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To those nations of Murder Inc who want peace...


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Im thinking the majority of our members will be honourable and show JUDGEMENT alliances their middle fingers.

Judgement you fail to forget something, you declared on my alliance for being "so-called thugs." Now you turn around and try to dictate at how this game is to be ran? Who are the real thugs now? Did you not accomplish the mission of curbstomping the members of Murder Inc.? What else is there for you to gain? One of your alliances in the #1 position? Do you not know what happens to the #1 alliance each round? Think about it, if some other alliance were to pass us in # of members this round, then the target gets lifted off our backs and you gain our burden. Are you prepared to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? Do you think you will be able to switch to defense until you get rolled? You guys better call a meeting and figure out your long term goals. In the mean-time, MI nations will be rebuilding and re-rolling if need be. You can try to ZI us all, but I dont recommend it.

When MI declared our wars on any said alliance, we fought them up to the 7 day limit on rare occasions, usually after a nation is anarchied peace is offered by our alliance, we NEVER kept eating at any alliance trying to completely dismantle them.

As for your peace terms, we will honor them the same way we expected other alliances to honor the terms we always set forth. Which means they wont be honoured.

This is TE. You people are starting to get way too serious. And that isnt supposed to happen. You need to relax a bit.

What you FAIL to understand is that judgment is NOT HERE TO CURBSTOMP FOR NO REASON. We all have VALID reasons as to why we're beating the !@#$ out of you. It's your policies and your arrogance that made this happen. It's your own mistakes within your alliance that made this happen. We didn't decide to just attack you, we decided that fighting with you is the only way to get these things through your thick arrogant skulls. We don't want #1 but if we do get #1, we will handle ourselves better than you did to prevent a coalition against us. Your strategy has failed and your nations are outnumbered. You're just down right stupid to keep fighting with us, making us look like the bad guys when you are the problem here. Not us. Stop acting like #1 is so hard. Aw poor MI boo-hoo. The only reason it was so hard for you is because you made it that way for yourself. Congrats.

That's because you were at #1. You didn't have to dismantle anyone. You were pretty cozy in your little position but now that your being challenged you have to face something harder. You have to face the fact that not everyone wants MI at #1 anymore...running the show. It's a game after all, stop whining.

For that last time, it's an *in character* forum. We're SUPPOSE to sound serious.

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We all have VALID reasons as to why we're beating the !@#$ out of you.

For that last time, it's an *in character* forum. We're SUPPOSE to sound serious.

I lol'd at the concept of valid CBs in TE. Just attack them for fun like I do.

In-character? In TE?


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I lol'd at the concept of valid CBs in TE. Just attack them for fun like I do.

In-character? In TE?


Attacking people for fun makes people whine even more. Right now you can say "oh just attack for fun" but if judgment came right out and said we were fighting for no reason, you'd all cry your heads off and demand we surrender or you'll attack us with your anarchied nations.

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Attacking people for fun makes people whine even more. Right now you can say "oh just attack for fun" but if judgment came right out and said we were fighting for no reason, you'd all cry your heads off and demand we surrender or you'll attack us with your anarchied nations.

You say "you" like I'm one of them. :ph34r:


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You say "you" like I'm one of them. :ph34r:


You're acting like you are one of them therefore since I don't really know [nor care] who you are, I'll post like your a part of them.

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so anyone whose views contradict yours is one of "them"?

Thanks for picking out a little statement to try and question me because you have nothing better to comment on.

But, no thats not true. I just thought he was in MI by the way he was defending them.

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What you FAIL to understand is that judgment is NOT HERE TO CURBSTOMP FOR NO REASON. We all have VALID reasons as to why we're beating the !@#$ out of you. It's your policies and your arrogance that made this happen. It's your own mistakes within your alliance that made this happen. We didn't decide to just attack you, we decided that fighting with you is the only way to get these things through your thick arrogant skulls. We don't want #1 but if we do get #1, we will handle ourselves better than you did to prevent a coalition against us. Your strategy has failed and your nations are outnumbered. You're just down right stupid to keep fighting with us, making us look like the bad guys when you are the problem here. Not us. Stop acting like #1 is so hard. Aw poor MI boo-hoo. The only reason it was so hard for you is because you made it that way for yourself. Congrats.

