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Requiring the assistance of a Veteran CN

Action Jackson

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Trying to figure out the best resources combo for my CNT nation.

I have Water/Spices.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe that I will be infrastructure/tech farming until I reach a certain level of Technology at which point it will be more worth it to tech raid instead of buying it myself (exactly when should this be?).

So, if this is correct, what resources should i get during the pre-tech raid period (heavy infra combo) and then during the tech raid period (full war ready including selling banks/factories for guerrilla camps)?


PS- If anyone wants to start a trade ring, or needs my resources for a ring, let me know.

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As usual, correct me if I'm wrong.

So here's what I'm thinking, try these in the calculator:

1)For max income/infracost/infraupkeep/citizens:

-Water, spices, aluminum, cattle, coal, gem, gold, lumber, pigs, silver, sugar, wheat. (beer, fast food, fine jewelry)

2)For military times/tech raid period:

-Water, spices, lead, pigs, sugar, cattle, lumber, iron, marble, alum, rubber, oil. (fast food, construction, asphalt, [minus scholars for the time being])

3) Hybrid (only if its better to just keep one straight resource set for all times):

-Water, spices, coal, oil, rubber, alum, marble, iron, lumber, lead, gold, wheat. (automobiles, asphalt, construction, steel, RC, beer, [minus scholars for the time being])

I'm probably wrong about these resources and what their uses are (if there even is any), but I would feel stupid asking this epic question without giving it a shot. I think y'all would agree! :)

I'm not sure if this will affect your resource set responses, but please keep in mind that this is referring to a brand new CNT nation.

All input is accepted and appreciated very much. Thanks again.

Edited by Action Jackson
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This is best suited to the Gameplay Discussion forums.

I don't mean to argue with you (because I'm asking a favor from the community) but even though it would probably fit a little better in Gameplay Discussion, my topic still meets the description of this subforum (refer below) and it will get more attention here.

The Open World Forum the only place for the OOC discussion of IC topics

I appreciate your efforts, however! ^_^

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I don't mean to argue with you (because I'm asking a favor from the community) but even though it would probably fit a little better in Gameplay Discussion, my topic still meets the description of this subforum (refer below) and it will get more attention here.

The Open World Forum the only place for the OOC discussion of IC topics

I appreciate your efforts, however! ^_^

Regardless, he's still right.

With your resources get Fast Food, Construction, and Beer. With Fish and Uranium/Gems/Wine for the other two slots. Easy as pie, no other discussion needed.

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As usual, correct me if I'm wrong.

So here's what I'm thinking, try these in the calculator:

1)For max income/infracost/infraupkeep/citizens:

-Water, spices, aluminum, cattle, coal, gem, gold, lumber, pigs, silver, sugar, wheat. (beer, fast food, fine jewelry)

2)For military times/tech raid period:

-Water, spices, lead, pigs, sugar, cattle, lumber, iron, marble, alum, rubber, oil. (fast food, construction, asphalt, [minus scholars for the time being])

3) Hybrid (only if its better to just keep one straight resource set for all times):

-Water, spices, coal, oil, rubber, alum, marble, iron, lumber, lead, gold, wheat. (automobiles, asphalt, construction, steel, RC, beer, [minus scholars for the time being])

I'm probably wrong about these resources and what their uses are (if there even is any), but I would feel stupid asking this epic question without giving it a shot. I think y'all would agree! :)

All input is accepted and appreciated very much. Thanks again.

Your combo #1 would be best. If you intend to purchase nukes as soon as possible it may also be worth it to get uranium early while you can so you don't have to mess with your circle later down the line. You would ideally replace gems with uranium in that case.

Also, wrong forum.

Edited by Captain Flinders
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With your resources get Fast Food, Construction, and Beer. With Fish and Uranium/Gems/Wine for the other two slots. Easy as pie, no other discussion needed.

Are you sure this is the best choice for a brand new nation? Also, i can understand why Uranium is one of the optional resources, but why is it between wine and gems? Do they produce exactly the same benifits? Would Oil or even lead be a viable option for war times instead of uranium/wine/gems? I'll be at war a lot in CNT.


Edited by Action Jackson
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It's pretty much a given that Beer-FF-Construction is the best combination (almost) no matter what the situation. It will make you money, which lets you get bigger, which gets you more military things.

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It's pretty much a given that Beer-FF-Construction is the best combination (almost) no matter what the situation. It will make you money, which lets you get bigger, which gets you more military things.

Yes, probably, but I'm asking you all to also consider the effectiveness of using resources that boost the size of your army and such. Things effective during war.

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