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I never let Murder Inc. Down <3

HisK Owns You

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John, as the hero of The Dark Knights last round, you got the whole alliance rolled, then you came to the rescue and merged to stop our fight. This round once again we will have to play the role of Mark David Chapman and kill Lennon once again. 28 years ago it happend and history is about to repeat itself.

The wise words of Bill Nye

“We The Proud - Honoring our treaties and helping out our allies through the largest of wars.

We The Strong - Fighting to ZI and raising our banner high above our heads.

We The Intelligent - Strategizing to win and attacking with efficiency.

We The Few - 104 Lordz and Penguinz, suiting up for war together against the many.

We The Bold - Showing who's right and taking a stand with our brothers.

We The Great - Seeking out the weak and replacing them with the strong minded.

We'll thrash rather than be thrashed upon.

We Are The NAAW. We Are Victorious.”

FV's war speech

Murder Inc. how do you like the war? You should so attack RE oh wait you did and filled up your slots. My bad... :rolleyes: This war was my present to you for all the fun we had last round.

:wub: Murder Inc.

HisK, That One NAAW Guy

National Alliance of Arctic Warlordz declare war on The Unrighteous Fist

Reason: You pick on the little guys. Now it's time to play with the Men. Oh and FV :blush:

/s/ He Who Shall Not Yet Be Named, Council

/s/ Bob, Council

/s/ FreedomvilleAT, Council

/s/ Bill Nye, Council

Bob's :awesome: picture


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Woah Woah Woah... You just crossed a line :( No, not by calling UW "little guys" or by declaring on TUF, the MDC part. Although declaring on MI's allies after dodging your treaty obligation with them is yet another expected classy move.

John Lennon's assassination was a really sad moment for the entire world man. I mean the Real JL of course I'm sure most of CN won't shed tears for my assassinated nation :D You can credit OJ for that accomplishment, they beat you to it. But seriously... bad form. I don't see too many people above 8th grade /o this topic with that kind of Lennon hate.

Back on subject though. Ahem, we once again see WarlordZ managing to declare war when they know it's safe. Are you really trying to brag about rolling TDK last round? Rolf. TDK had come out of decimating 3 prior alliances and was in the process of attacking another alliance when the incident with WarlordZ happened. Lol. Congrats? I mean if you really want a pat on the back and a cookie for that, stop by our IRC and we'll hook you up.

And now with this declaration, here is deja vou. I'll say one thing for you guys you have the most convenient timing in CNTE when it comes to wars. It's all good man, we are doing the same to United White, you just won't see us trying to brag about how awesome we all are for attacking when their hands are already pretty full. To each his own though.

Anyways, it should still prove to be a fun war. I love those random victories with 30% odds or those defeats that still destroy infrastructure :D

As long as our score is on the rise, like it has been every day since we created the alliance, TUF will be just fine.


Making fun of the real John Lennon and willingly playing the role of Mark David Chapman... super weak.

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I'm too lazy to take a screenshot, but just click on Display all alliances and you can see TUF has broken 11 points in alliance score. That number has 100%, absolutely, been on the rise EVERY day since the start of this round.

That pic shows a drop in NS, I can see how that could be confusing to some. However, if you look at the left side of the chart it reads "ALLIANCE STRENGTH", not alliance score :D

That is all, thank you.

EDIT: Spelling.

Edited by seixas
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I'm too lazy to take a screenshot, but just click on Display all alliances and you can see TUF has broken 11 points in alliance score. That number has 100%, absolutely, been on the rise EVERY day since the start of this round.

That pic shows a drop in NS, I can see how that could be confusing to some. However, if you look at the left side of the chart it reads "ALLIANCE STRENGTH", not alliance score :D

That is all, thank you.

EDIT: Spelling.

Right, which is why I said "You're score's gonna track with your NS". I know what I posted is strength, not score. :)

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Okay, you're right about the post, I must have missed that while reading.

This: "You're score's gonna track with your NS", I still don't get. TUF's score tracks by alliance score like everyone else. That's why it's called score.

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Okay, you're right about the post, I must have missed that while reading.

This: "You're score's gonna track with your NS", I still don't get. TUF's score tracks by alliance score like everyone else. That's why it's called score.

