW.


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It would have been classier had it been posted BEFORE they began attacking us. Good luck and good fun GDA*

*Does that stand for $&^ ^##@** %(!@#$^%?

Edited by Ammon
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Atleast they are fighting because of a treaty and not some fabricated "justice"

At least they are not fighting because they threw a hissy fit over being counterattacked for their tech raids.

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Atleast they are fighting because of a treaty and not some fabricated "justice"

Indeed sir, and this is where we differ. Having been in the past treatied with MI, I will always prefer to fight for something that matters more than a treaty. I suppose I'm alone when it comes to this approach.

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Indeed sir, and this is where we differ. Having been in the past treatied with MI, I will always prefer to fight for something that matters more than a treaty. I suppose I'm alone when it comes to this approach.

Thats why we make treaties that matter so the 2 dont conflict. :)

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I hope to see peace as quickly as possible by all parties. We have an obligation through treaty to NAAW. I was there when peace failed when NAAW was in a room trying to get a hold of all these leaders. Then there was a DoW.

If Mash was declared full out ...we would be on a different side.

Also ....please use #GDACNTE for GDA issues and IRC meets. And query these leaders for your concerns.

And let it be a respectful war and hopefully short.

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"Article II: Aggression

NAAW and GDA have the open option of coordinating offensive attacks against a third party together."

So this is a purely OPTIONAL war on the GDA's part?

Again, pretty classy, the 2 big bullies ganging up on the little guys. At any rate, it will be fun and that is what the game is all about.

(I changed my earlier post because it wasn't as funny on paper as when I thought it, no offense or hard feelings intended)

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Best thing NAAW has done in this whole war was offer us peace after hearing others were actually going to stand up against them as well. At least now they can continue to hammer and hammer on the fact that "Well we did offer peace". Other than that it's been an absolute PR nightmare, which I'm sure has made even their strongest allies wonder how they can defend them.

Peace was offered after numerous injustices, and after hearing they might have someone else come along. If anyone thinks Blackwater was getting peace without the threat of others joining in are simply fooling themselves.

Also, for the record, LE and friends have offered peace once as well.

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"Article II: Aggression

NAAW and GDA have the open option of coordinating offensive attacks against a third party together."

So this is a purely OPTIONAL war on the GDA's part?

Again, pretty classy, the 2 big bullies ganging up on the little guys. At any rate, it will be fun and that is what the game is all about.

(I changed my earlier post because it wasn't as funny on paper as when I thought it, no offense or hard feelings intended)

If you read that treaty then you should of seen the defense part. Two big bullies? Hardly....Layfatte has powerful nations....and NAAW was declared war on by 4 alliances and has since lost numerical amounts of strength.

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Also I just noticed a rather sad fact: Looks like both GDA and LE share a love for all things aeronautical ( I suppose thats a shot in the dark but the graphic up there led me to the guess) . You guys should get together and talk a bit, maybe you'd get along better than you think.

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"LE has big nations" does not compute with "NAAW/GDA are huge".

At any rate, this is a game, so in the immortal words of the King of Cartoons, "Let the Games begin!"

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lol actualy ive talked to daddyAGW real nice guy. sux i had to meet him this way i bet ud be right metal

Without a doubt.

Sometimes it just takes a step back, and some re-evaluating what and who your fighting for.

Your spot on about daddyAGW though. Stand up guy no matter which "side" hes on.

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Daddy is a great guy. I have known him for 10 years at least, online and in person. I have opposed him across the channel in the online air of WWII, and served under him and over him in dozens of large scale online battles. There is no bullchit to the man.

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