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OOC: Hmm, it seems people have issues with never RP'ing satilites and then jsut having them... So I'll RP makin' them. And please, for the love of god, do not copy my satilites, like how Sargun stole by Boeing 747 when I announced it (and he never Rp'ed it before):P


Project: Additional Star Lights

GTI's current 4 satelites have been deemed not enough for GTI's now large Empire, and thus has commenced construction of additional satelites for all Wing's.

Currently, we plan on building and sending up the following:

Planned GTI Satelites

Satelite Name



Launch Date

Classified: KH-11-9 [Public: Harmless 9] Wing 1 Military Bob Observation Satellite March 10th
Classified: KH-11-10 [Public: Harmless 10] Wing 1 Military Bob Observation Satellite March 15th
Milstar 2 Wing 1 Military Bob Communications Satellite March 16th
CASSIOPE Wing 2/Research CAScade, Smallsat and IOnospheric Polar Explorer March 12th
GOES-12 Wing 3 Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite March 18th
RADARSAT-1 Wing 3 Commercial Bob Observation Satellite March 13th

OOC: Note I use RL dates. IC, that would be much longer, but I want to get them up there already! :P


Edited by JerreyRough
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## Private Memo to GTI ##

"We're wondering if we can use your satellites given our holdings of GTI and a willingness to pay for your services..."


Which ones? Our third 'hawk is going in the air at this moment, and only one harmless satelite is avalible.

///TO the Public///

GTI's third satelite, RADARSAT-1, has now launched!

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