Basically what I mean is that as your overall alliance NS drops, you'll see that your score will start to slide with it. It doesn't track solely on overall NS (since other things affect score like # of nations, etc.), but drops in total alliance NS will cause drops in score if other factors (like increasing members) can't compensate for the NS drop.

EDIT: Oh, and if you go to this screen, you'll see that you're at 11.46 score right now (up from what's posted on the all alliances page). Let's use that as a point of reference to see if your score maybe rises for a day or two and then drops, or if it drops from this point as NAAW gets more of their DoW's going.

Edited by Arcane
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The similarities between the two events were just two convenient :) Almost 28 years to the day, your name is lennon, We were "waiting outside your apt" right after you spent all day in the recording studio (declaring war) Theres no lennon hate going on, if anything it may give the younger people here a chance to learn some history and maybe even create a new beatles fan

Dont try to make it look so bad on us, as when the War with TDK happened it was YOU guys who picked that fight, we didnt just jump on you like you say out of nowhere. But nice try. The whole war last round you were bragging about your guys and how you had more of this and more of that, and little old us came and took it away from you. You can have your alliance "score" as that seems to judge talent like the NCAA College Football BCS system does right now...

Have fun, Once you merge into NAAW POW you can be a hero again and end this war. See you dont even need to hide behind anyone to get peace this time :P

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That post won't create Beatles fans, it will create Mark David Chapman fans :( Who willing wants to assume that role, that's all I'm saying here lol.

As for our previous war, you're right I think I did start the fight. I forget the exact circumstances. It's CNTE though, come on :D I would have never been so aggressive and arrogant in CN, but that's the point of having a Tournament Round. Either way, it's definitely not something to try and pass off as impressive. At best it was convenient.

And NAAW POW? You should know that's something John Lennon would never do :D

Give PeAcE a ChAnCe :rolleyes:

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Next time before we defend ourselves we will check how many alliances youve already rolled and if it seems you just got out of a war we will back off.. Because we just sat there the whole round not warring waiting for someone to knock on our door. In fact noone in our alliance had warred previously before our fight so thats why we were so fresh and ready.


This round victory may not be impressive, but lasts round definitely was :P Plus alot of your guys said you were gonna join us this round, so our feelings got a little hurt.

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Interesting... I say you have a deal :D

Maybe you're right, but so far all we have gone is up... We'll see though as we are bound to loose NS over the next couple of days.

I noticed it bumped up to 11.54 earlier, but has since dropped a tick below our reference point down to 11.45. I think that probably has to do with the DoW's that came in between 8-9am server time.

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Taking a chance to gank an ally of MI = not good. Murder Inc will bathe in the blood of its foes. We will dance on the bones of our enemies and crush them into nothingness. When we're done with that, we'll restock on silencers and garrote wires and find some new enemies. Nevermind that anarchy % rate, ok?

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Taking a chance to gank an ally of MI = not good. Murder Inc will bathe in the blood of its foes. We will dance on the bones of our enemies and crush them into nothingness. When we're done with that, we'll restock on silencers and garrote wires and find some new enemies. Nevermind that anarchy % rate, ok?

Ahahaha yeah, I see MI right now...but instead not in the blood of it's foes. "Crushing into nothingness" ROFL. This war cracks me up.

Also. TUF: 127,763 strength

NAAW: 200,035 strength

Thanks for the boost TUF. You're such a charitable alliance.

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HISK! :blush:

So that's what happened to my second set of targets I had all pre-picked and assigned last night :P:) Good thing I always pick extras :jihad: This does cut the amount of time I figured it would take to work through the next hundred TUFs, or so, though... :awesome: I'll have to let the other couple of Rodents that we may be out of work shortly :lol:

Welcome to the fight.


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Taking a chance to gank an ally of MI = not good. Murder Inc will bathe in the blood of its foes. We will dance on the bones of our enemies and crush them into nothingness. When we're done with that, we'll restock on silencers and garrote wires and find some new enemies. Nevermind that anarchy % rate, ok?

Murder Inc will drown in a pool of its own blood. But not before TUF. :jihad: :awesome:

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HISK! :blush:

So that's what happened to my second set of targets I had all pre-picked and assigned last night :P:) Good thing I always pick extras :jihad: This does cut the amount of time I figured it would take to work through the next hundred TUFs, or so, though... :awesome: I'll have to let the other couple of Rodents that we may be out of work shortly :lol:

Welcome to the fight.


Sorry that we took your slots. :P

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