That's because you were at #1. You didn't have to dismantle anyone. You were pretty cozy in your little position but now that your being challenged you have to face something harder. You have to face the fact that not everyone wants MI at #1 anymore...running the show. It's a game after all, stop whining.

For that last time, it's an *in character* forum. We're SUPPOSE to sound serious.

And what purpose does NAAC have in this fight? Is it because we fought 3 times now and won each war? Is this finally your chance to get back at us for your losses? You remember last round when I told you nothing gets carried into future rounds by MI? You said that Round 3 should also be a new world for everyone. Now you bring your alliance into this war trying to finally succeed at what you failed so miserably at 3 times already?

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You're acting like you are one of them therefore since I don't really know [nor care] who you are, I'll post like your a part of them.

I just call 'em as I see 'em. Lord knows I have no love for MI.


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Thanks for picking out a little statement to try and question me because you have nothing better to comment on.

But, no thats not true. I just thought he was in MI by the way he was defending them.

aww I am sorry, I didnt know that you didnt like to be criticised. Well really your post was empty of any content except for "you are not with us so you must be against us"

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I hate having to make serious posts in this forum...

You have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to decide who plays this game. NONE. Unless your username is in a color other than the default, you have NO RIGHT AT ALL to decide that. Now, if someone commits some horrible OOC attack, then yes, I can understand. But that is not the case here. And YOU DON'T DECIDE what is or isn't cheating either. Again, your name is in the default color, not in a moderator color, so that is NOT for you to decide. And last I checked, the mods/admins did not consider rerolling to be cheating. You're welcome to your opinion, but to call someone a cheater when they haven't broken a rule, or to tell them they have no right to play the game because they rerolled and attacked you (I mean, come on, it's not even a semi-serious game like CN, it's !@#$@#$ TE). Now, if they're using their reroll to get back at you (as I did to MI), you're more than welcome to attack them as if they're the same person. But to hunt people down when they're not bothering you anymore and tell them that they have no right to play... ridiculous. It's ridiculous in CN:S and it's doubly ridiculous in CN:TE because this is supposed to be non-serious. And yet I keep having to make these posts, because someone's got to.



I just may have to do that if your enemies remain intent on assuming your old mantle of OMG GAME RUINERS. :P

Whoa. Dude, relax. I never claimed anything you're spouting off about. Like I said, it was my opinion only and I recognize re-rolling as part of the game and Judgment as taken it into account w/ our counter-strategies. Again, whether or not it's cheating in my opinion doesn't matter--according to the rules of the game, it's not cheating. According to the spirit of the game, I don't think Admin ever intended for people to perpetually re-roll. But I'm not Admin, so I don't know. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. You don't have any right to tell me what my opinion can or can't be.

And nowhere did I say we'd hunt re-rollers down. It's the people who use the peace terms to get out of their wars, and then re-roll to come back and fight w/ MI again that are the issue. If you leave the war and aren't bugging anyone, that's what we want--there's no REASON WHATSOEVER that we'd attack them. They've done what they've promised as will we.

I don't know what's gotten you all torqued up, but my posts were my opinions on matters--again my opinions.

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Whoa. Dude, relax. I never claimed anything you're spouting off about. Like I said, it was my opinion only and I recognize re-rolling as part of the game and Judgment as taken it into account w/ our counter-strategies. Again, whether or not it's cheating in my opinion doesn't matter--according to the rules of the game, it's not cheating. According to the spirit of the game, I don't think Admin ever intended for people to perpetually re-roll. But I'm not Admin, so I don't know. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. You don't have any right to tell me what my opinion can or can't be.

