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An Unrighteously White New Year

Kaiser Indie

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Following an Unrighteously White Christmas, we decided that we should perhaps make our DoW 'Official'. So, The Unrighteous Fist hereby, in accordance with Article III of our Unrighteous Murder Treaty, declare war on United White because they are part of Judgement and attacked MI (obviously..).



(And John Lennon/Seixas, although he didn't actually sign but is somewhat in charge..)


Edited by Kaiser Indie
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Following an Unrighteously White Christmas, we decided that we should perhaps make our DoW 'Official'. So, The Unrighteous Fist hereby, in accordance with Article III of our Unrighteous Murder Treaty, declare war on United White because they are part of Judgement and attacked MI (obviously..).



(And John Lennon/Seixas, although he didn't actually sign but is somewhat in charge..)


Too bad TUF.. I liked how you started your attacks before the DOW then denied your alliance gave the orders to attack . Way to be a Murder Inc. lackey and lapdog. Now we will have to destroy you too.

Edited by Panic King
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Too bad TUF.. I liked how you started your atacks before the DOW then denied your alliance gave the orders to attack . Way to be a Murder Inc. lackey and lapdog. Now we will have to destroy you too.

Good luck with that :)

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That was us, for the lulz. :P

Also, there wasn't any lying going on - no orders had been sent asking members to attack UW then, orders where later sent asking TUF members to attack at update :)

Edited by Kaiser Indie
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Too bad TUF.. I liked how you started your atacks before the DOW then denied your alliance gave the orders to attack . Way to be a Murder Inc. lackey and lapdog. Now we will have to destroy you too.

TUF didn't declare war because we weren't at war until now. We were on RAID. We weren't aware the CNTE community would want us to announce our plans to raid UW. We will take this into concideration for future alliance wide raids :D

tl;dr This is CNTE, don't complain about no official war declarations; if you can't stand the heat, stick to CN.

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Last time I checked we passed up WarlordZ a while ago. Then you merged into NAAC and canceled your bloc treaty with MI, EPIC DODGE!!!lol. This may be CNTE, but TUF's an alliance that honor's our agreements and doesn't try to weasel out of them. WarlordZ weren't too upset with MI when they were sitting under their protection practically the whole last round and somehow you guys still managed to slip in score into mediocrity......... And We're full of FAIL? Lol.

Now the new and improved NAAW still sits still BeLOW us :D Try to do what you will to our nations, but regardless we'll still finish this round above you.

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TUF didn't declare war because we weren't at war until now. We were on RAID. We weren't aware the CNTE community would want us to announce our plans to raid UW. We will take this into concideration for future alliance wide raids :D

tl;dr This is CNTE, don't complain about no official war declarations; if you can't stand the heat, stick to CN.

speelling can be your friend John.

Just admit that your government lied about not giving the orders for attacking well before update and we could leave it at that. You can't spin everything... especially when we already saw the orders posted for attack hours before the DOW and those nations jumped the gun and did attack us. The world is not as stupid as you seem to be.

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Thanks for pointing out I mispelled ONE word lol. Consideration, better?

I guess I'll have to spell this out for you since you apparently have never heard of sarcasm and you are a fan of spelling.

W-e-l-c-o-m-e t-o C-N-T-E

It's a dog eat dog world so don't expect diplomatic formalities like DoW's to give you warning and ample time to prepare for an attack. Our nations that declared long before update were told to do so if they weren't going to be available around update, that's why some "jumped the fun" :D And no, that's not a typo.

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Thanks for pointing out I mispelled ONE word lol. Consideration, better?

I guess I'll have to spell this out for you since you apparently have never heard of sarcasm and you are a fan of spelling.

W-e-l-c-o-m-e t-o C-N-T-E

It's a dog eat dog world so don't expect diplomatic formalities like DoW's to give you warning and ample time to prepare for an attack. Our nations that declared long before update were told to do so if they weren't going to be available around update, that's why some "jumped the fun" :D And no, that's not a typo.

You double posted to tell one person that this is CN:TE and regular DOW rules don't apply so suck it up, and then to tell the next person they fail because they didn't play by the treaty rules like they should, I guess based on regular CN

And then one post later you tell people not to expect diplomatic formalities. How do you not get whiplash spinning do much?

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Last time I checked we passed up WarlordZ a while ago. Then you merged into NAAC and canceled your bloc treaty with MI, EPIC DODGE!!!lol. This may be CNTE, but TUF's an alliance that honor's our agreements and doesn't try to weasel out of them. WarlordZ weren't too upset with MI when they were sitting under their protection practically the whole last round and somehow you guys still managed to slip in score into mediocrity......... And We're full of FAIL? Lol.

Now the new and improved NAAW still sits still BeLOW us :D Try to do what you will to our nations, but regardless we'll still finish this round above you.

Those 7 members make all the difference. Oh wait, you have 50,000 NS less than us.

Someone should stop insulting those who are stronger than them.

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Who's spinning?

All I was pointing out was we honor our word and important things like treaties cause CNTE it would be ridiculous otherwise. However, I don't see the need for something as formal as a DoW when the game is geared towards war. UW could tell just fine TUF was attacking them without finding out by a created thread on the forums.

EDIT: Who is going to want to treaty up with NAAW after they dodged their last bloc treaty when things got hot? And if you do... watch your back lol.

"How do you not get whiplash spinning do much?" - This made me laugh though. The post was worth the one liner if anything.

Edited by seixas
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Last time I checked we passed up WarlordZ a while ago. Then you merged into NAAC and canceled your bloc treaty with MI, EPIC DODGE!!!lol. This may be CNTE, but TUF's an alliance that honor's our agreements and doesn't try to weasel out of them. WarlordZ weren't too upset with MI when they were sitting under their protection practically the whole last round and somehow you guys still managed to slip in score into mediocrity......... And We're full of FAIL? Lol.

Now the new and improved NAAW still sits still BeLOW us :D Try to do what you will to our nations, but regardless we'll still finish this round above you.

John last I checked, last round we were about 75% of your size and we beat you into submission, where YOU and YOUR alliance merged into Murder Inc to keep little old mediocre Warlordz couldn't attack you anymore. And before you say we sat in the shadows of Murder INC last round, why don't you talk to their leadership and see how much protection we asked from them.

Are you going to cry again this time and threaten to Destroy my alliance again ? For your sake I hope history doesn't repeat itself, don't give my itchy trigger finger a reason to slip off the safety.

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