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United White

Panic King

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United White


United White is an alliance which has no boards, no government or assigned roles. United White does not get involved in alliance politics and we do not commit our individual rulers to defensive agreements with other alliances on this planet. Our love of this game drives us to create an alliance where each individual ruler decides how to run their own nation and who to war with. We believe in mutual defence of those in the alliance who have been attacked. However if you attack a nation and then get dogpiled by their alliance, that would be your problem. All we ask is that you be active with your nation, leave 1 offensive war slot open (to assist in mutual defence) and to check the alliance war screens for assistance to your alliance mates. Just set your AA to United White and team to White... That's all there is to it, no tests, no screening, and best of all noone to tell you what to do. (You may get a pm from me from time to time on UW Defensive targets) We were very successful last round as the 6th largest alliance. This is a true NONE alliance with the added benefit of mutual defence. HAPPY WARRING Remember the key to winning a war is COORDINATION, so use your alliance mates and COORDINATE your way to victory

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United White


United White is an alliance which has no boards, no government or assigned roles. United White does not get involved in alliance politics and we do not commit our individual rulers to defensive agreements with other alliances on this planet. Our love of this game drives us to create an alliance where each individual ruler decides how to run their own nation and who to war with. We believe in mutual defence of those in the alliance who have been attacked. However if you attack a nation and then get dogpiled by their alliance, that would be your problem. All we ask is that you be active with your nation, leave 1 offensive war slot open (to assist in mutual defence) and to check the alliance war screens for assistance to your alliance mates. Just set your AA to United White and team to White... That's all there is to it, no tests, no screening, and best of all noone to tell you what to do. (You may get a pm from me from time to time on UW Defensive targets) We were very successful last round as the 6th largest alliance. This is a true NONE alliance with the added benefit of mutual defence. HAPPY WARRING Remember the key to winning a war is COORDINATION, so use your alliance mates and COORDINATE your way to victory

i should destroy your "alliance: just for this atrocious topic.

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