And nowhere did I say we'd hunt re-rollers down. It's the people who use the peace terms to get out of their wars, and then re-roll to come back and fight w/ MI again that are the issue. If you leave the war and aren't bugging anyone, that's what we want--there's no REASON WHATSOEVER that we'd attack them. They've done what they've promised as will we.

I don't know what's gotten you all torqued up, but my posts were my opinions on matters--again my opinions.

I was more talking about the OP... I just can't stand to see perma-ZI brought to TE.


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Yes it is your opinon, but calling someone, or a group of someones, cheaters in your opinion is rude. When your opinion is counter to the actual published rules, it is very rude.

There is a difference between saying "I think re-rolling is a sucky strategy" and "I think you are a cheat". You have to know that.

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And what purpose does NAAC have in this fight? Is it because we fought 3 times now and won each war? Is this finally your chance to get back at us for your losses? You remember last round when I told you nothing gets carried into future rounds by MI? You said that Round 3 should also be a new world for everyone. Now you bring your alliance into this war trying to finally succeed at what you failed so miserably at 3 times already?

I hope you know that there is no NAAC anymore. Also, no. I'm sticking up for my allies. I have good relations with Fark, GDA and UW. I joined this war as "NAAW" and the decisions we all made were new/fresh. It had nothing to do with the round before this, thanks for pulling that out when you have no idea. I fight with my allies, MI was never my ally. You do the math.

Also, don't flatter yourself. Your alliance is not even good enough to hold a grudge against. Thats says a lot.

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Quite simply MI were arrogant and annoyed a lot of people...

The bigger they are the harder they fall!

MI have fallen right slab bang on their clowns nose..

Ouch does it hurt?

You bet it does and the more you whinge the more ridiculous you look.

My 5p (pence - im British)


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Yes it is your opinon, but calling someone, or a group of someones, cheaters in your opinion is rude. When your opinion is counter to the actual published rules, it is very rude.

There is a difference between saying "I think re-rolling is a sucky strategy" and "I think you are a cheat". You have to know that.

This post I can understand--and I agree with you that my choice of words was perhaps a poor one and given the rules that exist within TE at this point, I'll apologize to anyone that I've offended by using the word "cheating".

. I do see your point, Machiabelly, and did not take it into consideration in my original post.

I'll rephrase it to say "I don't believe it's within the spirit of the game, even if it complies with all of the rules as laid forth by the powers that be".

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Yes it is your opinon, but calling someone, or a group of someones, cheaters in your opinion is rude. When your opinion is counter to the actual published rules, it is very rude.

There is a difference between saying "I think re-rolling is a sucky strategy" and "I think you are a cheat". You have to know that.

EDIT: It's not worth it. But I'm sure someone will quote it.

Edited by FreedomvilleAT
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I was more talking about the OP... I just can't stand to see perma-ZI brought to TE.


Oh.. that's put in there only for people who break their agreement and seek peace under false pretenses. Remember, this is put out there for those who voluntarily want to leave and not be a part of MI any longer. These are not terms for Murder Inc.

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Yeah because being seen as rude has stopped people from posting their thoughts all the time.

If he thinks someone is a cheat, then thats his opinion. Rude or not, he gets to voice it.

so you are saying i should be use insults etc because they might be my opinions without fear of a warn?

edit: you were right :P

Edited by silentkiller
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so you are saying i should be use insults etc because they might be my opinions without fear of a warn?

edit: you were right :P

Anyone has the right to say/do whatever they want. You can go ahead and try to avoid the filters on the forums, you can punch your teacher in the face, you can strip naked and run outside etc. But the reason people don't do it is because of consequences. You can do it even though you know you'll get in trouble or you can keep your mouth shut. Either way, you can do what you want.

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Every day I come in here and read all this (mostly quotes and more quotes) , followed by foolish and childish banter and yet no one seems to state the obvious. What I stated in another thread may help some decide that there is more to it than the personal insults everyone keeps throwing around. I for one would not enjoy the game as much if it turns into the same thing we now have in CN:S with NPO completely dominating, so please read... Please do not quote it, just read it...


Edited by Striker DCS
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